Marco Musiani
Adjunct Professor
Contact information
Educational Background
Doctor of Philosophy Applied Animal Ecology, University of Calgary, 2003
Laurea Biological Sciences, Universita Degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza', 1994
Laurea Magistrale Ecology, Università degli Studi di Siena, 1997
NSERC PDF Animal Ecology, Universita Degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza', 2005
I am a Professor in the Dept. of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science. I also have a Joint Appointment with the Department of Ecosystem and Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Calgary, and I am Faculty Affiliate with the University of Montana, U.S..
Areas of Research
My lab has a strong focus on landscape ecology, molecular ecology, and wildlife conservation. We demonstrated how highly vagile organisms such as caribou, elk and wolves are ideal study species to recognize Evolutionarily Significant Units, which should also become management and conservation units. As the effects of topographic barriers on reproductive isolation are limited in these species, other influences on differentiation can be studied, including a suite of traits that may be of adaptive value. With some students I also focused on human dimensions in wildlife management issues. With other students again, I studied wildlife movements and their reaction to people using multi-agent models.
Course number | Course title | Semester |
BIOL 451 | Conservation Biology | Winter 2023 |
- National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Discovery Grants Program Holder (5 years, Individual), 2011
- National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), co-Principal Investigator on Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) Grant, 2008
- National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), co-Principal Investigator on Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) Grant (5 years), 2008
- National Science Foundation (NSF, U.S.), co-Principal Investigator on Envgenomics of Polar Organisms Grant, 2007
- National Science Foundation (NSF, U.S.), co-Principal Investigator on Envgenomics of Polar Organisms Grant (3 years), 2007
- Fellow of the University of Calgary Latin American Research Centre, . 2005
- PostDoc, University of Rome, Italy. 2005
- NSERC PDF (Postdoctoral), 2003
- Honorary Killam Memorial Scholarship, 2001
- Italian National Research Council Study Abroad Scholarship, BioMed, 2001
- Italian National Research Council Study Abroad Scholarship, Molecular Biology, 2001
- Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship, 2001
- Northern Science Training Program, 2001
- Northern Supplement, NSERC, 2001
- NSERC PGS B (Doctoral), 2001
- C/BAR Research Grant Award, 2000
- Challenge Grants in Biodiversity, 2000
- Italian National Research Council Study Abroad Scholarship, 2000
- University of Rome Study Abroad Scholarship, BioMed, 1999
- Duke University Scholarship and Assistantship, 1998
- Government of Canada Award, 1998
- Government of Poland Award, 1995
- Genomics, environment and balancing selection in behaviorally bimodal populations: the caribou case. Weckworth*; Heppenheimer; Mariani; Serrouya; Steenweg; vonHoldt; Hegel; Goubili*; Cavedon*; Marco Musiani; Hebblewhite; Hervieux. (2019)
- Functional Response of Wolves to Human Development across Boreal Ecosystems. Arienti; Marco Musiani; Paquet; Fryxell; Noa Latham; Neilson; Patterson; Scurrah; Fortin; Merrill; McLoughlin; Johnson; Hebblewhite; Muhly*; Schmiegelow. (2019)
- The density of anthropogenic features explains seasonal and behaviour-based functional responses in selection of linear features by a social predator. Finnegan; Schmiegelow Stenhouse; Cranston Neufeld; Musiani Hebblewhite; MacNearney Pigeon. (2019)
- Natural regeneration on seismic lines influences movement behaviour of wolves and grizzly bears. Hebblewhite Cranston; Duval Schmiegelow; Pigeon Finnegan; Stenhouse; Neufeld Musiani. (2018)
- Does climate change and plant phenology research neglect the arctic tundra?. Diepstraten*; Marco Musiani; Jessen*; Fauvelle. (2018)
- Space–time clusters for early detection of grizzly bear predation. Kermish-Wells*; Udell Trevor Larsen; Marco Musiani; Massolo. (2018)
- Lines on a map: conservation units, meta-population dynamics and recovery of woodland caribou in Canada. Hebblewhite; Weckworth*; Marco Musiani; Mariani. (2018)
- High prevalence of prion protein genotype associated with resistance to chronic wasting disease in one Alberta woodland caribou population. Musiani Cheng; Cavedon*, Gilch. (2017)
- Environmental and anthropogenic drivers of connectivity patterns: a basis for prioritizing conservation efforts for threatened populations. Nickel; Paul Galpern; Hebblewhite; Weckworth*; Gubili*; Mariani; McDevitt*; Marco Musiani. (2017)
- Targeted capture and resequencing of 1040 genes reveal environmentally driven functional variation in gray wolves. R M Schweizer; R E Green; J Novembre; M Galverni; R Harrigan; R K Wayne; Marco Musiani; P Silva; Jason Robinson. (2016)
- Wolf hunting and prey behaviors in the real world (book review). Marco Musiani. (2016)
- Dispersal ecology informs design oflarge-scale wildlife corridors. Dormann, C.; S. Ciuti*; S. M.; G. D.; R. Benz. (2016)
