Leonid Belostotski
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Software Engineering
Schulich Research Chair
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Software Engineering
Canada Research Chair (Tier II)
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Software Engineering
Contact information
Phone number
Office: +1 (403) 210-5426
Educational Background
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, University of Calgary, 2007
M.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Alberta, 2000
B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Alberta, 1997
Leonid Belostotski received BSc and MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, in 1997 and 2000, respectively, and PhD degree from the University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, in 2007. He was an RF Engineer with Murandi Communications Ltd., Calgary, from 2001 to 2004. He is currently a professor with the University of Calgary and holds the Canada Research Chair in High-Sensitivity Radiometers and Receivers. His current research interests include RF and mixed-signal ICs, high-sensitivity receiver systems, antenna arrays, and terahertz systems. Dr. Belostotski was a recipient of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques-11 Contest on Creativity and Originality in Microwave Measurements in 2008 and the Outstanding Student Designer Award from Analog Devices, Inc., in 2007. He is the IEEE Southern Alberta Solid-State, Circuits and Circuits and Systems Chapter’s Chair. He was previously an associate editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT. He is the editor-in-chief of the IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS MAGAZINE.
To cite, please use: L. Belostotski et al. "Low-noise-amplifier (LNA) performance survey." [Online]. Available: https://schulich.ucalgary.ca/contacts/leo-belostotski
Graduate students:
Thisara Kulatunga, PhD candidate, July 2018 to present (Neural-Network Backpropagation acceleration)
Hao Xie, PhD candidate, January 2017 to present (Multi-beam beamforming)
Marwa Safa, MSc, September 2022 to present (Cryogenic LNA)
Ismail Majed, MSc, September 2022 to present (Cryogenic ADC)
Bechara Daou, PhD, May 2022 to present (Co-supervised with Dr. Nielsen) (Q-enhanced filters)
Peter Shmerko, MSc, September 2023 to present (Optical interferometer)
Jiahui (Alex) Xu, PhD, September 2024 to present (Cryogenic noise measurement)
- Dr. Deeksha Verma (High-speed ADCs), Aug. 2022 to Dec 2024
- Zahra Kabirkhoo, PhD, Sept 2019 to Jan 2025; Thesis title: ""
- Shiva Radmanesh, MSc, Sept 2022 to Sept 2024 (Co-supervised with Dr. Moshirpour); Thesis title: "Investigating the Impact of Code Comment Inconsistency on Bug Introducing Using an LLM Model"
- Greg Wong, MSc, Sept 2021 to Aug 2024; Thesis title: "A Noise-Matched Voltage Controlled Oscillator for Quantum Computing"
- Alireza Tabesh, MSc, Sept 2021 to Jan 2024; Thesis title: "Arrays of Superconducting Resonators Exhibiting Kinetic Inductance for Parametric Amplification at Cryogenic Temperatures"
- Mohammad Radpour, PhD, July 2017 to Sept 2023; Thesis title: "Low-Noise Amplifier and Noise/Distortion Shaping Beamformer"
- Alireza Imani, MSc, Jan 2021 to Sept 2023 (Co-supervised with Dr. Moshirpour); Thesis title: "Effective Control System Framework Selection through Checklist-based Software Quality Evaluation"
- Mark Lai, MSc, September 2019 to September 2022; Thesis title: "300-1500 MHz Broadband LNA for the Canadian Hydrogen Observatory and Radio-transient Detector"
- Alex Sheldon, PhD candidate, September 2016 to May 2022; Thesis title: "Cryogenic Noise-Parameter Measurement and the Design of Cryo-CMOS Circuits"
- Roshaan Ali, MSc, January 2018 to November 2021; Thesis title: "Impact of Delays on Antenna-Array Noise"
- Donuwan Navaratne, PhD, September 2012 to August 2022; Thesis title: "High-Linearity Low Noise Amplifiers and Receivers for Global Positioning Systems"
- Mohamed Balla Elamien Mohamed, PhD, Sept 2017 to April 2021 (Co-supervised with Dr. Maundy); Thesis title: "Theory and Applications of Minimal-Transistor Circuits in High-Frequency Communication Systems"
- Nan Zhang, PhD, September 2014 to January 2021; Thesis title: "Millimeter-wave and Sub-Terahertz Parametric Harmonic Generation"
