Professor Martin Cropp
Professor Emeritus
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Office: +1 (403) 220-5886
Educational Background
BA Literae Humaniores, Oxford, 1965
PhD Classics, Toronto, 1976
- Two Comments on P. Oxy. 3239. Martin Cropp. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, vol. 32. 258. (1978)
- Notes on Euripides’ Herakles. Martin Cropp. The Classical Quarterly, n.s. 29. 58–61. (1979)
- Iphigeneia in Tauris 258–9. Martin Cropp. Hermes, vol. 107. 249–252. (1979)
- Euripides’ Herakleidai 603–4 and the question of the mutilation of the text. Martin Cropp. American Journal of Philology, vol. 101. 283–286. (1980)
- TI TO SOPHON? (Euripides’ Bakchai 877–891, 897–901). Martin Cropp. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, vol. 28. 39–42. (1981)
- The text of Euripides’ Herakles in P. Hibeh 179. Martin Cropp. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, vol. 48. 67–73. (1982)
- Euripides, Elektra 1013–17 and 1041–44. Martin Cropp. Liverpool Classical Monthly, vol. 7. 51–54. (1982)
- Interpolation at Orestes 268–270. Martin Cropp. Phoenix, vol. 36. 209–214. (1982)
- Euripides, Ion 247–8. Martin Cropp. The Classical Quarterly, n.s. 36. 261. (1986)
- Antigone’s final speech (Sophocles, Antigone 891–928). Martin Cropp. Greece & Rome, vol. 44. 137–160. (1997)
- Notes on Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris. Martin Cropp. Illinois Classical Studies, vol. 22. 25–41. (1997)
- Euripides, Phoenissae 1567–1578. Martin Cropp. The Classical Quarterly, n.s. 47. 589–592. (1997)
- On the date of the extant Hippolytus. Martin Cropp, Gordon Fick. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, vol. 154. 43–45. (2005)
- Reconstruction of Leukippe as a post-Euripidean tragedy. Appendix B to W. J. Slater, ‘Leukippe as Tragedy’. Martin Cropp. Philologus, vol. 153. 78–82. (2009)
- Patrocles of Athens and Patrocles of Thurii. Martin Cropp, Ian Storey. Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. 138. 50–54. (2018)
- The Tactful Chorus: Euripides, Alcestis 326–327 and Hecuba 846–849. Martin Cropp. Mouseion ser. 3.17, Suppl. 1. 43–56. (2020)
- Resolutions and Chronology in Euripides: The Fragmentary Tragedies. M. J. Cropp, G. H. Fick. London: Institute of Classical Studies, Bulletin Supplement 43. (1985)
- Greek Tragedy and its Legacy: Essays presented to D. J. Conacher. M. J. Cropp, R.E. Fantham, S.E. Scully (editors). Calgary: University of Calgary Press. (1986)
- Heracles, Electra and the Odyssey. M. J. Cropp. Greek Tragedy and its Legacy: Essays presented to D. J. Conacher (Calgary: University of Calgary Press). 187–199. (1986)
- Euripides: Electra. Introduction, Greek text, translation and commentary. M. J. Cropp. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. (1988)
- Euripides: Selected Fragmentary Plays. Introductions, Greek texts, translations and commentaries: Volume I. C. Collard, M. J. Cropp. K. H. Lee. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. (1995)
- Euripides: Iphigenia in Tauris. Introduction, Greek text, translation and commentary. M. J. Cropp. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. (2000)
- Euripides and Late 5th Century Tragic Theatre. M. J. Cropp, K. H. Lee, D. Sansone (editors). Urbana: Illinois Classical Studies 24–25. (2001)
- Hypsipyle and Athens. Martin Cropp. Poetry, Theory, Praxis: The Social Life of Myth, Word, and Image in Ancient Greece: Essays in Honour of William J. Slater (Oxford: Oxbow Books). 129–145. (2003)
- Euripides: Selected Fragmentary Plays. Introductions, Greek texts, translations and commentaries: Volume 2. C. Collard, M. J. Cropp, J. Gibert. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. (2004)
- Lost Tragedies: A Survey. Martin Cropp. Justina Gregory (ed.), A Companion to Greek Tragedy (Malden, MA and Oxford). 271–292. (2005)
- Euripides, Fragments: Aegeus–Meleager. Christopher Collard, Martin Cropp. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press (Loeb Classical Library no. 504). (2008)
- Euripides: Fragments: Oedipus–Chrysippus, Other Fragments. Christopher Collard, Martin Cropp. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press (Loeb Classical Library no. 506). (2008)
- Euripides: Electra. Introduction etc. Second edition. M. J. Cropp. Oxford: Oxbow Books. (2013)