- Genetic subdivision and candidate genes under selection in North American gray wolves. D Coltman; J Novembre; B M vonHoldt; R Harrigan; R M Schweizer; Knowles J.C; Marco Musiani; R K Wayne. (2016)
- Better Alone or in Ill Company? The Effect of Migration and Inter-Species Comingling on Fascioloides magna Infection in Elk. Massolo A; Hutchins W; Kutz S; Orsel K; Musiani M; Lejeune M; Pruvot M. (2016)
- Heavily hunted wolves have higher stress and reproductive steroids than wolves with lower hunting pressure. H M Bryan; Smits JEG; Marco Musiani; L Koren; Katherine E Wynne-Edwards; P C Paquet. Wiley Online Library. (2015)
- Salient values, social trust, and attitudes toward wolf management in south-western Alberta, Canada. J J Vaske; A J Bath; Marco Musiani; C Sponarski*. Cambridge Univ Press. (2014)
- Pathogens at the livestock-wildlife interface in Western Alberta: does transmission route matter?. Marco Musiani; van der; Karsina Orsel; M Pruvot; Herman W Barkema; Susan Kutz. Springer. (2014)
- Linking habitat selection and predation risk to spatial variation in survival. M Hebblewhite; N J DeCesare; M Bradley; D Hervieux; L Neufeld; Marco Musiani. Wiley Online Library. (2014)
- What attracts elk onto cattle pasture? Implications for inter-species disease transmission. Karsina Orsel; D Seidel; A Massolo; Melissa S Boyce; Susan Kutz; Marco Musiani; M Pruvot. Elsevier. (2014)
- Habitat selection during ungulate dispersal and exploratory movement at broad and fine scale with implications for conservation management. D Paton; Marco Musiani; Melissa S Boyce; H Thurfjell; J Killeen; S Ciuti*. BioMed Central Ltd. (2014)
- Identifying non-independent anthropogenic risks using a behavioral individual-based model. D J Marceau; M Hebblewhite; Semeniuk* CAD; S Grindal; Marco Musiani; D A Birkigt. Elsevier. (2014)
- Dominant effects of humans on big game food webs. Marco Musiani; Melissa S Boyce; Muhly* TB. (2013)
- Humans strengthen bottom-up effects and weaken trophic cascades in a terrestrial food web. J A Pitt; Melissa S Boyce; D Paton; Muhly* TB; M Hebblewhite; Marco Musiani. (2013)
- Resource separation analysis with moose indicates threats to caribou in human altered landscapes. N DeCesare; Marco Musiani; W Peters; M Hebblewhite; F Cagnacci. Wiley Online Library. (2013)
- Heterogeneity among rural resident attitudes toward wolves. C Semeniuk*; Marco Musiani; J A Glikman; A J Bath; Sponarski* CC. Taylor & Francis. (2013)
- Preferred habitat and effective population size drive landscape genetic patterns in an endangered species. M Hebblewhite; N J DeCesare; Marco Musiani; McDevitt* AD; S Mariani; Weckworth* BV. The Royal Society. (2013)
- Genetic diversity in caribou linked to past and future climate change. N Lecomte; K Mager; L Bernatchez; G Yannic; Deirdre Alaine A Jenkins; K J Hundertmark; L Pellissier; Marco Musiani; K H Roed; T Sipko; J Ortego; C Dussault; S Couturier; C Cuyler; R J Irvine; Susanne D Cote; L Kolpashikov; Weckworth* BV; K L Parker; GP Skarphéðinn; A Guisan. (2013)
- Evaluating risk effects of industrial features on woodland caribou habitat selection in west central Alberta using agent-based modelling. Semeniuk* CAD; S Grindal; M Hebblewhite; Marco Musiani; D J Marceau. Elsevier. (2012)
- Transcending scale dependence in identifying habitat with resource selection functions. J Whittington; Greg John J McDermid; L Neufeld; M Hebblewhite; K G Smith; F Schmiegelow; Marco Musiani; L E Morgantini; N J DeCesare; M Bradley; D Hervieux; M Wheatley. Eco Soc America. (2012)
- The effect of fire on spatial separation between wolves and caribou. N J DeCesare; Robinson* HS; M Bradley; Marco Musiani; J Whittington; L Neufeld; M Hebblewhite. (2012)
- Vehicle traffic shapes grizzly bear behaviour on a multiple-use landscape. Muhly* TB; J Pitt; Marco Musiani; Melissa S Boyce; G B Stenhouse; J M Northrup. Wiley Online Library. (2012)
- Dispersal in a plain landscape: short-distance genetic differentiation in southwestern Manitoba wolves, Canada. Marco Musiani; A V Stronen; G Goulet; T Sallows; G J Forbes; P C Paquet. Springer. (2012)
- Effects of humans on behaviour of wildlife exceed those of natural predators in a landscape of fear. Marco Musiani; J A Pitt; J M Northrup; Muhly* TB; S Simi; S Ciuti*; Melissa S Boyce. (2012)
- Incorporating behavioral--ecological strategies in pattern-oriented modeling of caribou habitat use in a highly industrialized landscape. Marco Musiani; S Grindal; Semeniuk* CAD; D J Marceau; M Hebblewhite. Elsevier. (2012)
- Human selection of elk behavioural traits in a landscape of fear. Marco Musiani; Muhly* TB; McDevitt* AD; S Ciuti*; Melissa S Boyce; D G Paton. The Royal Society. (2012)
- Reconstruction of caribou evolutionary history in Western North America and its implications for conservation. S Mariani; McDevitt* AD; M Hebblewhite; Marco Musiani; Weckworth* BV. Wiley Online Library. (2012)
- Human activity helps prey win the predator-prey space race. A Massolo; C Semeniuk*; L Hickman; Muhly* TB; Marco Musiani. Public Library of Science. (2011)
- The role of translocation in recovery of woodland caribou populations. H Robinson*; M Hebblewhite; J Whittington; N J Decesare; M Bradley; L Neufeld; Marco Musiani. Wiley Online Library. (2011)
