Martin Cropp photo

Professor Martin Cropp


Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-5886


Educational Background

BA Literae Humaniores, Oxford, 1965

PhD Classics, Toronto, 1976


  • Resolutions and Chronology in Euripides: The Fragmentary Tragedies. M. J. Cropp, G. H. Fick. London: Institute of Classical Studies, Bulletin Supplement 43. (1985)
  • Greek Tragedy and its Legacy: Essays presented to D. J. Conacher. M. J. Cropp, R.E. Fantham, S.E. Scully (editors). Calgary: University of Calgary Press. (1986)
  • Heracles, Electra and the Odyssey. M. J. Cropp. Greek Tragedy and its Legacy: Essays presented to D. J. Conacher (Calgary: University of Calgary Press). 187–199. (1986)
  • Euripides: Electra. Introduction, Greek text, translation and commentary. M. J. Cropp. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. (1988)
  • Euripides: Selected Fragmentary Plays. Introductions, Greek texts, translations and commentaries: Volume I. C. Collard, M. J. Cropp. K. H. Lee. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. (1995)
  • Euripides: Iphigenia in Tauris. Introduction, Greek text, translation and commentary. M. J. Cropp. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. (2000)
  • Euripides and Late 5th Century Tragic Theatre. M. J. Cropp, K. H. Lee, D. Sansone (editors). Urbana: Illinois Classical Studies 24–25. (2001)
  • Hypsipyle and Athens. Martin Cropp. Poetry, Theory, Praxis: The Social Life of Myth, Word, and Image in Ancient Greece: Essays in Honour of William J. Slater (Oxford: Oxbow Books). 129–145. (2003)
  • Euripides: Selected Fragmentary Plays. Introductions, Greek texts, translations and commentaries: Volume 2. C. Collard, M. J. Cropp, J. Gibert. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. (2004)
  • Lost Tragedies: A Survey. Martin Cropp. Justina Gregory (ed.), A Companion to Greek Tragedy (Malden, MA and Oxford). 271–292. (2005)
  • Euripides, Fragments: Aegeus–Meleager. Christopher Collard, Martin Cropp. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press (Loeb Classical Library no. 504). (2008)
  • Euripides: Fragments: Oedipus–Chrysippus, Other Fragments. Christopher Collard, Martin Cropp. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press (Loeb Classical Library no. 506). (2008)
  • Euripides: Electra. Introduction etc. Second edition. M. J. Cropp. Oxford: Oxbow Books. (2013)
  • Minor Greek Tragedians: Volume 1: The Fifth Century. Fragments from the Tragedies with Selected Testimonia. Edited with Introductions, Translations and Notes. M. J. Cropp. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. (2019)
  • Euripides or Critias, or neither? Reflections on an unresolved question. A. Lamari, F. Montanari, A. Novokhatko (eds.), Fragmentation in Ancient Greek Drama (Berlin: De Gruyter). 235–256. (2020)
  • Minor Greek Tragedians: Volume 2: Fourth-Century and Hellenistic Poets. Fragments from the Tragedies with Selected Testimonia. Edited with Introductions, Translations and Notes. M. J. Cropp. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. (2021)
  • Euripides: Iphigenia in Tauris. Introduction etc. Second edition. M. J. Cropp. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. (2023)