- Zhixing (Lincoln) Zhao, PhD, January 2010 to January 2021 (Co-supervised with Dr. Magierowski); Thesis title: "Integrated CMOS Parametric Receiver Design for Short-range and High Data-rate Wireless Communication"
- Eugene Zailer, PhD, September 2012 to April 2019; Thesis title: "A Completely Integrated Warm-IF Receiver and a 10GS/s Analog-Delay Pipeline ADC for Radio-Telescope Applications"
- Santosh Nath, MSc, September 2017 to July 2019 (Co-supervised with Dr. Messier); Thesis title: "Channel Characteristics And Receiver Performance Analysis Of Mud Pulse Telemetry System"
- Shawn Huang, MSc, Sept 2015 to June 2018; Thesis title: "Extraction of Noise Parameters for Single-Ended Components Inside a Differential Circuit Using Single-Ended Equipment"
- Thisara Kulatunga, MSc, January 2016 to April 2018; Thesis title: "400-to-800MHz Low-Noise Amplifier for Radio Astronomy"
- Supun De Silva, MSc, Sept 2015 to Feb. 2018; Thesis title: "Modeling of Antenna Arrays and Mutual Coupling between Array Elements Using S-Parameters"
- Vahid Asgari, MSc, September 2014 to July 2017; Thesis title: "Wideband Linear 28-nm CMOS Variable-Gain Amplifier"
- Michael Himmelfarb, MSc, September 2013 to January 2016 Thesis title: "Measurement of Amplifier and Mixer Noise Parameters"
- Hao Xie, MSc, September 2012 to September 2015 Thesis title: "A 460 GHz CMOS Substrate-Integrated-Waveguide Slot Antenna"
- Hossein Taghavi, PhD, September 2009 to June 2015 Thesis title: "A CMOS Optical Receiver for the Square Kilometer Array Radio Telescope"
- Saeed Rezaei Nazifi, PhD, September 2009 to December 2014 (Co-supervised with Dr. Ghannouchi) Thesis title: "Continuous-Mode Power Amplifiers for Broadband Power Efficient Wireless Applications"
- Ge Wu, PhD, September 2008 to October 2014 (Co-supervised with Dr. Haslett) Thesis title: "A Broadband Variable-Gain Amplifier and a Broadband Self-Calibrated High-Sensitivity Power Detector for the Square Kilometre Array"
- Chris Henrikson, MSc, January 2010 to April 2014 (Co-supervised with Dr. Magierowski) Thesis title: "Integrated Radio Frequency Isolator"
- Delaram Shahhosseini, MSc, September 2010 to October 2012 Thesis title: "A Computer-Aided Design Assistant Tool for Elementary Linear Circuit Topologies"
- Behzad Dehlaghi-Jadid, MSc, September 2009 to January 2012 (Co-supervised with Dr. Magierowski) Thesis title: "On-Chip Circuits for Jitter Measurement and Signal Capture with Sub-Picosecond Resolution"
- Mohamed Ibrahim, PhD, September 2007 to January 2012 (Co-supervised with Dr. Haslett) Thesis title:" An Analytical Method for Noise Figure Optimization of Fully Integrated Inductively Degenerated SiGe HBT LNAs"
- Aaron Beaulieu, MSc, September 2008 to September 2011 Thesis title: "Wideband MEMS-Based Impedance Tuner for Source-Pull Noise-Parameter Measurement"
- Peyman Ahmadi, MSc, September 2009 to Jule 2011 (Co-supervised with Dr. Maundy) Thesis title: "High Quality Factor Asymmetric-slope Band-pass Filters"
- Donuwan Navaratne, MSc, September 2008 to July 2011 Thesis title:"Wide-band Low-Noise CMOS Amplification Stage for a Square Kilometer Array Receiver"
- Zhao (Lincoln) Zhixing, MSc, September 2008 to December 2010 (Co-supervised with Dr. Magierowski) Thesis title: "Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Parametric Frequency Converters"
Former postdocs:
- Dr. Arash Hejazi (High-speed ADCs), Jan 2022 to April 2022, Jan 2023 - Dec 2024
- Dr. Habib Rastegar (High-speed ADCs), Nov 2021 to Oct. 2023
- Dr. Mohamed Balla Elamien Mohamed (High-speed ADCs), April 2017 to Jan. 2022
- Dr. Nan Zhang (High-speed ADCs), Feb 2021 - Aug 2021
- Dr. Sanjeev Jain (THz and RF VCOs), May 2016 - Aug 2017
- Dr. Ge Wu, (High speed ADCs), Jan. 2015 - Oct 2017
- Dr. Mukesh Kulsreshath (THz bolometers and receivers) Feb. 15 - Mar. 2016
- Dr. Yongsheng Xu, Postdoc (ADC ICs), Jan. 2010 - Dec. 2013
- Dr. Rashdan, Postdoc Co-supervised with Dr. Haslett) (SerDes)
- Dr. Mahbub Reja, Postdoc (ICs, LNAs, filters) May 2011-Sep. 2011
- Dr. Rola Baki, Postdoc (ICs, LNAs) Jan. 2010-Dec. 2011
Areas of Research
Our research areas of focus include various aspects of RF and mm-wave circuits and systems, mixed-signal circuits, and beamforming networks. We have demonstrated ultra-sensitive room-temperature low-noise amplifiers (LNAs), novel noise-parameter measurement systems, new types of analog-to-digital converts, and unique beamforming solutions. For more information please contact Dr. Belostotski.