- Human activity differentially redistributes large mammals in the Canadian Rockies National Parks. J Coleshill*; Rogala* JK; M Hebblewhite; Christopher A White; J Whittington; Marco Musiani. (2011)
- A genome-wide perspective on the evolutionary history of enigmatic wolf-like canids. B Jedrzejewska; B M vonHoldt; M Pilot; R Kays; R K Wayne; V Sidorovich; J P Pollinger; W Jedrzejewski; E Randi; D A Earl; J C Knowles; A R Boyko; C Greco; H Parker; J Novembre; C D Bustamante; E Geffen; Marco Musiani; E A Ostrander. Cold Spring Harbor Lab. (2011)
- Caribou encounters with wolves increase near roads and trails: a time-to-event approach. M Hebblewhite; J Whittington; M Bradley; J Wilmshurst; Marco Musiani; N J DeCesare; L Neufeld. Wiley Online Library. (2011)
- Genome-wide SNP and haplotype analyses reveal a rich history underlying dog domestication. Dianne S Mosher; E Han; B M Vonholdt; T C Spady; C Greco; Marco Musiani; E Geffen; M Pilot; A Wilton; P Quignon; J C Knowles; D Bannasch; E Randi; A Auton; J P Pollinger; W Huang; K E Lohmueller; H G Parker; Z L Ding; J Shearman; R K Wayne; W Jedrzejewski; Z Qian; E A Ostrander; A Reynolds; C D Bustamante; P G Jones; A Brisbin; J Novembre; M Cargill; A Elkahloun; K Bryc; D A Earl; A R Boyko; Y P Zhang; J D Degenhardt. Nature Publishing Group. (2010)
- Differential risk effects of wolves on wild versus domestic prey have consequences for conservation. M Hebblewhite; M Alexander; R Creasey; J A Pitt; Marco Musiani; Muhly* TB; D Paton; Melissa S Boyce. Wiley Online Library. (2010)
- Endangered, apparently: the role of apparent competition in endangered species conservation. Robinson* HS; M Hebblewhite; N J DeCesare; Marco Musiani. Wiley Online Library. (2010)
- Restoration of genetic connectivity among Northern Rockies wolf populations. Lindsay S Mills; Marco Musiani; M Hebblewhite. Wiley Online Library. (2010)
- Revisiting extinction in national parks: mountain caribou in Banff. Marco Musiani; M Hebblewhite; Christopher White. Wiley Online Library. (2010)
- Effects of wolves on elk and cattle behaviors: implications for livestock production and wolf conservation. J A Pitt; M Alexander; Marco Musiani; Muhly* TB; I Laporte*. Public Library of Science. (2010)
- How humans shape wolf behavior in Banff and Kootenay National Parks, Canada. Greg John J McDermid; D J Marceau; M Hebblewhite; Marco Musiani; S M Anwar. Elsevier. (2010)
- Wolf body mass, skull morphology, and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in the Riding Mountain National Park region of Manitoba, Canada. A V Stronen; G J Forbes; G Goulet; P C Paquet; Marco Musiani; T Sallows. NRC Research Press. (2010)
- Wolf ecology and management in Northern Canada: perspectives from a snowmobile wolf hunt. P C Paquet; H D Cluff; Marco Musiani; L R Walton. (2010)
- Molecular and evolutionary history of melanism in North American gray wolves. S I Candille; Smith DW; D R Stahler; C Greco; Todd M Anderson; Marco Musiani. American Association for the Advancement of Science. (2009)
- Survival in the Rockies of an endangered hybrid swarm from diverged caribou (Rangifer tarandus) lineages. N J Decesare; L Morgantini; S Mariani; McDevitt* AD; Weckworth* BV; Marco Musiani; M Hebblewhite; D Seip. Wiley Online Library. (2009)
- Response—How the Gray Wolf Got Its Color. Todd M Anderson; G S Barsh; S I Candille; Marco Musiani; Stahler DR; B M Vonholdt. American Association for the Advancement of Science. (2009)
- Livestock depredation by wolves and the ranching economy in the Northwestern US. Marco Musiani; Muhly* TB. Elsevier. (2009)
- Livestock Production in Wolf Country: A Guide to Nonlethal Tools, Techniques and Strategies.. S Breck; J Pissot; G Schrader; R Coppinger; C Miller; Marco Musiani; S Stone*; T Gehring; R Williamson; C Neimeyer. (2008)
- Speed and actual distance traveled by radio collared wolves inBialowieza Primeval Forest (Poland).. Marco Musiani; H Okarma; W Jedrzejewski. (2008)
- Differentiation of tundra/taiga and boreal coniferous forest wolves: genetics, coat colour and association with migratory caribou. Marco Musiani; S Mariani; C C Gates; R K Wayne; P C Paquet; H Cluff; C Villa; J A Leonard. Wiley Online Library. (2007)
- Domesticazione edevoluzione dei cani: dati genetici, archeozoologici e ruolo del DNA antico. V Coia; A Tagliacozzo; De Grossi; C Capelli; M Falchetti; L Ottini; R Mariani-Costantini; R Palmirotta; F Verginelli; Marco Musiani. (2006)
- Seasonality and reoccurrence of depredation and wolf control in western North America. C Smith; C Cormack; E Martin; C Gates; Marco Musiani; T Muhly*; Tosoni. BioOne. (2005)
- The practices of wolf persecution, protection, and restoration in Canada and the United States. Marco Musiani; P C Paquet. Oxford University Press. (2004)
- Bringing Insight into Livestock Depredation by Wolves in Southwestern Alberta, Canada. T Muhly*; E Tosoni; C C Gates; Marco Musiani; C Mamo; C Callaghan; Shelley Alexander. (2004)
- Wolf depredation trends and the use of fladry barriers to protect livestock in western North America. M Cormack; Marco Musiani; G Volpi; L Boitani; C Mamo; C Callaghan; S Breck; E Visalberghi; C Gates. Wiley Online Library. (2003)
- Prey selection and predation by wolves in Bialowieza Primeval Forest,Poland.. W Jedrzejewski; B Jedrzejewska; H Okarma; K Zub; K Schmidt; Marco Musiani. (2000)
