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Luminita Enache



Associate Professor

Haskayne School of Business, Accounting [ACCT]

Future Fund Fellow

Haskayne School of Business

Editorial Board Member

Contemporary Accounting Research

Editorial Board Member (43408) Accounting Horizons

~ Other ~

Editorial Board Member (43408) Pacific Accounting Review

~ Other ~

SSHRC Adjudication member for 2021-2022; 2022-2023; 2023-2024


Visiting Professor (33968) Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

~ Other ~

Contact information

Phone number

Office: 403-220-8027


Office: SH224

For media enquiries, contact

Lauren Steeves
Senior Marketing and Communications Strategist

Phone: (403) 220-6153



Educational Background

Bachelor of Arts Finance and Banking (best Erasmus student of the year 2007), University of Perugia, Italy, 2007

Bachelor of Arts Finance and Banking (10/10), Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania, 2008

Bachelor of Science Nursing (9.33/10), Grigore Ghica-Voda College, Romania, 2008

Doctor of Philosophy Economics and Management - Accounting concentration, University of Padova, Italy, 2012

Public Policy and Leadership Credential Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University, 2021


Luminita Enache is an Associate Professor (with tenure) and a Future Fund Fellow. She joined the Haskayne School of Business in July 2018 as an Assistant Professor of Accounting. Her research interests lies at the intersection of accounting and finance, with a focus on empirical research that is closely guided by economic theory. Luminita is broadly focused on firms' information environment in capital markets, on the role intangibles plays in shaping the new economy firms, corporate governance and more recently on the health economics.

 Prior to joining Haskayne School of Business, Professor Enache worked at Tuck School of Business and for the Master of Health Care Delivery Science Program at Dartmouth College. Luminita held visiting positions at the MIT, at the University of Michigan and at Columbia Business School in New York. Moreover, she has been a Lecturer of Accounting in New Zealand, at Victoria University of Wellington.

Professor Enache received her PhD in Economics and Management (with a concentration in Accounting) from the University of Padua (Italy) after spending part of her research period as a Visiting Ph.D. Scholar at the University of Michigan (U.S). Her dissertation won the European Institute for Advanced Studies (EIASM) Best Junior Contribution to the Development of Intangibles and Intellectual Capital Theory and Practice. Dr Enache also earned a B.A. in Finance and Banking and a B.S. in Nursing. Prior to joining academia, Luminita has worked as a Credit Analyst and as a Junior Relationship Manager for Raiffeisen Bank Romania.

Professor Enache research has been published in leading academic journals such as Management Science, Contemporary Accounting Research, Accounting Horizons, European Accounting Review, Harvard Business Review (15 publications), California Management Review (3 publications),  Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (4 publications), Management and Business Review, Australian Accounting Review and has coauthored several papers at different stages of review at top-tier finance and accounting journals.

 Professor Enache’s research has been presented at various seminars such as MIT (USA), Harvard Business School (USA), Dartmouth College (USA), London School of Economics (UK), University of Michigan (USA), UTS Accounting Conference (Australia), Temple University (USA), Bocconi University (Italy), ESSEC Business School (France), Paris-Dauphine University (France), University of Bristol (UK), Warwick Business School (UK), BI Norwegian School of Business (Norway), Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy), Massey University (New Zealand), University of Padua (Italy), University of Calgary (Canada), University Jaume I (Spain), University of Valencia (Spain), Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), University of Leeds (UK), Saint Mary's University (Canada). 

 Professor Enache the recipient of the 2021- 2026 Future Fund Fellow, 2022 Dean's Scholar Award, 2022 AFAANZ Best Paper Award (Technology), , 2021 EIASM Intangibles Best Paper Award, 2020 Dean's Award for Innovative Research,  2020 AAA FARS Outstanding Discussion Award, 2019 Best Paper Award of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Interdisciplinary Workshop on “Intangibles & Intellectual Capital”, of the 2018-2019 CPA EF Teaching Excellence Award, the 2019-2021 Social Sciences and Humanites Research Council (SSHRC) co-investigator grant, 2019-2021, 2022-2024 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant, Principal Investigator, the 2013 Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Research Grant (AFAANZ) and Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) Research Establishment Grant.

 Professor Enache is an active member of the American Accounting Association, European Accounting Association and Australian and New Zealand Accounting and Finance Association, speaking regularly at the annual meetings.

