Lyndsay Campbell

Dr. Lyndsay Campbell

Pronouns: she/her



Faculty of Law

Contact information

Phone number

Office: 403.220.8889


Office: MFH4370B
Office: SS650

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Educational Background

Ph.D. Jurisprudence and Social Policy, Univ. of Calif. - Berkeley, 2008

Master of Law(s) University of British Columbia, 1999

J.D. University of British Columbia, 1995

M.A. English Literature, University of Toronto, 1991

B.A. English Literature, University of British Columbia, 1990


Lyndsay grew up in Calgary but spent most of her post-secondary educational career on the west coast, in British Columbia and California. She practised briefly with McCarthy Tétrault in Vancouver and independently, in connection with the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal. She clerked for justices L.G. Finch and J.D. Lambert at the British Columbia Court of Appeal.

Lyndsay is cross-appointed between the Faculty of Law and the Department of History in the Faculty of Arts, where she teaches courses in Canadian and American history and also in the undergraduate Law and Society program. In Law, she has tended to teach courses on Canadian legal history and on legal theory and methodology. 

Lyndsay is a non-practising member of the British Columbia Bar.

Lyndsay is a former president of the Canadian Law and Society Association and a long-time, active member of the American Society for Legal History.

Research Activities

Lyndsay's research interests include Canadian and American legal history, the regulation of expression, the interaction between extralegal and legal regulatory strategies, comparisons between Canadian and American approaches to law, and nineteenth-century Canadian constitutionalism.

Lyndsay’s monograph, Truth and Privilege: Libel Law in Massachusetts and Nova Scotia, 1820-1840, was published by Cambridge University Press in early 2022 and is the first ever joint imprint of the Osgoode Society for Canadian History and the American Society for Legal History’s Studies in Legal History series. Canada’s Legal Pasts: Looking Forward, Looking Back, a collection Lyndsay co-edited with Ted McCoy and Mélanie Méthot, was published in May 2020 with the University of Calgary Press and is available in open access format. Several years ago, Lyndsay collaborated with Professor Tony Freyer of the University of Alabama on a co-authored and co-edited collection that explored law’s relation to race in the U.S.-Canadian borderlands in the mid-nineteenth century. Lyndsay is currently working with Shaunnagh Dorsett of the University of Technology Sydney on an edited collection exploring the operation of law within and among empires. 

Articles on aspects of Canadian constitutional history have appeared in the Law & History Review and the International Journal of the Legal Profession, and an essay on libel law and the professionalization of medicine in Alberta was published in law&history. Articles related to libel law and to the treatment of race in Canadian law have appeared in the Canadian Journal of Law and Society, the Dalhousie Law Journal, and the Queen's Law Journal. An essay on the 1917 War-Time Elections Act and Canada's "Union" government's strategic disenfranchisement of women and soldiers appears is volume 12 of the Essays in the History of Canadian Law series, edited by Joan Sangster and Lori Chambers. An article on the first “abolition riot” appears in the New England Quarterly. Lyndsay is currently exploring parliamentary privilege and its position in Canadian constitutional history and is also working on a libel case brought by R.B. Bennett in Calgary in 1916. 

Lyndsay particularly welcomes inquiries from those interested in pursuing graduate studies in Canadian, British and American legal history.


Areas of Research

Legal History, The regulation of expression, The interaction between extralegal and legal approaches to regulation, Comparisons between Canadian and American approaches to law, Constitutionalism and regulation


Course number Course title Semester
HTST 593 Canadian Censorship Winter 2024


Lyndsay Campbell and Shaunnagh Dorsett, eds., Legal Histories of Empire: Navigating Legalities (Abingdon, UK: 2025).

This collection brings together an international group of scholars in order to provide new insights into the diversity of imperial legalities.

Across empires, legalities were produced not just – or even – through the imperial imposition of laws and legal forms, but through local processes of negotiation and contestation. Far from the metropoles, local actors found ways to creatively navigate and subvert imperial frameworks and laws and to create space in which to shape new legalities, responsive to local circumstance and need. Covering topics as diverse as smuggling in eighteenth century Jersey, the criminalisation of female market women in World War II-era southern Nigeria, and whiteness and race in ‘sexual perversion’ cases in twentieth-century Malaya, the collection elaborates new legal histories of empire. Drawing from Britain, Ireland, Australia, Canada, the USA, India, Sri Lanka, Africa and Malaysia, the collection brings together chapters that examine the stories of the peoples of empires and shows how they constituted, experienced, navigated and subverted the legal complexities of living under empire.

This book will be of interest to scholars and researchers in law and history, but also to those with relevant interests in post-colonial and cultural studies, as well as in criminology and sociology.