- Effectiveness of fladry on wolves in captivity. E Visalberghi; Marco Musiani. JSTOR. (2001)
- Wolves' avoidance of flag barriers and management implications. Marco Musiani; E Visalberghi. Univ Federation Animal Welfare Old School, Brewhouse Hill. (2000)
- Preventing wolf predation on livestock with light-mobile barriers. Marco Musiani. (2000)
- The theory and practice of interdisciplinary teams in environmental design. M. Musiani. University of Calgary. (1999)
- Lymphocyte proliferative response in brown bears: cytokine role and glucocorticoid effect. P Musiani; L Gentile; A Modesti; M Valentini; Marco Musiani. Wiley Online Library. (1998)
- Territori e dieta invernale del lupo nella Foresta di Bialowieza (Polonia). [Territories and winter diet of the wolf in the Bialowieza Forest (Poland).]. Marco Musiani. (1997)
- White cells in the blood of Apennine brown bears: an ultrastructural study. H U Roth; L Gentile; P Musiani; M Valentini; Marco Musiani. The Oxford University Press. (1996)
- Integrating livestock management and telemetry data to quantify interactions between wildlife and livestock. Marco Musiani; S Kutz; K Orsel; M Boyce; M Pruvot*. (2019)
- Challenge on the Tundra. Richard P.; Allison C. Thiel; Marianne Strozewski; H D Cluff; Marco Musiani. International Wolf Center, MN, US. 59-67. (2013)
- Predicting livestock depredation by wolves in southwestern Alberta: implications for wolf management in agricultural areas. C C Gates; Marco Musiani; T Muhly*; C Callaghan. University of Calgary Press. 242-273. (2010)
- Research Projects Highlight Unique Mechanisms and Some Common Patterns in Wolf Ecology and Management.. L Boitani; Boitani Musiani; Paquet; Marco Musiani; P C Paquet. University of Calgary Press. 20-Jan. (2010)
- A Wolf in Dog's Clothing. Marco Musiani. Papadakis Publisher. 159. (2009)
- Newly recovering wolf populations produce new trends in human attitudes and policy.. P C Paquet; L Boitani; Paquet; Marco Musiani; Boitani Musiani. University of Calgary Press. 1. (2009)
- Recovery, conservation, conflicts and legal status of wolves in western North America. M. Musiani; A. Delach; T. Muhly*; M. Smith; C. C. Gates; C. Callaghan; E.; Tosoni; N. Fascione; S. Stone; M. Smith. 51-75. (2004)
- The avoidance of virtual barriers by wolves in captivity.. R. Field; H. Okarma; R. J. Warren; M. Musiani; P. R. Sievert; E Visalberghi. The Wildlife Society, Inc. Bethesda. (2001)
- The World of Wolves: new perspectives on ecology, behaviour and management.. Luigi Boitani; Marco Musiani; Paul C. University of Calgary Press. (2010)
- A New Era for Wolves and People: Wolf Recovery, Human Attitudes and Policy.. Luigi Boitani; Marco Musiani; Paul C Paquet Editors. University of Calgary Press. (2009)
- A portable DNA Testing Device for the real-time detection of wildlife for non-experts. N Schmitt; C Filipe; Y lI; M Musiani. International Congress for Conservation Biology. (2019)
- Classifying caribou migratory behaviour to identify and preserve intraspecies biodiversity. Cavedon* Theoret*; Marco Musiani. ACTWS · CSTWS 2019 CONFERENCE. (2019)
- Ecological genomics and conservation of caribou in Alberta and western North America. Hebblewhite Mariani; vonHoldt Cavedon*; Marco Musiani; Schwantje. ACTWS · CSTWS 2019 CONFERENCE. (2019)
- Spatial separation during the caribou rut as a mechanism of reproductive isolation. Cavedon*; J Theoret*; L Horne*; M Musiani. ACTWS · CSTWS 2019 CONFERENCE. (2019)
- The breed effect on Emultilocularis and E canadensisinfections in urban dogs: the pooled prevalence may be misleading?. Lamont* Smith; Santa* Musiani; Klein; Sylvia Checkley; Visscher Rock; Towes* Massolo. ICOPA 14th International congress of parastiology. (2019)
- Behavioural And Genomic Variation Within And Between Caribou Populations. Adamczewski; Hegel; Theoret*; vonHoldt; Marco Musiani; Steenweg; Cavedon*; Schwantje. North American Congress for Conservation Biology. (2019)
- Classifying caribou migratory behaviour as part of an interdisciplinary approach to identify and preserve intraspecies biodiversity. Jan, Adamczewski; Helen Schwantje; Theoret*, Jessica; Cavedon*, Maria; Bridgett vonHoldt; Marco Musiani; Troy Hegel; Robin Steenweg. 17th North American Caribou Workshop (NACW). (2019)
- The impacts of human footprint on caribou populations may depend on migratory behaviour. Musiani; Schwantje; Hegel; Theoret*; Cavedon*; vonHoldt; Steenweg. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Managing Health of Fish and Wildlife Conference. (2019)
- Ecological genomics: a new interdisciplinary tool for the management and conservation of caribou in western North America. Musiani; Hervieux; Cavedon*; Mariani; vonHoldt; Hegel. 17th North American Caribou Workshop (NACW). (2019)
- Cameras, Dna And Collaboration: Tools To Understand Wolverine Population Persistence In Large Multi-use Landscapes. Barrueto*; Clevenger; Musiani. North American Congress for Conservation Biology. (2019)
- The density of anthropogenic features explains seasonal and behaviour-based functional responses in selection of linear features by a social predator. Finnegan; Schmiegelow Stenhouse; Cranston Neufeld; MacNearney Pigeon; Musiani Hebblewhite. 17th North American Caribou Workshop (NACW). (2019)
