Dr. Lorraine Markotic
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Office: +1 (403) 220-5539
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Educational Background
Doctor of Philosophy York University,
M.A. York University,
B.A. University of Toronto,
Lorraine Markotic specializes in Continental Philosophy, specifically Nietzsche and 20th Century Philosophy, including Adorno and Heidegger, but above all French philosophy of the second half of the 20th Century onwards, including feminist philosophy. She also works on psychoanalytic theory, film, and literature. She publishes in journals like Hypatia, symplokē, and JPACT.
Areas of Research
Course number | Course title | Semester |
PHIL 311 | 20th Century Continental Philosophy |
- Max Kade Prize for best article, Modern Austrian Literature. 2008
- Toward the Posthuman: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Adorno and Horkheimer.. Special Issue of Per la filosofia. Filosfia e insegnamento. Ed. Antonio Calcagno and Anna Maria Pezzella. 97-111. (2021)
- "Reflections on Responses to COVID-19 and a Glance into the Future". Journal of the Pacific Association for the Continental Tradition (JPACT) 4 . 133-51. (2021)
- "Desire, Identification, and Two Peculiar Deaths: The Long Story of Wuthering Heights". Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal 52.2. 75-91. (2019)
- "A Visual Dionysian: Nietzsche’s Aesthetics and Pan’s Labyrinth". Comparative and Continental Philosophy 8.2. 180-98. (2016)
- "Deleuze’s 'Masochism' and the Heartbreak of Waiting". Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 49.4. 21-36. (2016)
- "Paternity, Enframing, and a New Revealing: O’Brien’s Philosophy of Reproduction and Heidegger’s Critique of Technology". Hypatia: a journal of feminist philosophy 31.1. 123-39. (2016)
- "Enigma, Semblance, and Natural Beauty in Adorno’s Epistemological Aesthetics". symplokē 20 1-2. 225-39. (2012)
- "Art and the Übermensch". New Nietzsche Studies 8.1&2. 1-18. (2010)
- "Ingeborg Bachmann’s Undine and Luce Irigaray’s Woman". German Life and Letters 61.2 . 231-43. (2008)
- "Melancholy and Lost Desire in the Work of Marlen Haushofer". Modern Austrian Literature. 41.1 . 65-93. (2008)
- "Where Primary Narcissism Was, I Must Become: The Inception of the Ego in Andreas-Salomé, Lacan, and Kristeva". American Imago: Psychoanalysis and the Human Sciences 58.4 . 813-836. (2001)
- "Andreas-Salomé and the Contemporary Essentialism Debate". Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies 34.4. 57-78. (2000)
- “Identifying Dora’s Desire” . Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory 22.3. 248-262. (1999)
- “Transformative Consequences”. Nietzsche-Studien: Internationales Jahrbuch für die Nietzsche Forschung [Nietzsche-Studies: International Yearbook for Nietzsche Research Vol 27. 339-65. (1998)
- "Identifizierung und Begierde im Falle Dora [Identification and Desire in Freud's Dora case]" . Texte: Psychoanalyse, Ästhetik, Kulturkritik vol 17.4 . 58-73. (1996)
- "Lou Andreas-Salomés Deutung der Beziehung von künstlerischem Schaffen und "Übermensch" bei Nietzsche" [Lou Andreas-Salomé's Interpretation of the Relationship between Nietzsche's Concept of Creativity and his Notion of a Suprahuman Being [Übermensch]" . Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie vol 44. 1039-53. (1996)
- "An (Unmourned) Success Story and an (Unreflected) Tragic Drama". 151-70. ARIEL 27.3 . (1996)
- "Wo primären Narzißmus war, soll Ich werden: Zur Theorie der Ichentwicklung bei Andreas-Salomé, Lacan und Kristeva [Where Primary Narcissism was, Ego Shall Come to Be: Theories of Ego Development in Andreas-Salomé, Lacan, and Kristeva]" . Texte: Psychoanalyse, Ästhetik, Kulturkritik 16.2. 22-51. (1996)