  • Fellow, Constitutional Law and History Program, Institute for Legal Research, University of California, Berkeley. 2008
  • William Nelson Cromwell Fellowship in Legal History, 2007
  • Dean's Normative Time Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley. 2004
  • Regents Intern Fellowship, 2001
  • Osgoode Society Legal History Prize, 1998
  • SSHRC doctoral fellowship, 1997


  • "The 'Abolition Riot' Redux: Voices, Processes". Lyndsay Campbell. 94(1) New England Quarterly. 7-46. (2021)
  • “An Elusive Remedy: A Calgary Chiropodist Complains of Libel, 1916". Lyndsay Campbell and Heidi Exner. 6(1) law&history. 115-142. (2019)
  • "S.G.W. Archibald and Liberal Constitutionalism in Nova Scotia, 1820-40". Lyndsay Campbell. 24(1) International Journal of the Legal Profession. 39-45. (2017)
  • “Law and Order: Recent Works on Canadian Legal History”. Lyndsay Campbell. 44(2) Acadiensis. 149-160. (2015)
  • "Race, Upper Canadian Constitutionalism and 'British Justice'". Lyndsay Campbell. 33(1) Law and History Review. 41-91. (2015)
  • "'The Disorderly Conduct of a Few': Crime and Hamilton's Racial Geography in the Early 1850s". Lyndsay Campbell. 28(3) Canadian Journal of Law & Society. 369-386. (2012)
  • “Race and the Criminal Justice System in Canada West: Burglary and Murder in Hamilton, 1852-53”. Lyndsay Campbell. 37(2) Queen’s Law Journal. 477-522. (2012)
  • "Licence to Publish: Joseph Howe's Contribution to Libel Law in Nova Scotia". Lyndsay Campbell. 29(1) Dalhousie Law Journal. 79-116. (2006)
  • "A Slub in the Cloth: R. v. St. Clair and the Pursuit of a 'Clean Theatre' in Toronto, 1912-1913". Lyndsay Campbell. 15(1) Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 187-220. (2000)
  • "The War-time Elections Act (1917) and the History of Canadian Women’s Suffrage". Lyndsay Campbell. In Joan Sangster and Lori Chambers, eds., Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Vol. XII: New Perspectives on Gender and the Law (Toronto: University of Toronto Press for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, 2023). 213-43. (2023)
  • Truth and Privilege: Libel Law in Massachusetts and Nova Scotia, 1820-1840. Lyndsay Campbell. Cambridge University Press for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History and the Studies in Legal History series of the American Society for Legal History (forthcoming). (2022)
  • Canada’s Legal Past: Looking Forward, Looking Back. Lyndsay Campbell; Ted McCoy; Melanie Methot. University of Calgary Press. (2020)
  • Truth and Privilege: Libel Treatises and the Transmission of Legal Norms in the Early Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American World. Lyndsay Campbell. In Angela Fernandez and Markus Dubber, eds., Law Books in Action: Essays on the Anglo-American Legal Treatise. 165-180. (2012)
  • Freedom’s Conditions in the U.S.-Canadian Borderlands in the Age of Emancipation. Tony Freyer; Lyndsay Campbell. Carolina Academic Press. (2011)
  • "Starkie's Adventures in North America: The Emergence of Libel Law". Lyndsay Campbell . In Hamar Foster, Benjamin L. Berger, and A. R. Buck, eds., The Grand Experiment: Law & Legal Culture in British Settler Societies. 196-207. (2008)
  • Legislatures on the Edge of Empire: Beaumont v. Barrett and Kielley v. Carson. Annual meeting of the Law and Society Association. (2022)
  • Constituting a Colonial Crisis: Newfoundland in the 1830s. Legal Histories of Empires Conference . (2022)
  • "Lost Instructions, Borrowed Precedents, and Other Difficulties: Knowing Constitutional Law in the Northern British Atlantic Colonies in the Early 19th Century". Lyndsay Campbell . Annual meeting of the Law and Society Association. (2020)
  • "Privilege and Punishment: Stockdale v. Hansard at Home and Abroad". Lyndsay Campbell . British Legal History conference. (2019)
  • "The War-Time Elections Act (1917) and the History of Women's Suffrage. Lyndsay Campbell . Annual meeting of the Canadian Historical Association. (2019)
  • "Disfranchisement, Women and War: The War-Time Elections Act (1917)". Lyndsay Campbell. Annual meeting of the Canadian Law and Society Association. (2019)
  • Coverture in the Archives: The Strange Cases of Sarepta Hix, Charlotte Hunt and Alice Holbrook". Lyndsay Campbell. Family and Justice in the Archives conference (Concordia University). (2019)
  • “Political Scandals of World War I: An Alberta View.”. Lyndsay Campbell. Midwinter meeting of the Canadian Law and Society Association. (2019)
  • “An Uncertain Remedy: A Calgary Chiropodist Complains of Libel, 1916". Lyndsay Campbell and Heidi Exner. Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand annual conference. (2018)
  • “Politics and Procedure: The Libel Trials of D. Algar Bailey, 1916-18". Lyndsay Campbell and Heidi Exner. Australia New Zealand Law and History Society annual conference. (2018)
  • “Lessons from the Rock: Kielley v Carson and the Canadian History of Parliamentary Privilege". Lyndsay Campbell. Legal History and Empires: Perspectives from the Colonized conference. (2018)
  • “Courts, Assemblies and Privilege: Individual Rights in the Colonies in the Early Nineteenth Century". Lyndsay Campbell. Technologies of Justice conference. (2018)
  • “The Jurisdiction of Colonial Legislatures and the Great (Forgotten) Case of Stockdale v. Hansard". Lyndsay Campbell. Canada’s Legal Past: Future Directions in Canadian Legal History conference. (2017)
  • “The Transmission of Constitutional Law: Stockdale v. Hansard in the Colonies". Lyndsay Campbell. Joint annual meetings of the Canadian Law and Society Association and the Law and Society Association. (2017)