- Ecological and genomic variation of caribou in West-Central Alberta and BC. Marco Musiani. 2018 Ecological Issues Forum. (2018)
- Functional Response of Wolves to Human Development across Boreal Canada. Evelyn Merrill; Cheryl-Ann Johnson; Brent Patterson; Daniel Fortin; Eric Neilson; Fiona Scurrah; Muhly*, Tyler; Paul Paquet; John Fryxell; Mark Hebblewhite; Marco Musiani; M Latham; Andrew Latham; Philip McLoughlin; Fiona Schmiegelow. International Wolf Symposium 2018. (2018)
- Factors Influencing the Distribution and Abundance of Grizzly Bears Inhabiting the Barrenlands;Distribution and Phenology in Sub-Arctic Vegetation. Marco Musiani. Slave Geological Province Wildlife Monitoring Workshop, Gov of the Northwest Territories. (2018)
- Evaluating Genomic Diversity for Caribou in Alberta to Allow for Effective Biodiversity Monitoring,Augmentation and Conservation (phase 2). Marco Musiani. Ecological Issues Forum -PTAC. (2019)
- Evidence for environmentally driven functional variation in gray wolves. R Harrigan; M Galaverni; P Silva; J Novembre; RK. Wayne; R M Schweizer; Jason Robinson; Marco Musiani; R E Green. (2016)
- Assessing Availability of Vegetation for Grizzly Bear Conservation andResearch in the Canadian Subarctic. M. Musiani; Greg John McDermid; T Jessen*; Paul Galpern; R Diepstraten*. (2016)
- Spatiotemporal features of tundra ecosystems influencing the abundance ofgrizzly bears inhabiting the barren-grounds of the Canadian Central Arctic. Greg John McDermid; Jessen*; Massolo; Marco Musiani; Diepstraten*. (2016)
- Stable Isotopic Analysis to test the effects of development andpredation on Caribou decline.. Marco Musiani; C.M. Dubesky*. (2016)
- Towards caribou habitat recovery: Considering natural regenerationand resource selection by grizzly bears, wolves, and caribou to prioritize restoration of legacy seismic lines.. Marco Musiani; M Hebblewhite; L Finnegan; D Hervieux; F Schmiegelow; L Neufeld; G. Stenhouse; K Pigeon; J Cranston; D MacNearney. (2016)
- Ecological genomics and conservation of caribou in western North America. Mariani; Marco Musiani; Cavedon*; Gubili*; Heppenheimer; vonHoldt. (2016)
- Spatiotemporal features of tundra ecosystems influencing the abundanceof grizzly bears inhabiting the barren-grounds of the Canadian Central Arctic.. Diepstraten*; Marco Musiani; Massolo; Greg John McDermid; Jessen*. (2016)
- Classifying Land Covers in the Central Arctic for Species of Concern.. M. Musiani; Paul Galpern; R Diepstraten*; T Jessen*; Greg John McDermid. (2015)
- Ecological and genetic traits of threatened caribou: Conservation planning from theindividual to the metapopulation. Marco Musiani. (2015)
- Spatiotemporal features of tundra ecosystems influencing the abundance ofgrizzly bears inhabiting the barren-grounds of the Canadian Central Arctic. Diepstraten*; Greg John McDermid; Massolo; Marco Musiani; Jessen*. (2015)
- Variation of caribou from the individual to the metapopulation: reconciling managementand evolutionary units. M. Musiani. (2015)
- Bear predation simplified: Using just frequent location downloads and space-time. Stenhouse, Gordon; Marco Musiani; Joseph Kermish-Wells*. (2015)
- Temporal Features of Tundra Ecosystems Best Predict the Density ofBarren-Ground Grizzly Bears.. Massolo; Greg John McDermid; Jessen*; Marco Musiani; Diepstraten*. (2014)
- Bear foraging behaviour simplified: an approach using space-time statistics. J Kermish-Wells*; Paul Galpern; G B Stenhouse; A Massolo; M. Musiani; T Larsen. (2014)
- Generating scale-integrated predictions from multi scale resource selection functions: an example with woodland caribou in Alberta. M Hebblewhite; N J DeCesare; M. Musiani. (2014)
- Access Management Really Works. J Northrup; Melissa S Boyce; S Ciuti*; M. Musiani; D Seidel. (2014)
- When species do mingle; so do disease?. Susan Kutz; Herman Barkema; De Buck J; Karsina Orsel; M Pruvot; A. Massolo; Marco Musiani. (2014)
- Testosterone Reveals Sex Differences In Wildlife Behavioural Strategies. S Ciuti*; L Koren; Melissa S Boyce; M. Musiani; Katherine E Wynne-Edwards. (2014)
- What attracts elk onto beef cattle pasture: a distribution modelling approach to wildlife-livestock contact structure. Pruvot M.; Marco Musiani; K. Orsel. (2014)
- The Role of Predation in Woodland Caribou Declines. M. Musiani. (2013)
- Hormonal patterns reflect social instability in a heavily hunted wolf population. Marco Musiani; Katherine E Wynne-Edwards; Smits JEG.; H M Bryan; L Koren. (2013)
- Trade-offs between predation risk and food quality re-distribute elk across a road network: not all roads are equal. Marco Musiani; S Ciuti*; J E Banfield; MS Boyce; T B Muhly. (2013)
- Space-time Scan Approach to Identifying Grizzly Bear Behavior. Stenhouse, Gordon; Joseph Kermish-Wells*; Marco Musiani. (2013)
- Managing human influences on contemporary evolution & decline of caribou. M. Musiani. (2013)
- Managing Elk Population Decline in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada. M. Bradley; Marco Musiani; C Arnison*; L Neufeld; J Wilmshurst. (2013)
- Resource Selection, Predation Risk, and Population Dynamics of Woodland Caribou in West-Central Alberta. J Whittington; L Neufeld; N J DeCesare; M Bradley; M Hebblewhite; M. Musiani. (2013)