This is a new area for us. With the development of quantum computing, there is renewed interest in cryogenically cooled circuits. We have a cryogenic probe station and noise-parameter measurement equipment. Our first few designs are either in fabrication or already undergoing measurements. More to come!
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
ENEL 567 | CMOS Analog Circuit Design | Fall 2023 |
ENEL 617 | RF Integrated Circuit Design | Winter 2023 |
ENEL 647 | Analog Inte Circuit Design | Fall 2023 |
To cite, please use: L. Belostotski et al. "Low-noise-amplifier (LNA) performance survey." [Online]. Available: https://schulich.ucalgary.ca/contacts/leo-belostotski
- Schulich Research Excellence Award, The University of Calgary. 2023
- Achivement in Innovation, University of Calgary. 2018
- Research Achievenement Award, Schulich School of Engineering. 2018
- Outstanding Reviewer, IEEE. 2017
- WAGS-UMI Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award, Western Association of Graduate Schools. 2017
- GREAT Supervisor Award, The University of Calgary. 2016
- Outstanding teaching performance, The University of Calgary. 2016
- Outstanding Teaching Performance, The University of Calgary. 2016
- Research Excellence Award, The University of Calgary. 2015
- Outstanding Teaching Performance, Schulich Research Excellence Award. 2014
- Outstanding Teaching Performance, The University of Calgary. 2015
- CRC Tier II chair, 2013
- Outstanding Teaching Performance, The University of Calgary. 2014
- Outstanding Teaching Performance, 2013
- Outstanding Teaching Performance, The University of Calgary. 2013
- Outstanding Teaching Performance (2012-2016 Academic Years), The University of Calgary. 2016
- Dean's recognition of Undegraduate Teaching Performance, The University of Alberta. 2011
- Nominated for Student Union Teaching Excellence Award, The University of Calgary. 2010
- The winner of IEEE Microwave Theory and Technique contest on “Creativity and Originality in Microwave Measurements”, IEEE. 2008
- L. Belostotski and J.W. Haslett “Ultra Low Noise Wide Band CMOS LNAs for Next Generation Radio Telescopes,”, CMC Mycrosystems. 2007
- Outstanding Student Designer Award, Analog Devices Inc. 2007
- Norton-Transformed Wideband High-Order Analog All-Pass Delays. Z. Kabirkhoo, M. Radpour, and L. Belostotski. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. (2024)
- Demonstration of Receiver-Noise/Distortion Shaping in Antenna Arrays by Using a Spatio-Temporal Δ-Σ Method. M. Radpour, Z. Kabirkhoo, A. Madanayake, S. Mandal, and L. Belostotski. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. (2024)
- Induced Back-Gate Noise in FDSOI MOSFET. M. Radpour and L. Belostotski. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. 1022-1026. (2024)
- Wideband LNA Employing Intrinsic Feedback and Back-Gate Resistance for Noise and Input Power Matching. M. Radpour and L. Belostotski. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. (2023)
- 0.3–1.5-GHz LNA With Wideband Noise and Power Matching for Radio Astronomy. M. Lai, V. MacKay, D. Wulf, P. Shmerko, L. Belostotski. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters. 1163 - 1166. (2023)
- Tunable Wideband High-Order Active Analog Delays With High Delay-Bandwidth Product. Z. Kabrikhoo, M. Radpour, L. Belostotski. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters. (2023)
- Fano-Qubits for Quantum Devices with Enhanced Isolation and Bandwidth. D. Trevedi, L. Belsototski, A. Madanayake, A. Krasnok. Applied Physics Letters. 264003. (2023)
- Low-cost, Low-loss, Ultra-wideband Compact Feed for Interferometric Radio Telescopes. V. MacKay, M. Lai, P. Shmerko, D. Wulf, L. Belostotski, K. Vanderlinde. Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation. (2023)
- A Cryo-CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier With 2.3-to-8.5-K Noise Temperature at 20 K for Highly Integrated Radio-Astronomy Receivers. A. Sheldon and L. Belostotski. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. (2022)
- General Framework for Array Noise Analysis and Noise Performance of a Two-Element Interferometer with a Mutual-Coupling Canceler. L. Belostotski, A. Sutinjo, R. Subrahmanyan, S. Mandal, A. Madanayake. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 8059-8068. (2022)
- Figures of Merit for CMOS Low-Noise Amplifiers and Estimates for Their Theoretical Limits. L. Belostotski and E.A.M. Klumperink. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. 734 - 738. (2022)