- Minor Greek Tragedians: Volume 1: The Fifth Century. Fragments from the Tragedies with Selected Testimonia. Edited with Introductions, Translations and Notes. M. J. Cropp. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. (2019)
- Euripides or Critias, or neither? Reflections on an unresolved question. A. Lamari, F. Montanari, A. Novokhatko (eds.), Fragmentation in Ancient Greek Drama (Berlin: De Gruyter). 235–256. (2020)
- Minor Greek Tragedians: Volume 2: Fourth-Century and Hellenistic Poets. Fragments from the Tragedies with Selected Testimonia. Edited with Introductions, Translations and Notes. M. J. Cropp. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. (2021)
- Euripides: Iphigenia in Tauris. Introduction etc. Second edition. M. J. Cropp. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. (2023)
- Survey: Euripides’ Fragmentary Plays. Martin Cropp. The Literary Encyclopedia (online). (2010)
- Bibliography: Euripides’ Electra. Martin Cropp. Oxford University Press, Oxford Bibliographies online. (2017)
- Review of P. Vellacott, Ironic Drama: a study of Euripides’ method and meaning (Cambridge, 1976). Martin Cropp. Phoenix 31. 70–74. (1977)
- Review of Oliver Taplin, Greek Tragedy in Action (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1978). Martin Cropp. Phoenix 33. 360–362. (1979)
- Review of A. M. Devine and L. D. Stephens, Language and Metre: Resolution, Porson’s Bridge, and their Prosodic Basis (American Philological Association: Am. Classical Studies 12, 1984). Martin Cropp. Phoenix 41 . 63–65. (1987)
- Review of Justina Gregory, Euripides and the instruction of the Athenians (Ann Arbor, 1991). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2. 289–293 (1991.05.10). (1991)
- Review of Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics, 3rd series, 1.1 (Winter 1990). Martin Cropp, Michael Dewar, Robert Schmiel, Haijo Westra. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2. 1991.04.01. (1991)
- Review of Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics, 3rd series, 2.1 (Winter 1992). Martin Cropp, Haijo Westra. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 3. 1992.01.01. (1992)
- Review of James Diggle, The textual tradition of Euripides’ Orestes (Oxford, 1991). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 3. 442–445. (1992)
- Review of Richard Garner, From Homer to Tragedy (New Haven, 1990). Martin Cropp. Echos du monde classique: Classical Views n.s. 12 . 486–490. (1993)
- Review of Elizabeth van Nes Ditmars, Sophocles’ Antigone: Lyric Shape and Meaning (Pisa, 1992). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 5. 6–9. (1994)
- Review of Mary Kuntz, Narrative Setting and Dramatic Poetry (Leiden, 1993). Martin Cropp. Phoenix 49. 360–361. (1995)
- Review of Donald Mastronarde, Euripides: Phoenissae (Cambridge, 1994). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 6. 427–434. (1995)
- Review of Giuseppina Basta Donzelli, Euripides: Electra (Stuttgart and Leipzig, 1995). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 7. 390–396. (1996)
- Review of Mogens Herman Hansen, The Trial of Sokrates, from the Athenian Point of View (Copenhagen, 1995). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 8. 251–254. (1997)
- Review of John Gibert, Change of Mind in Greek Tragedy (Göttingen, 1995). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 8. 436–439. (1997)
- Review of Francis M. Dunn, Tragedy’s End: Closure and Innovation in Euripidean Drama (New York and Oxford, 1996). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 8. 829–833. (1997)
- Review of Graham Whitaker, A Bibliographical guide to Classical Studies, Volumes 1 and 2 (Hildesheim, 1997). Martin Cropp, Michael Cummings, David Mirhady. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1998.10.18. (1998)
- Review of Christina Rohweder, Macht und Gedeihen: eine politische Interpretation der Hiketiden des Aischylos (Frankfurt, 1998). Martin Cropp. Classical Review n.s. 52. 163–164. (2002)
- Review of F. Jouan, H. Van Looy, Euripide, Tome VIII: Fragments, 1re partie, Aigeus–Autolykos (Paris, 1998). Martin Cropp. Classical Journal 97. 290–294. (2002)
- Review of Sarah Iles Johnston, Restless Dead: Encounters between the Living and the Dead in Ancient Greece (Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, 1999). Martin Cropp. Prudentia 34. 88–91. (2002)