 She has been an invited participant at 2023-2022 University of Cambridge Accounting Research Camp, Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Governance (New Zealand), at Kellogg Accounting Conference (Northwestern University), PCAOB/JAR Accounting Conference (USA), Dartmouth Accounting Conference (USA), and Indian School of Business (India), University of Alberta Accounting Research Conference (Canada), Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting (CFEA), 2023-2018 Contemporary Accounting Research Journal Conference, 2019 Tel-Aviv Accounting Conference; 2022, 2020 RAST Journal Conference; 2021, 2020 European Accounting Conference (EAR); 2020 Journal of Law, Finance and Accounting(JLFA);  2021 University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Australian Summer Accounting Conference, a panelist at the 2024 and 2019 JIAR doctoral consortium  (Journal of International Accounting Research), a keynote speaker at the 2013 Summer Ethics Conference (Venice, Italy), 

 Professor Enache teaching areas include financial accounting and financial statement analysis. She is a proactive teacher who fosters critical thinking and facilitates the acquisition of life-long learning skills to help students function effectively in an information economy. Her enthusiasm to teach translates to their enthusiasm to learn. During her time at Dartmouth College, she has co-taught finance essentials aimed at senior executives in health care services. At Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand she taught advanced financial accounting and financial statement analysis, both elective courses.

 In addition to her academia work, she is also a Registered Professional Nurse in Italy and Romania, and a Certified Public Accountant in Australia. Luminita speaks Italian, French, German, English and Romanian.


Peer–Reviewed Academic Journals

  1. L. Enache, Z. Huang, R. Moldovan, and A. Srivastava. 2024. Labor costs of implementing new accounting standards. Accounting Horizons, forth. 
  2.  L. Enache, P. Griffin and Rucsandra Moldovan. 2023. Clarification or Confusion: a Textual Analysis of ASC 842 Lease Transition Disclosures. European Accounting Review, forth. 

    Duke University has featured the article in the FinReg Blog of the Duke Financial Economics Center at Duke Law School. Link:

    This work was supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. 

  3.  L. Enache and A. Srivastava. 2018. Should Intangible Investments Be Reported Separately or Commingled with Operating Expenses? Management Science 64 (7), pp. 3446–3468.
  4. L. Enache, E. Riedl and L. Li. 2022. The Disclosure of Good versus Bad News: Evidence from the Biotech Industry. Contemporary Accounting Research, 39(3): 1689-1725.

    Received the 2019 Best Paper Award at the EIASM – European Intangible Conference

    Presented at the 2020 Contemporary Accounting Research Conference

  5. H. De la Bruslerie and L. Enache. 2023. The dynamics of leverage of newly controlled target firms: evidence after an acquisition. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 61(2):  411–445.
  6.  L. Enache, H. Fogel-Yaari, and H. Li. 2022. Textual Disclosure and Managerial Myopia: Signaling Innovation to Reduce the Pressure to Meet Short-Term Goals,  Accounting and Finance, forth.
  7.  D. Aobdia, S. Srivastava and L. Enache. 2021. Is the Auditing Industry Becoming a Tighter or Looser Oligopoly? Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 56(2), pp. 715-754.

8.  L. Enache, A. Parbonetti and A. Srivastava. 2020. Are All Independent Directors Created Equal with Respect to Firm Disclosure Policy? Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 55, pp. 541–577.

9. L. Enache and K. Hussainey. 2020. The Substitutive Relation between Voluntary Disclosure and Corporate Governance in Their Effect on Firm Performance. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 54, pp. 413–445.

10. L. Enache and E.-G. Meca. 2019. Board Composition and Accounting Conservatism: The Role of Business Experts, Support Specialists, and Community Influentials. Australian Accounting Review 29 (1), pp. 252–265.

11. L. Enache and J.B. Kim. 2019. Managers’ pay duration and disclosure of firm proprietary information. Pacific Accounting Review 32(1), pp. 96−23.


Top Academic-Practitioner Journals at the intersection of scholarship and practice