- Second-order cascode-based filters. Mohamed B. Elamien, Brent J. Maundy, Ahmed S. Elwakil, Leonid Belostotski,. Integration. (2022)
- Analog Circuit Design Using Symbolic Math Toolboxes: Demonstrative Examples. M.B. Elamien, B. J. Maundy, L. Belostotski, A. S. Elwakil. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems . 1850-1860. (2021)
- Delay-Tunable Compact RC-Only All-Pass Filter. M. B. Elamien; A. Sheldon, B. J. Maundy, L. Belostotski, A.S. Elwakil. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 461-464. (2021)
- Relations of Time-Varying Circuit Parameters and Idlerless Parametric Harmonic Generation for Reconfigurable Frequency Multipliers. N. Zhang, L. Belostotski, J.W. Haslett. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 2554-2568. (2021)
- Spacetime Frequency-Multiplexed Digital-RF Array Receivers With Reduced ADC Count. N. Akram, V. Ariyarathna, S. Mandal; L. Belostotski; T. S. Rappaport; A. Madanayake. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs . 2840-2844. (2021)
- Framework for the Cosimulation of Antenna Arrays and Receivers. Leonid Belostotski; Adrian T. Sutinjo; Arjuna Madanayake; Michal Okoniewski. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 5090 - 5094. (2021)
- Noise-parameter measurements of very-low-noise amplifiers at ambient and cryogenic temperatures. A. Sheldon, L. Belostotski. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine. 79-83. (2021)
- Cryogenic Noise-Parameter Measurements: Recent Research and a Fully Automated Measurement Application. A. Sheldon, L. Belostotski, H. Mani, C. Groppi, K. Warnick. IEEE Microwave Magazine. 52-64. (2021)
- Impact of Bandwidth on Antenna-Array Noise Matching. R. Ali, L. Belostotski, G. Messier, A. Madanayake, A. Sutinjo. Electronics Letters. 158-160. (2021)
- A Radio-Frequency Analog Computer for Computational Electromagnetics. N. Udayanga, A. Madanayake, S. Hariharan, J. Liang, S. Mandal, L. Belostotski, L. Bruton. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. 440 - 454. (2021)
- Wideband Modeling of the Mud-Pulse Communications Channel. S. Nath, G. Messier, L. Belostotski, R. Shor. IEEE Communications Letters. 18 - 22. (2021)
- Wideband Low-Noise Amplifiers Aiming at Achieving Transistor Fmin. L. Belostotski. IEEE RFIC Virtual Journal. (2020)
- A Demonstration of a Voltage-Controlled Inductor in a D-Band Colpitts Third-Harmonic-Extracted Injection-Locked Oscillator. N. Zhang, L. Belostotski. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 969-972. (2020)
- Synthesis of Wideband High-Quality Factor Delay-Tunable Fully Differential All-Pass Filters. M. Elamien, B. Maundy, L. Belostotski, A. Elwakil. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 4348-4360. (2020)
- Design Equations for Closely-Spaced Two-Element Interferometer for Radio Cosmology. A. Sutinjo, B. McKinley, L. Belostotski, D. Ung, J. Thekkeppattu. URSI Radio Science Letters. (2020)
- Linearity Analysis of CMOS Parametric Upconverters. Z. Zhao, S. Magierowski, L. Belostotski. IEEE Access. 190906-190921. (2020)
- Down With Noise: An Introduction to a Low-Noise Amplifier Survey. L. Belostotski, S. Jagtap. IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine. 23-29. (2020)
- On Chip 0.5V 2GHz Four-Output Quadrature-Phase Oscillator. M. Elamiena, B. Maundy, L. Belostotski, A. Elwakil. Int. J. of Electronics and Communications. (2020)
- D-Band Broadband Passive Frequency Tripler Using Antiparallel Diode-Connected nMOS Transistor Pair in 22-nm CMOS SOI. N. Zhang, L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 689 - 692. (2020)
- Wideband LNA Noise Matching. E. Zailer, L. Belostotski, and R. Plume. IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters. 62-65. (2020)
- Antenna-Array Network Model. S. De Silva, M. Okoniewski and L. Belostotski. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.. 5387 - 5394. (2020)
- A Measure of Well-Spread Points in Noise Wave-Based Source Matrix for Wideband Noise Parameter Measurement: The SKA-Low Example. A. T. Sutinjo, L. Belostotski, B. Juswardy and D. X. C. Ung. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 1783-1793. (2020)
- Automatic Generation of Differential-Input Differential-Output Second-Order Filters Based on a Differential Pair. B.J. Maundy, A.S. Elwakil, and L. Belostotski. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 1258-1271. (2020)
- Wideband third‐order single‐transistor all‐pass filter. M. Elamien, B. Maundy, L. Belostotski, and A. Elwakil. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (Wiley). (2020)