- Review of Claudia Preiser, Euripides: Telephos (Hildesheim, 2000). Martin Cropp. Gnomon 81. 293–296. (2003)
- Review of Elizabeth Belfiore, Murder Among Friends. Violation of Philia in Greek Tragedy (New York and Oxford, 2000). Martin Cropp. Classical Review n.s. 53. 16–17. (2003)
- Notice of Giuseppina Basta Donzelli, Euripides: Electra: editio correctior editionis prioris (Munich and Leipzig, 2002). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2003.04.22. (2003)
- Review of Adele-Teresa Cozzoli, Euripide: Cretesi (Pisa and Rome, 2001). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2003.09.30. (2003)
- Review of New Testament Greek: A Reader. Joint Association of Classical Teachers’ Greek Course (Cambridge, 2001). Martin Cropp. Mnemosyne 57. 237–238. (2004)
- Review of Donald Mastronarde, Euripides: Medea (Cambridge, 2002). Martin Cropp. Phoenix 58. 362–363. (2004)
- Review of Jenny March, Sophocles: Electra (Warminster, 2001), and Leona MacLeod, Dolos and Dikê in Sophocles’ Electra (Leiden, 2001). Martin Cropp. Mouseion 4. 202–206. (2004)
- Review of Giuseppe Morelli, Teatro attico e pittura vascolare (Hildesheim, 2001). Martin Cropp. Classical Review 55. 419–421. (2005)
- Review of F. McHardy, J. Robson, D. Harvey (eds), Lost Dramas of Classical Athens. Greek Tragic Fragments (Exeter, 2005). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2005.11.14. (2005)
- Review of Daniel Mendelsohn, Gender and the City in Euripides’ Political Plays (Oxford, 2002). Martin Cropp. International Journal for the Classical Tradition 12. 596–598. (2006)
- Review of Klaus Lange, Euripides und Homer. Untersuchungen zur Homernachwirkung in Elektra, Iphigenie im Taurerland, Helena, Orestes und Kyklops (Stuttgart, 2002). Martin Cropp. Classical Review n.s. 56. 291– 292. (2006)
- Review of Richard Kannicht, Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta: Volume 5.1–2. Euripides (Göttingen, 2004). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2006.05.23. (2006)
- Notice of Hellmut Flashar, Euripides: Elektra, Übersetzt und mit einem Nachwort (Frankfurt, 2006). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2006.10.01. (2006)
- Review of David Kovacs, Euripidea Tertia (Leidenl, 2003). Martin Cropp. Mouseion 7. 257–260. (2007)
- Review of G. Bastianini, A. Casanova (eds), Euripide e i papiri: atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 10-11 giugno 2004 (Florence, 2005). Martin Cropp. Journal of Hellenic Studies 127. 160–161. (2007)
- Review of Gary S. Meltzer, Euripides and the Poetics of Nostalgia (Cambridge, 2006). Martin Cropp. New England Classical Journal 34. 342–343. (2007)
- Review of Luigi Battezzato, Linguistica e retorica della tragedia greca (Rome, 2008). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.03.36. (2009)
- Review of M. Revermann, P. J. Wilson (eds), Performance, Iconography, Reception: Studies in honour of Oliver Taplin (Oxford, 2008). Martin Cropp. Mouseion 9. 337–344. (2009)
- Review of Maurizio Sonnino, Euripidis Erechthei quae extant (Florence, 2010). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.07.16. (2011)
- Review of H. Roisman, C. Luschnig (eds), Euripides’ Electra: A Commentary (Norman OK, 2011). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.08.28. (2011)
- Review of Lidia Di Giuseppe, Euripide: Alessandro (Lecce, 2012). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014.01.08. (2014)
- Comment on Joan Breton Connelly, The Parthenon Enigma (New York, 2014]. Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014.10.45. (2014)
- Review of Vayos J. Liapis, A Commentary on the Rhesus attributed to Euripides (Oxford, 2012). Martin Cropp. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 143. 155–161. (2015)
- Review of Ioanna Karamanou, Euripides, Alexandros: Introduction, Text and Commentary (Berlin, 2017). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.09.56. (2018)
- Review of V. Liapis, A. Petrides (eds), Greek Tragedy After the Fifth Century: a Survey from ca. 400 BC to ca. AD 400 (Cambridge, 2019). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.09.57. (2019)
- Review of Smaro Nikolaidou-Arampatzi, Euripides’ Ino: commentary, reconstruction, text, and translation (Washington D.C., 2022). Martin Cropp. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2023.02.07. (2023)
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