  1. V. Govindarajan, S. Rajgopal, A. Srivastava and L. Enache. 2018. Why We Shouldn’t Worry about the Declining Number of Public Companies. Harvard Business Review (August 27).
  2. V. Govindarajan, S. Rajgopal, A. Srivastava and L. Enache. 2018. Should Everyone Be Allowed to Invest in Private Tech Companies? Harvard Business Review (October 15).
  3. V. Govindarajan, S. Rajgopal, A. Srivastava and L. Enache. 2018. Should Dual-Class Shares Be Banned? Harvard Business Review (December 3).
  4. V. Govindarajan, S. Rajgopal, A. Srivastava and L. Enache. 2019. It’s Time to Stop Treating R&D as a Discretionary Expenditure. Harvard Business Review (January 29).
  5. V. Govindarajan, A. Srivastava, H. Warsame, and L. Enache. 2019. The Problem with France’s Plan to Tax Digital Companies. Harvard Business Review (July 17).
  6. V. Govindarajan, B. Lev, A. Srivastava and L. Enache. 2019. The Gap between Large and Small Companies Is Growing. Why? Harvard Business Review (August 16).
  7. V. Govindarajan, A. Srivastava and L. Enache. 2019. Midsize Companies Are Growing, But Struggling to Earn Profits.” Harvard Business Review (November 5).
  8. V. Govindarajan, A. Srivastava and L. Enache. 2019. How India Plans to Protect Consumer Data. Harvard Business Review (December 18).
  9. V. Govindarajan, A. Srivastava and L. Enache. 2020. Understanding India’s Chilly Reception of Jeff Bezos. Harvard Business Review (January 22–23).
  10. Srivastava, H. Warsame and L. Enache. 2020. Doubling Down on Double Sandwich Tax Schemes. California Management Review (March 3)
  11. V. Govindarajan, A. Sood, A. Srivastava, L. Enache, and B. K. Mishra. 2020. A Manager’s Dilemma: Sow or Harvest. Forthcoming, Management and Business Review (Inaugural Edition) forthcoming.
  12. V. Govindarajan, A. Srivastava, H. Warsame, and L. Enache. 2020. Tech Giants, Taxes, and a Looming Global Trade War. Harvard Business Review (August 24).
  13. V. Govindarajan, A. Srivastava, and L. Enache. 2020. U.S. financial reporting is stuck in the 20th century. Harvard Business Review (December 2020). 
  14. V.G. Govindarajan, A. Srivastava, and L. Enache. 2021. The U.S. economy is leaving midsize companies behind. Harvard Business Review  (February 17)
  15. Govindarajan, V., A. Srivastava, and L. Enache. 2021. What the edX acquisition means for the future of higher education. Harvard Business Review (July). 
  16. Govindarajan, V., A. Srivastava, H. Ilyas, F. B. G. Silva, and L. Enache. 2022. The rapid rise and fall of biotech sector, slowdown in innovation affects society. California Management Review (March). 
  17. Govindarajan, V., A. Srivastava, and L. Enache. 2022. The growing imperative to build leadership in fourth industrial revolution. California Management Review (May). 
  18. Govindarajan, V., A. Srivastava, H. Ilyas, F. B. G. Silva, and L. Enache. 2022. How companies can prepare for a long run of high inflation. Harvard Business Review (May).
  19. Govindarajan, V., A. Srivastava, H. Ilyas, F. B. G. Silva, and L. Enache. 2022. Restoring shareholder confidence when your stock is down. Harvard Business Review (August).  
  20. Srivastava, A., H. Ilyas, F. B. G. Silva, and L. Enache. 2022. Reassessing the boundaries of government. California Management Review (November). 


  1. The Effect of Electronic Medical Records on Hospital Utilization Costs, with Eddie Riedl, Susanna Gallani and Xue Guo

    2022 BEST Paper Award -AFAANZ (Technology Stream)

  2.   Counterpoised Disclosure: Evidence from the Biotechnology industry, with Eddie Riedl, Lynn Li and Scarlett  (Xiaotong) Song