- Linking habitat selection and predation risk to spatial variation in fitness for woodland caribou. M Bradley; M Hebblewhite; M. Musiani; N J DeCesare; D Hervieux. (2013)
- Responding to the Woodland Caribou Recovery Strategy. M. Musiani. (2012)
- Wolf ecology and ecosystem management findings from the books: ‘The World of Wolves’ and ‘A New Era for Wolves and People’. M. Musiani. (2012)
- Forecasting the impact of land-use changes on Albertan woodland caribou using a behavior-based,spatially explicit scenario-planning model. D Birkigt; DJ Marceau; Marco Musiani; M Hebblewhite; Semeniuk* CAD; Greg John McDermid; S Grindal. (2012)
- Mycobacterium avium subsp.paratuberculosis (MAP) and Neospora caninum: Risk of transmission between cattle and elk in Southwestern Alberta Foothills.. K. Orsel; Marco Musiani; Susan Kutz; M Pruvot; Herman W Barkema; De Buck J. (2012)
- Eco-epidemiology of Fascioloides magna at theinterface between cattle and elk. M Lejeune; Marco Musiani; K. Orsel; M Pruvot; Susan Kutz. (2012)
- Epidemiological methodology for fecal collections from freeranging elk in southwestern Alberta. Karsina Orsel; Marco Musiani; M. Pruvot; Susan Kutz. (2012)
- Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis at the interface between free-ranging elk and beef cattle in Southwestern Alberta. M Pruvot; K. Orsel; Marco Musiani; De Buck J; T Forde; Susan Kutz; Herman Barkema. (2012)
- Eco-epidemiology of Fascioloides magna in elk of the Canadian Rockies in a wildlife-livestock system.. Marco Musiani; K. Orsel; M Pruvot; Susan Kutz; M Lejeune. (2012)
- Simulation of forestry and upstream oil/gas development in the Little Smoky region of Alberta using Cellular Automata. D. Marceau; M Hebblewhite; S Grindal; D Birkigt; C Semeniuk*; Marco Musiani; Greg John McDermid. (2012)
- Geospatial intelligence in the analysis of complex ecological issues. Marco Musiani; M Hebblewhite; S Grindal; D Birkigt; C Semeniuk*; D. Marceau; Greg John McDermid. (2012)
- A scenario-planning model to forecast the impact of different degrees of land-use intensification on Albertan woodlandcaribou. D. Marceau; M Hebblewhite; S Semeniuk*; D Birkigt; Marco Musiani; S Grindal. (2012)
- Recent findings in the Musiani/Hebblewhite labs: resource selection, and predation risk.. B Weckworth*; N J DeCesare; M. Musiani; M Hebblewhite. (2012)
- Moving towards scenario planning to understand caribou. S Grindal; Marco Musiani; D Birkigt; D. Marceau; C Semeniuk*; M Hebblewhite. (2012)
- The dynamics of giant liver fluke, Fascioloidesmagna, at the wildlife-livestock interface.. Marco Musiani; A Massolo; K. Orsel; Susan Kutz; M Pruvot. (2011)
- Disease transmission at the livestock-wildlife interface: Neospora caninum and Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in beef cattle and elk.. Susan Kutz; Marco Musiani; M Pruvot; De Buck J; Herman Barkema; A Massolo; K. Orsel. (2011)
- Re-evaluating patterns of caribou classification in western North America: implications for conservation intraspecies diversity. Marco Musiani; Weckworth* BV; S. Mariani; M Hebblewhite; McDevitt* AD. (2011)
- Transcending scale-dependence in identifying habitat for endangered species.. M. Musiani; M Bradley; J Whittington; L Neufeld; M Wheatley; M Hebblewhite; F Schmiegelow; Greg John McDermid; N J DeCesare; L G Morgantini; D Hervieux; K G Smith. (2011)
- Wolf skull morphology and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in the Riding Mountain National Parkregion of Manitoba, Canada. P C Paquet; G Goulet; G J Forbes; FJ Lapointe; Marco Musiani; T Sallows; N Tessier; A V Stronen; H Jolicoeur. (2011)
- Ecological differentiation in highly mobile mammals such as wolves and caribou, but not elk.. McDevitt* AD; Marco Musiani; D Cluff; S Mariani; R. Wayne; Weckworth* BV. (2011)
- Evaluating risk effects of industrial features on caribou. C Semeniuk*; Marco Musiani; M Hebblewhite; D Birkigt; D. Marceau; S Grindal. (2011)
- Evaluating risk effects of industrial features on woodland caribou habitat selection in west-central Alberta using agent-based modeling.. M Hebblewhite; Marco Musiani; D. Marceau; S Grindal; Semeniuk* CAD. (2011)
- Caribou genetic diversity in western North America: implications for hunting and conservation planning.. Marco Musiani; M Hebblewhite; S. Mariani; Weckworth* BV; McDevitt* AD. (2011)
- An agent-based model of woodland caribou habitat selection in west central Alberta: A behavioral and ecological approach.. Semeniuk* CAD; Marco Musiani; S Grindal; M Hebblewhite; D J Marceau. (2011)
- Evolutionary dynamics of caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in western North America: a molecular review of taxonomy, ecotypes and populations. A McDevitt*; M Hebblewhite; S Mariani; M. Musiani; B Weckworth*. (2011)
- Should tundra/woodland caribou hybrid populations of the Rockies be given special consideration?. B Weckworth*; M. Musiani; S Mariani; A McDevitt*; M Hebblewhite. (2011)
- Human activity on roads and trails help prey win the predator-prey space race.. A Massollo; C Semeniuk*; Hickman; T Muhly*; M. Musiani. (2011)
- Caribou translocations to Banff and Jasper: prioritizing populations for recovery.. DeCesare NJ Whittington; Hebblewhite M Neufeld; H, Bradley Robinson*; M., Musiani. (2011)