- 28-GHz Passive Frequency Tripler With n-Type Varactors in 45-nm SOI CMOS . N. Zhang, L. Belostotski, and J. Haslett. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 292-295. (2020)
- Towards a Low-SWaP 1024-Beam Digital Array: A 32-Beam Sub-System at 5.8 GHz. A. Madanayake, V. Ariyarathna, S. Madishetty, S. Pulipati, R.J. Cintra, D. Coelho, R. Oliviera, F.M. Bayer, L. Belostotski, S. Mandal, T.S. Rappaport. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 900-912. (2020)
- Single transistor RC‐only second‐order allpass filters . B. Maundy, A. Elwakil, L. Belostotski, and N. Herencsar. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (Wiley). 162–169. (2020)
- Wideband 28-nm CMOS Variable-Gain Amplifier. V. Asgari and L. Belostotski. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 37-47. (2020)
- Continuous-Time Algorithms for Solving Maxwell’s Equations Using Analog Circuits. N. Udayanga, S.I. Hariharan, S. Mandal, L. Belostotski, L.T. Bruton, and A. Madanayake. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 3941-3954. (2019)
- Delta-Sigma noise-shaping in 3-D space-time for 2-D wideband antenna array receivers. Y. Wang, J. Liang, L. Belostotski, A. Madanayake, and S. Mandal. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (Springer). 1609-1631. (2019)
- Impact of Noise Bandwidth on Noise Figure. A. Sheldon, L. Belostotski, G. Messier, and A. Madanayake. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2662-2664. (2019)
- A 171GHz harmonic-mode PLL with-14.2dBm output power in 65nm CMOS. S. Jain and L. Belostotski. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (Springer). 643-649. (2019)
- A 167-to-172 GHz 65-nm CMOS body-voltage-tuned harmonic-mode voltage-controlled oscillator . S. Jain, N. Zhang, and L. Belostotski. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (Wiley). 546-549. (2019)
- Extraction of Electrical- and Noise-Parameters of Fully-Differential-Amplifier Subcircuits. Y. Huang and L. Belostotski. IEEE Access. 42123-42132. (2019)
- A four-quadrant current multiplier/divider cell with four transistors. A.S. Elwakil, B.J. Maundy, M.B. Elamien, and L. Belostotski. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (Springer). 173-179. (2018)
- Wideband N-Beam Arrays Using Low-Complexity Algorithms and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits. S. M. Perera,V. Ariyarathna, N. Udayanga, A. Madanayake, G. Wu, L. Belostotski, Y. Wang, S. Mandal, R. J. Cintra, and T.S. Rappaport. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 368-382. (2018)
- Δ-Σ noise-shaping in 3-D space–time for 2-D wideband antenna array receivers . Y. Wang, J. Liang, L. Belostotski, A. Madanayake, and S. Mandal. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing. pages 1609–1631. (2018)
- 400-to-800-MHz GaAs pHEMT-Based Wideband LNA for Radio-Astronomy Antenna-Array Feed . T. Kulatunga, L. Belostotski, and J.W. Haslett. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 909-911. (2018)
- Analog Approximate-FFT 8/16-Beam Algorithms, Architectures and CMOS Circuits for 5G Beamforming MIMO Transceivers. V. Ariyarathna, A. Madanayake, X. Tang, D. Coelho,R.J. Cintra, L. Belostotski, S. Mandal, and T.S. Rappaport. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. 466-479. (2018)
- Method of Generating Unique Elementary Circuit Topologies. D. Shahhosseini, E. Zailer, L. Behjat, and L. Belostotski. Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 118-132. (2018)
- A highly linear wideband 0.3-to-2.7 GHz variable-gain amplifier. V. Asgari and L. Belostotski. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (Springer). 473-478. (2017)
- Antenna Two-Port Electrical and Noise Parameters. P. Groves, P. Conroy, L. Belostotski, and M. Okoniewski. IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. 11265-1268. (2017)
- Noise Parameters of Gilbert Cell Mixers. M. Himmelfarb and L. Belostotski. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 3163-3174. (2016)
- 8-GHz, 6.6-mW LC-VCO with Small Die Area and FOM of 204 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz Offset. E. Zailer, L. Belostotski and R. Plume. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 936-938. (2016)
- 5-bit 5-GS/s Noninterleaved Time-Based ADC in 65-nm CMOS for Radio-Astronomy Applications. Y. Xu, G. Wu, L. Belostotski, and J.W. Haslett. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 3513-3525. (2016)
- Wide-Band Aperture Array Using a Four-channel Manifold-Type Planar Multiplexer and Digital 2-D IIR Filterbank. A. Sengupta, A. Madanayake, R. Gómez-García, and L. Belostotski. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (Wiley). 2085-2100. (2016)