    2021 Best Paper Award at EIASM Intangibles Conference

    Revise and resubmit 

3. The Labor Costs of Changing Accounting Standards, with Rucsandra Moldovan, Zhongwei Huang, and Anup Srivastavam 

  • Nominated for the 2023 FARS Best Paper Award


  • 2022 Dean’s Research Scholar
  • 2022 AFAANZ Best Paper Award, Technology
  • 2021- present Future Fund Fellow, University of Calgary
  • 2021 EIAM Best Paper Award at the EIASM – European Intangible Conference, France
  • 2021-2023 Social Science and Humanities Grant (SSHRC) of $ $70,081 (Principal Investigator)
  • 2022-2024 Social Science and Humanities Insight Development Grant (SSHRC) of $ $67,925 (Principal Investigator)
  • 2020 Dean’s Award in Innovative Research
  • 2020 Financial Accounting and Reporting Section (FARS) Meeting Outstanding Discussion Award, American Accounting Association
  • 2019- 2020 Financial Accounting and Reporting Section (FARS) Best Reviewer - “Excellence in Reviewing” award, American Accounting Association
  • 2019-2021 Social Science and Humanities Grant (SSHRC) of $30,800 (principal investigator)
  • 2019-2022 Social Sciences and Humanities Grant (SSHRC) of $84,200 (co- investigator)
  • 2018-2019 CPA Teaching Excellence Award, and a cash prize of $3,000
  • 2019 Best Paper Award at the EIASM – European Intangible Conference, Portugal
  • 2013-2014 Victoria University of Wellington Research Establishment Grant of $10,000
  • 2013-2014 AFAANZ Research Grant, AUD$5,500 offered by the Australian Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand.
  • 2012 EIASM Best Junior Contribution to the Development of Intangibles and IC Theory and Practice- Mention d’Honneur, Grenoble, France.
  • 2009-2012 Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR), 3-year Ph.D scholarship of €48,960.
  • 2011 University of Padua (Italy) scholarship for visiting Ph.D Scholar at the University of Michigan-Flint.
  • 2007 ERASMUS Scholarship awarded by the European Union for the spring term of the academic year at the University of Perugia, Italy. Best ERASMUS student of the year
  • 2008 Scholarship for Academic Excellence awarded by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania.
  • 2005-2007 Faculty of Economics and Business Studies Scholarship for meritorious performance awarded by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania.
  • 2006 Selected (only 3 students out of 10,000 selected) for the Romanian National Finance Olympiad.



Areas of Research

healthcare, disclosures, accounting standards, intangibles, new economy firms, limitations to financial accounting, labor and innovation


Course number Course title Semester
ACCT 217 Introductory Financial Accounting Winter 2109-2024


  • Best Paper Award - Technology section, AFAANZ . 2022
  • Dean's Scholar Award, University of Calgary. 2022
  • FARS Outstanding discussion award , American Accounting Association. 2020


  • Should Intangible Investments Be Reported Separately or Commingled with Operating Expenses?. L. Enache with Anup Srivastava. Management Science 64 (7). 2973-3468. (2018)
  • Why we shouldn’t worry about the declining number of public companies?. L. Enache with V.G. Govindarajan, Shiva Rajgopal, and Anup Srivastava. Harvard Business Review, October. (2019)
  • Should dual-classes shares be banned?. L. Enache with V.G. Govindarajan, Shiva Rajgopal, and Anup Srivastava. Harvard Business Review, December. (2018)
  • It's time to stop treating R&D as a discretionary expenditure. L Enache with V.G. Govindarajan, Shiva Rajgopal, and Anup Srivastava. Harvard Business Review, January. (2019)
  • The problem with France's plan to tax digital companies. L. Enache with V.G. Govindarajan, Anup Srivastava, Hussein Warsame. Harvard Business Review, July. (2019)
  • The gap between large and small companies is growing. Why?. L. Enache with V.G. Govindarajan, Baruch Lev and Anup Srivastava. Harvard Business Review, August. (2019)
  • Midsize companies are growing, but struggling to earn profits. L. Enache with V.G. Govindarajan, Anup Srivastava. Harvard Business Review, November. (2019)
  • How India plans to protect consumer data. L. Enache with V.G. Govindarajan, Anup Srivastava. Harvard Business Review, December. (2019)
  • The substitutive relation between voluntary disclosure and corporate governance in their effect on firm performance. L. Enache with Khaled Hussainey. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 54. 413-445. (2020)
  • Board composition and accounting conservatism: The role of business experts, support specialists and community influentials. L. Enache with Emma-Garcia Meca. Australian Accounting Review 29 (1). 252-265. (2019)
  • Understanding India’s chilly reception of Jeff Bezos. L. Enache with V.G. Govindarajan, Anup Srivastava. Harvard Business Review, January. (2020)
  • Doubling down on double sandwich tax schemes. L. Enache with Hussein Warsame and Anup Srivastava. California Management Review, April. (2020)
  • Harvest now or invest further – the dilemma reexamined.. L. Enache with Govindarajan, V., Sood, A., Srivastava, A., and B. K. Mishra. Management and Business Review, January. (2021)
  • U.S. financial reporting is stuck in the 20th century. L. Enach with V.G. Govindarajan, Anup Srivastava. Harvard Business Review, December. (2020)
  • The U.S. economy is leaving midsize companies behind. L. Enache with V.G. Govindarajan, Anup Srivastava. Harvard Business Review, February. (2021)
  • Clarification or Confusion: A Textual Analysis of ASC 842 Lease Transition Disclosures. Luminita Enache, Paul Griffin and Rucsandra Moldovan. European Accounting Review. (2024)
  • Labor Costs of Implementing New Accounting Standards. Zhongwei Hunag, Rucsandra Moldovan and Anup Srivastava. Accounting Horizons. 1-8. (2024)

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