- Caribou Translocations: Are Conditions Right for Success? A case study in Banff National Park.. Hebblewhite M Neufeld; M., Musiani; H, Bradley Robinson*; DeCesare NJ Whittington. (2010)
- Wolf skull morphology and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in the Riding Mountain National Parkregion of Manitoba.. P C Paquet; Marco Musiani; G Goulet; T Sallows; H Jolicoeur; G J Forbes; FJ Lapointe; A V Stronen; N Tessier. (2011)
- Should we conserve tundra/woodland caribou hybrids too?. M. Musiani. (2010)
- Changing attitudinal rural landscape: A case study study of values and attitudes toward wolves and wolf management. C Sponarski*; M. Musiani; A J Bath. (2010)
- Conservation of grizzly bears using access management.. Marco Musiani; MS Boyce; J N Northrup; J Pitt; G B Stenhouse; T Muhly*. (2010)
- Cascading effects of humans, through wolves, on a terrestrial ecosystem.. M Hebblewhite; M Alexander; Melissa S Boyce; J A Pitt; D Paton; M. Musiani; Muhly* TB; R Creasey. (2010)
- Population Viability Analysis of Translocation-Assisted Woodland Caribou Recovery. H, Bradley Robinson*; M., Musiani; DeCesare NJ Whittington; Hebblewhite M Neufeld. (2010)
- Understanding social trust, salient values and public attitudes toward wolves and wolf management in southwestern Alberta, Canada.. C Sponarski*; A Bath; M. Musiani. (2010)
- Grey wolf population genomics: SNP arrays in the wild.. D Coltman; J Novembre; J Pollinger; B vonHoldt; Marco Musiani; J C Knowles; RK Wayne. (2010)
- Ecosystem engineering by humans at three tropic levels.. M. Musiani; Muhly* TB. (2010)
- The effects of traffic on grizzly bear selection of roaded habitats.. MS Boyce; T Muhly*; J N Northrup; Marco Musiani; G B Stenhouse; J Pitt. (2010)
- Evaluating the translocation of southernmountain woodland caribou to restore small populations.. Hurley; J Polfus; M Hebblewhite; M Greene; C Miller; L Goldberg; M Bradley; J Cleveland; N J DeCesare; L Neufeld; H Robinson*; J Whittington; W Peters; M. Musiani. (2010)
- Cascading effects of humans, through wolves, in a multiple land use ecosystem. M. Musiani; Muhly* TB. (2009)
- A New Era for Wolves and People: Wolf Recovery, Human Attitudes and Photos of Wild Wolves.. M. Musiani. (2009)
- Understanding social trust, salient values and public attitudes toward wolves and wolf management in southwestern Alberta, Canada.. C Sponarski*; A Bath; M. Musiani. (2009)
- Husbandry practices and livestock vulnerability influence depredation by wolves in southwest Alberta.. C C Gates; Muhly* TB; M. Musiani. (2009)
- An agent-based model to investigate the impact of increased levels of human presence on wolf behavior in Banff and Kootenay National Parks, Canada.. Greg John McDermid; S M Anwar; M Hebblewhite; Marco Musiani; D. Marceau. (2009)
- Wolf Genetics in the Riding Mountain Ecosystem.. M. Musiani; P C Paquet; G Forbes; A Stronen. (2009)
- The demographic consequences of partial migration among woodland caribou in fragmented landscapes. M. Musiani; N J DeCesare; B Weckworth*; M Hebblewhite; K G Smith. (2009)
- Mixing it up after the Ice Age: Post-Pleistocene genetic and behavioral dynamics of partiallymigratory caribou in the Canadian Rockies.. M Hebblewhite; L Morgantini; Weckworth* BV; M. Musiani; S Mariani; A McDevitt*; N J DeCesare; D Seip. (2009)
- How do human activities shape wolf’s behavior inthe Central Rocky Mountains region, Alberta, Canada. Marco Musiani; D. Marceau; Greg John McDermid; S M Anwar. (2009)
- Survival of a unique and sensitive type of caribou in the Canadian Rockies.. McDevitt* AD; L Morgantini; M Hebblewhite; D Seip; S Mariani; N J DeCesare; M. Musiani; Weckworth* BV. (2009)
- The challenge of woodland caribou conservation in the Canadian Rockies: are more parks the answer?. M. Musiani. (2008)
- Y2Y Peace-Breaks steering committee: The Challenge of Woodland Caribou Conservation in the Canadian Rockies. M. Musiani; M Hebblewhite. (2008)
- Heavy wolf harvesting results in sociological andgenetic degradation.. M Hebblewhite; M. Musiani; Weckworth* BV. (2008)
- A Unique and Sensitive Type of Caribou in the Rockies. M Hebblewhite; Marco Musiani. (2008)
- An agent-based model (ABM) to simulate the impact of human activities on wolf behaviour.. Greg John McDermid; S M Anwar; D. Marceau; Marco Musiani. (2008)
- Modeling relationships between fire, caribou, wolves,elk and moose to aid prescribed fire and caribou recovery in the Canadian rocky mountain nationalparks.. M. Musiani; Robinson* HS; M Hebblewhite. (2008)
- Impact of hikers on wildlife species in Banff National Park. Massolo A.. (2008)
- Modeling relationships between fire, caribou, wolves,elk and moose to aid prescribed fire and caribou recovery in the Canadian Rocky Mountain NationalParks.. M. Musiani; Robinson* HS; M Hebblewhite. (2008)
- A new challenge for caribou (Rangifer tarandus) management in the Canadian Rockies: reconcilingpresent–day demographics with Quaternary evolutionary history.. McDevitt* AD; M Hebblewhite; D Seip; M. Musiani; S Mariani; Weckworth* BV; N J DeCesare; L Morgantini. (2008)
- Costs of wolves’ visits on cattle and elk. Melissa Boyce; M. Musiani; C Sponarski*; T Muhly*; I Laporte*; R Creasey. (2008)
- Bear, Wolf, Elk and Human Use at Valley Bottoms in Banff National Park. C Coleshill*; M. Musiani. (2007)