- Noise Performance of a Phased-Array Feed with CMOS Low-Noise Amplifiers. A.J. Beaulieu, L. Belostotski, T. Burgess, B. Veidt, J.W. Haslett. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 1719-1722. (2016)
- No Noise Is Good Noise: Noise Matching, Noise Canceling, and Maybe a Bit of Both for Wide-Band LNAs. L. Belostotski. IEEE Microwave Magazine. 28-40. (2016)
- A New Second–Order All-pass Filter in 130-nm CMOS. P. Ahmadi, B. Maundy, A.S. Elwakil, L. Belostotski, and A. Madanayake. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. 249-253. (2016)
- On Impedance-Pattern Selection for Noise Parameter Measurement. M. Himmelfarb and L. Belostotski. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 258-270. (2016)
- A Stagger-Tuned Transimpedance Amplifier. M.H. Taghavi, P. Ahmadi, L. Belostotski, and J.W. Haslett. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 1460-1469. (2016)
- A 460-GHz CMOS substrate-integrated-waveguide slot-antenna design. H. Xie, L. Belostotski, and M. Okoniewski. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 347–351. (2016)
- A 0.13-µm CMOS Current-Mode All-Pass Filter for Multi-GHz Operation. P. Ahmadi, M.H. Taghavi, L. Belostotski, and A. Madanayake. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 2813-2818. (2015)
- 10-Gb/s 0.13-µm CMOS Inductorless Modified-RGC Transimpedance Amplifier. M.H. Taghavi, L. Belostotski, J.W. Haslett, and P. Ahmadi. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular papers. 1971-1980. (2015)
- A CMOS Low-Power Cross-Coupled Immittance-Converter Transimpedance Amplifier. M.H. Taghavi, L. Belostotski, and J.W. Haslett. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 403-405. (2015)
- Low Noise Amplifier Design Considerations For Use in Antenna Arrays. L. Belostotski, B, Veidt, K. Warnick, and A. Madanayake. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2508-2520. (2015)
- "65-nm CMOS Voltage-to-Time Converter for 5-GS/s Time-Based ADCs. A.R. Macpherson, L. Belostotski, and J.W. Haslett. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing. 3121-3145. (2015)
- A broadband self-calibrated RMS power detector embedded in a Square Kilometre Array receiver. G. Wu, A. Beaulieu, L. Belostotski, and J.W. Haslett. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 1426-1432. (2015)
- A Q-band high-gain substrate-integrated waveguide slot antenna. H. Xie, L. Belostotski, and M. Okoniewski. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 1370-1374. (2015)
- "Wide-Band Two-Stage GaAs LNA for Radio Astronomy. J. Kulyk, G. Wu, L. Belostotski, and J. W. Haslett . Progress In Electromagnetics Research C. 119-124. (2015)
- Harmonically Tuned Continuous Class-C Operation Mode for Power Amplifier Applications. S. Rezaei, L. Belostotski, M. Helaoui, and F.M. Ghannouchi. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 3017-3027. (2014)
- Parametric CMOS Upconverters and Downconverters. Z. Zhao, S. Magierowski, and L. Belostotski. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (Wiley) . 1209-1227. (2014)
- A 65 nm CMOS broadband self-calibrated power detector for the square kilometre array radio telescope. G. Wu, L. Belostotski, and J.W. Haslett. The Journal of Engineering (IET). 1-9. (2014)
- A 65nm CMOS 10GS/s 4-bit Background-Calibrated Non-Interleaved Flash ADC For Radio Astronomy. Y. Xu, L. Belostotski and J.W. Haslett. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 2316-2325. (2014)
- All-Pass Filter-Based 2-D IIR Flter-Enchanced Beamformers for AESA Receivers. C. Wijenayake, A. Madanayake, L. Belostotski, Y. Xu and L. Bruton, . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular papers . 1331-1342. (2014)
- A 12.5-Gb/s On-Chip Oscilloscope to Measure Eye Diagrams and Jitter Histograms of High-Speed Signals. B. Dehlaghi, S. Magierowski and L. Belostotski. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 1127-1137. (2014)
- Electronically-scanned RF-to-bits beam aperture arrays using 2-D IIR spatially-bandpass digital filters. A. Madanayake, C. Wijenayake , R. Joshi, M. Almalkawi, L. Belostotski, L. Bruton and V. Devabhaktuni. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (Springer). 313-335. (2014)
- On the Use of Multi-Path Inductorless TIAs for Larger Transimpedance Limit,. M.H. Taghavi, A. Naji, L. Belostotski and J.W. Haslett. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (Springer). 221-233. (2013)
