Mary Reid

Mary Reid

Contact information


Educational Background

B.Sc. Honours Biology, Queen's University, 1983

M.Sc. Behavioural Ecology, Carleton University, 1986

Ph.D. Behavioural Ecology, Simon Fraser University, 1992


Areas of Research


My research primarily focuses on the strategic interactions between bark beetles and their host trees.  Habitat selection is expected to depend on the energetic and hydration states of the searching animal (e.g. Reid & Ahn 2020) and the animal's information and options.  The quality of trees, the habitat of most bark beetles, is expected to depend on how trees allocate to growth, defence and reproduction (e.g. Hutchison & Reid 2022).  The strategies of both bark beetles and trees are influenced by climate in ways that require further understanding to anticipate future dynamics of bark beetles.

I also see field courses as opportunities to conduct long-term studies that may reveal otherwise undetected patterns (e.g. Evans et al. 2022).
