Man-Wai Chu

Dr. Man-Wai Chu

Contact information

Phone number

Office: 403.220.6294


Office: EDT814


Educational Background

Doctor of Philosophy , University of Alberta, 2017

M.Ed. Education, University of Alberta, 2009

Bach of Education Secondary Education and Teaching; Science [major] and Mathematics [minor], University of Alberta, 2005

BSc Mathematics [major] and Physical Sciences [minor], University of Alberta, 2005


Man-Wai Chu taught high school science and mathematics with the Calgary Catholic School District for several years before continuing with her studies in graduate school. She attended the University of Alberta for all her post-secondary degrees. Her bachelor degrees are in science and education, while her graduate degrees focused on secondary science curriculum and educational assessment. Man-Wai joined the Werklund School of Education in 2015 and is currently an Assistant Professor in the Learning Sciences program. She teaches both graduate and undergraduate classes in research methods, learning theories, and educational assessment.

Professional & Community Affiliations

Man-Wai Chu is on the review board of Alberta Journal of Educational Research and Research in Science Education. She is the President of the Canadian Educational Researchers’ Association (CERA), which is a constituent of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). Man-Wai is also a member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME), and CSSE.


Areas of Research

Scholarly Activity

Man-Wai Chu’s research focuses on using innovative assessments, such as interactive digital environments, to measure students’ performance-based skills in the classroom and on standardized tests. An extension of her research with these assessments has led her to studying students’ development of mental models and their associations with affective variables that enhance assessment performance; this research is guided by the Learning Errors and Formative Feedback (LEAFF) model. Man-Wai approaches her research using a variety of quantitative methods such as such as repeated measures design, Hierarchical Linear Modeling, Structural Equation Modeling, and Bayesian Network Modeling.

  • Educational assessment
  • Science education
  • Educational technology
  • Quantitative research methods
  • Applied statistical methods
  • Educational and psychological measurement


  1. Measuring Cross-Curricular Competencies using Digitally Simulated Science Laboratories (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) - $74,675
  2. Preservice Teachers’ Conceptualizations of Disability and Inclusion ( University of Calgary Taylor Institute Teaching and Learning Grants) - $31, 061
  3. Mutualistic Course Delivery Formats: Evaluation of Resources Designed for Online and Face-to-Face Courses (Werklund School of Education, Office of Teaching and Learning) - $6, 500


  • Teaching Award for Full-time Academic Staff, University of Calgary. 2020
  • Werklund School of Education Teaching Excellence Award, Werklund School of Education . 2019
  • Education Students’ Association Teaching Award , Werklund School of Education - Education Students' Association.
  • Development Grant, Werklund School of Education. 2017
  • Best Paper Award, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in Education Conference. 2016