- A 2-D Signal Processing Model to Predict the Effect of Mutual Coupling on Array Factor. J. Kota, A. Madanayake, L. Belostotski, C. Wijenayake and L.T. Bruton. IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. 1264-1267. (2013)
- Integrated Design of a Class-J Power Amplifier. S. Rezaei, L. Belostotski, F.M. Ghannouchi and P. Aflaki. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 1639-1648. (2013)
- 35.5-GHz Parametric CMOS Upconverter. Z. Zhao, S. Magierowski and L. Belostotski. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letter. 477-479. (2012)
- Wideband CMOS Amplification Stage for a Direct-Sampling Square Kilometre Array Receiver. D. Navaratne and L. Belostotski. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 3179-3188. (2012)
- Efficiency Measurement of Connected Arrays using the Improved Wheeler Cap Method. A. Sutinjo, L. Belostotski, R.H. Johnston and M. Okoniewski. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 5147-5156. (2012)
- High Quality Factor Asymmetric-Slope Band-pass Filters: A Fractional-Order Capacitor Approach. P. Ahmadi, B. Maundy, A. S. Elwakil, and L. Belostotski. IET Circuits, Devices and Systems. 187-107. (2012)
- Comparison of LNAs fabricated in 65-nm CMOS GP and LP Processes for the Square Kilometre Array. L. Belostotski. IEICE Electronic Express. 636-641. (2012)
- All-pass Time-delay Approximation for 2D RF Analog Beamforming Fan Filters. C. Wijenayake, Y. Xu, A. Madanayake, L. Belostotski and L.T. Bruton. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-Part I . 1061-1073. (2012)
- Highly-linear time-difference amplifier with low sensitivity to process variations. B. Dehlaghi, S. Magierowski and L. Belostotski. IET Electronics Letters. 743-745. (2011)
- Study of Thermal Noise Generated in a Vivaldi Antenna Using the Improved Wheeler Cap Method. L. Belostotski, A. Sutinjo, R.H. Johnston, M. Okoniewski, M.A. Petursson and T. Burgess. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters . 1047-1050. (2011)
- On the Number of Noise Parameters for analyses of Circuits With MOSFETs. L. Belostotski. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques . 877-881. (2011)
- A Calibration Method for RF and Microwave Noise Sources. L. Belostotski. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques . 178-187. (2011)
- Evaluation of Tuner-Based Noise-Parameter Extraction Methods for Very Low Noise Amplifiers. L. Belostotski and J.W. Haslett. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 236-250. (2010)
- A technique for differential noise figure measurement with a noise figure analyzer . L. Belostotski and J.W. Haslett . IEEE Microwave Magazine. 158-161. (2009)
- Minimizing the Noise Penalty Due to Mutual Coupling for a Receiving Array. K.F. Warnick, B. Woestenburg, L. Belostotski and P. Russer. IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation. 1634-1644. (2009)
- A Technique for Differential Noise Figure Measurement of Differential LNAs. L. Belostotski and J.W. Haslett . IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 1298-1303. (2008)
- "Two-Port Noise Figure Optimization of Source-Degenerated Cascode CMOS LNAs. L. Belostotski and J.W. Haslett. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (Springer). 125-137. (2008)
- Sub-0.2 dB Noise Figure Wide-Band Room-Temperature CMOS LNA with Non-50Ω Signal-Source Impedance. L. Belostotski and J.W. Haslett . IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. 2492-2502. (2007)
- Noise Figure Optimization of Inductively-Degenerated CMOS LNAs With Integrated Gate Inductors. L. Belostotski and J. W. Haslett. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 1409-1422. (2006)
- A Technique for Microwave Ranging and Remote Phase Synchronization. L. Belostotski, T.L. Landecker, D. Routledge. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 551-559. (2002)
- Distance Measurement with Phase-Stable CW Radio Link Using the Chinese Remainder Theorem. L. Belostotski, T.L. Landecker, D. Routledge. IEE Electronics Letters. 521-522. (2001)
- A Dynamical Economic Model of Sustainable Agriculture and the Ecosphere. M. Solomonovich, L.P. Apedaile, H.I. Freedman, A.H. Gebremedihen, S.G.M. Schilizzi, L. Belostotski. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 221-247. (1997)
- Stability and Bifurcations in an Environmental Recovery Model of Economic Agriculture-Industry Interactions. M. Solomonovich, H.I. Freedman, L.P. Apedaile, S.G.M. Schilizzi, and L. Belostotski. Natural Resource Modeling. 1-35. (1998)
- Low Noise Amplifiers. L. Belostotski and J.W. Haslett. Emerging Wireless Technologies: Circuits, Systems, and Devices. (2007)