- "Art, Projection, and Deviating Desire". In/versions – Special Issue: Confession/Disguise . 6-15. (1994)
- "Literary Complicity and the Differend: Naturalizing, Ontologizing, and Self-Referential Representations of National Socialist Persecution". Complicity and the Politics of Representation Ed. Cornelia Wächter and Robert Wirth. 57-74. (2019)
- "Thinking About Nazi Atrocities Without Thinking About Nazi Atrocities: Limited Thinking as legacy in Schlink’s The Reader". Lorraine J Markotic. Understanding Atrocities Ed. Scott Murray. 223-251. (2017)
- “Modernism’s Particulars, Oscillating Universals, and Josephine’s Singular Singing”. Kafka and the Universal. Eds. Arthur Cools and Vivian Liska. 238-56. (2016)
- “Nietzsche, the Gift, and the Taken for Granted”. Women and the Gift: Beyond the Given and All-giving. Ed. Morny Joy. 29-57. (2013)
- “The Seized Subject in Badiou’s Ethics and Murakami’s The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle". Selfhood East and West: De-constructions of Identity. Eds. Jason Dockstader, Hans-Georg Möller, and Günter Wohlfart. 193-210. (2012)
- “Still underway” . Zeitenwende: Österreichische Literatur seit dem Millennium, 2000-2010. Ed. Michael Boehringer and Susanne Hochreiter. 447-464. (2011)
- “Art and Intoxicated Desire in Andreas-Salomé’s ‘Deviations’ (‘Eine Ausschweifung’)” . Lou Andreas-Salomé, muse et apôtre. Ed. Pascale Hummel. 155-173. (2011)
- “Nietzsche’s Nascent Laughter”. Laughter in Eastern and Western Philosophies. Eds. Hans-Georg Moeller and Günther Wohlfart. 162-174. (2010)
- Rev. of "New Reproductive Technologies and Disembodiment: Feminist and Material Resolutions" by Carla Lam. International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10.2. 154-59. (2017)
- Rev. of " 'Das schreibende ich': Erzählerische Souveränität und Erzählstruktur in Ingeborg Bachmanns Roman "Malina' " by Jasmin Hambsch. Modern Austrian Literature 43.4 . 95-97. (2010)
- Rev. of "The Human Family: Stories by Lou Andreas-Salomé" trans. and intro. by Raleigh Whitinger. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 36.2. 213-17. (2009)
- Rev. of "After Lacan: Clinical Practice and the Subject of the Unconscious" by Willy Apollon, Danielle Bergeron, and Lucie Cantin. Ed. with Intro. by Robert Hughes and Kareen Ror Malone. Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society 8.2. 354-356. (2003)
- Rev. of "Gender and Narrativity" ed. by Barry Rutland. ARIEL 30.1. 195-98. (1999)
- "Mikropolitisches Ringen [Wrestling with Micro-Politics]": Rev. of Patricia M. Mann's "Micro-Politics: Agency in a Postfeminist Era" . Springer 1.4 . 86. (1995)
- "Der akustische Spiegel.“ [review of The Acoustic Mirror by Kaja Silverman]" . Fragmente: Schriftenreihe für Kultur-, Medien-und Psychoanalyse 41. Special Issue: Geschriebene Bilder: Das Theater der Repräsentation [Written Images:The Theatre of Representation]. 231-236. (1993)
- Rev. of "Mary O'Brien's The Politics of Reproduction" [review in German]. 103-108.. Die Philosophin. (1992)
- TRANSLATION: "The Feminist Critique of Reason Revisited" by Herta Nagl-Docekal. Trans. by Stephanie Morgenstern and Lorraine Markotic. Hypatia 14.1 . (1999)
- TRANSLATION: "Seyla Benhabib and the Radical Future of the Enlightenment" by Herta Nagl-Docekal . Philosophy and Social Criticism 23.5 . 63-78. (1997)
More Information
Editor-in-chief, Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy / Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale.
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