- Wildlife Behaviour in Two Areas with Different Human Use in the Canadian Rocky Mountains National Parks.. J Rogala*; M. Musiani. (2007)
- Husbandry practices reduce wolf depredation risk in southwestern Alberta.. C C Gates; T Muhly*; M. Musiani. (2007)
- Spatial/temporal patterns of human use and carnivore movements.. M. Musiani; J Rogala*; C Coleshill. (2007)
- Wolf Genetic Relationships, Dispersal and Disease inthe Riding Mountain Ecosystem. P C Paquet; G Forbes; M. Musiani; A Stronen. (2006)
- Wildlife Responses to Human Activity.. J Rogala*; M. Musiani. (2006)
- Lethal control and its limitations.. M. Musiani. (2006)
- Fencing (fladry, turbo-fladry, electric fencing,predator deterrent fencing).. S Breck; R. Williamson; Marco Musiani; T Gehring. (2006)
- Reoccurrence of depredation and wolf controlas wolves return to the West.. T Muhly*; S A Stone; E. Tosoni; C C Gates; Marco Musiani. (2005)
- Seasonality and Recurrence of Depredation and Wolf Control in Western North America.. M. Musiani. (2006)
- Rethinking wolf differentiation based on concordant genetic, morphological and behavioral traits.. P C Paquet; H D Cluff; C Vila’; C C Gates; Marco Musiani; RK Wayne; S Mariani; J A Leonard. (2005)
- The Nature of the Beast: Wolf Conflicts and Conservation in the Northern Rockies.. N Fascione; S A Stone; P Sneed; G Schrader; M. Musiani; A Weiss. (2004)
- Evolutionary units, management units and hunting of wolves associated with migratory caribou or residentprey.. C C Gates; C Vila’; P C Paquet; H D Cluff; RK Wayne; J A Leonard; S Mariani; Marco Musiani. (2004)
- Temporal predictability of wolf predation on livestock and wolf control in western North America.. Marco Musiani; T Muhly*; E. Tosoni; C C Gates; C Callaghan; M Smith. (2004)
- Modeling risk of livestock to depredation by wolves in southwestern Alberta. C Callaghan; T Muhly*; C C Gates; Shelley Alexander; C Mamo; M. Musiani. (2004)
- Modeling livestock depredations by wolves in SW Alberta.. C Mamo; M. Musiani; C Callaghan; C C Gates; T Muhly*; Shelley Alexander. (2004)
- Predicting risk of livestock depredation by wolves in southwestern Alberta.. C C Gates; Shelley Alexander; C Callaghan; C Mamo; M. Musiani; T Muhly*. (2003)
- Commercial hunt and predator control? The case of Rennie lake area wolf kill.. M. Musiani; H D Cluff; P C Paquet. (2003)
- Maintaining differentiation without geographic isolation in the North American gray wolf. C C Gates; P C Paquet; H D Cluff; S Mariani; RK Wayne; A Gunn; J A Leonard; C Vila’; Marco Musiani. (2003)
- Temporal predictability of wolf predation on livestock and wolf control in western North America.. Marco Musiani; E. Tosoni; C C Gates; C Callaghan; M Smith; T Muhly*. (2004)
- Working With Ranchers to Reduce Conflicts WithWolves.. C Mamo; C Callaghan; Marco Musiani; M. Going. (2002)
- Anti-wolf barriers to manage captive and wild wolves and protect livestock. C Mamo; G Volpi*; L Boitani; E Visalberghi; M. Musiani; C Callaghan; L Mattei. (2002)
- Hunting, migration and sinks/sources among Northern Canadian wolf populations. C C Gates; P J Wilson; P C Paquet; BN White; H D Cluff; L R Walton; Marco Musiani. (2001)
- Hunting, migration and sinks/sources among Northern Canadian wolf populations. P C Paquet; C C Gates; L R Walton; H D Cluff; BN White; P J Wilson; Marco Musiani. (2001)
- Concentrated harvest, migration and genetics of Northern Canadian wolf populations: A preliminary analysis.. Marco Musiani; C C Gates; BN White; H D Cluff; P J Wilson; P C Paquet. (2001)
- Concentrated harvest, migration and genetics of Northern Canadian wolf populations: A preliminary analysis.. H D Cluff; Marco Musiani; P J Wilson; P C Paquet; BN White; C C Gates. (2001)
- Light barriers to protect livestock from wolf depredation. Marco Musiani; C Callaghan; P C Paquet; E. Visalberghi; T Kaminski; L Boitani. (2000)
- Could flag barriers be employed to protect livestockfrom wolves?. E Visalberghi; Marco Musiani; L Boitani; PC Paquet. (2000)
- The avoidance of virtual barriers by wolves in captivity. E Visalberghi; L. Boitani; Marco Musiani. (1999)
- Peripheral blood white cells and immunoreaction inthe Brown Bear Ursus arctos. P. Musiani; L Gentile; Marco Musiani; M Valentini. (1998)
- Home range e selezione operata dal luposulle specie di ungulati selvatici nella Foresta di Bialowieza. [Home ranges and ungulate prey selection by wolves in the Bialowieza Forest.].. W Jedrzejewski; H Okarma; K. Schmidt; Marco Musiani. (1996)
- Captive wolves' avoidance of flag barriers and management implications.. Marco Musiani; L. Boitani; E Visalberghi. (2000)
- Cellule Bianche del sangue e reattività immunitarianell'Orso Bruno Marsicano. [Peripheral Blood White Cells and Immunoreaction in the Marsican BrownBear.].. P. Musiani; L Gentile; M Valentini; Marco Musiani. (1994)
- Ecological Genomics And Conservation Of Caribou In Western North America. Marco Musiani; M Cavedon*. North American Congress for Conservation Biology. (2018)
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- "Do humans shape ecosystems?" Interview conducted following publication of a paper with a breakthrough methodological achievement of our lab. Voice of America, radio with an audience of 130 million people. (2013)
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