- Cold-Termination Noise-Parameter Measurements at Cryogenic Temperatures. I. Majed, M. Safa, K. Warnick, C. Groppi, and L. Belostotski. ARFTG 103. (2024)
- A Spatial-LDI Δ−Σ LNA Design in 65nm CMOS. N. Silva, S. Mandal, L. Belostotski, and A. Madanayake. International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES) . 1-2. (2024)
- Enhancing Quantum Non-reciprocity: From Lorentz to Fano Qubits for Improved Isolation and Bandwidth in Circuit QED Systems. D. Trivedi, A. Madanayake, A. Krasnok, and L. Belostotski. Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium. (2024)
- A Spatial-LDI Δ-Σ LNA Design in 65nm CMOS. N. Silva, S. Mandal, L. Belostotski, and A. Madanayake. IEEE SoutheastCon. (2024)
- Enhancing Quantum Non-reciprocity: From Lorentz to Fano Qubits for Improved Isolation and Bandwidth in Circuit QED Systems. D. Trivedi, A. Madanayake, A. Krasnok, and L. Belostotski. IEEE SoutheastCon. (2024)
- A High-Linearity 10-GHz-ERBW 3-to-7-GS/s Voltage-to-Time Converter with Built-In S/H. L. Cuskelly, D. Bhaskar and L. Belostotski. IEEE Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF). 62-65. (2023)
- An LNA with Input Power Match from 6.1 to 38.6 GHz, the Noise-Figure Minimum of 1.9 dB, and Employing Back Gate for Matching. M. Radpour and L. Belostotski. IEEE RFIC conference. 235-238. (2022)
- An LNA Exploiting Intrinsic Gate-Drain Feedback for Wideband Input Match from 7.7 to 33.3 GHz and the Noise-Figure Minimum of 1.83 dB. M. Radpour and L. Belostotski. IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 1-4. (2022)
- Checklist-based Software Quality Evaluation of Tango Controls. A. Imani, M. Moshirpour, L. Belostotski. International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies. 1-7. (2021)
- A Comparison of AI-Enabled Digital Twins for DSP-based Self-Interference Cancellation in Wideband Full-Duplex Communications. U. De Silva; A. Madanayake; S. Pulipati; L. Belostotski; T. Kulatunga; H. Zhao; S. Mandal. APWC. (2021)
- Automated Noise-Parameter Measurements of Cryogenic LNAs. Alexander Sheldon; Leonid Belostotski; Hamdi Mani; Christopher E. Groppi; Karl F. Warnick. IEEE ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference. 1-4. (2021)
- A Wideband 24-29 GHz Differential All-Pass Filter in 65-nm CMOS. M. B. Elamien; B. J. Maundy; L. Belostotski; A. S. Elwakil. ISCAS. (2021)
- Wideband High-Order All-Pass Delay Circuits. Z. Kabirkhoo; M. Radpour; L. Belostotski. NEWCAS. (2021)
- Digital Uncoupling of Coupled Multi-Beam Arrays. S. Pulipati; V. Arivarathna; S. M. Perera; C. Wijenayake; L. Belostotski; A. Madanayake. ACES. (2021)
- Spatio-Temporal Δ-Σ N^2-Port ADC Noise Shaping for N × N Antenna Arrays. H. Malavipathirana; A. Madanayake; C. Edussooriya; S. Mandal; N. Udayanga; J. Liang; L. Belostotski. ISCAS. (2020)
- Continuous-Time Algorithms for Solving Maxwell's Equations using Analog Circuits. N. Udayanga; S. I. Hariharan; S. Mandal; L. Belostotski; L. T. Bruton; A. Madanayake. ISCAS. (2020)
- FPGA-Based 2-D FIR Frost Beamformers with Digital Mutual Coupling Compensation. S. Pulipati; V. Ariyarathna; A. L. Jayaweera; C. U. S. Edussooriya; C. Wijenayake; L. Belostotski; A. Madanayake. IMS. (2020)
- Passive Third-, Fourth-, and Fifth-Order Reconfigurable D-Band Frequency Multipliers Based on Switched-Capacitor Varactors. N. Zhang; L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett. MWSCAS. (2020)
- RF-Rate Hybrid CNN Accelerator Based on Analog-CMOS and Xilinx RFSoC. U. De Silva; S. Mandal; A. Madanayake; J. Wei-Kocsis; L. Belostotski. ISCAS. (2020)
- Low-Power Single-Transistor Voltage-Mode Third-Order All-pass Filter in 65-nm CMOS. M. B. Elamien; B. J. Maundy; L. Belostotski; A. S. Elwakil. MWSCAS. (2020)
- Analytical Determinant of the Noise Parameter Extraction Matrix and Its Applications. A. T. Sutinjo; L. Belostotski. APSURSI. (2019)
- A Wideband Delay-Tunable Fully Differential Allpass Filter in 65-nm CMOS Technology. M. B. Elamien; B. J. Maundy; L. Belostotski; A. S. Elwakil; S. A. Mahmoud. ISCAS. (2019)
- 8-GHz Low-Power Voltage-Mode Second-Order Allpass Filter in 65-nm CMOS. M. B. Elamien; A. S. Elwakil; B. J. Maundy; L. Belostotski. ICECS. (2019)
- Single-Transistor Second-Order Allpass Filters. M. B. Elamien; B. J. Maundy; L. Belostotski; A. S. Elwakil. MWSCAS. (2019)
- An Ultra-Low Power Wide-Band Single-Transistor Second-Order Allpass Filter in 65nm CMOS. M. B. Elamien; B. J. Maundy; L. Belostotski; A. S. Elwakil. MWSCAS. (2019)
- A large phased array feed with CMOS low-noise amplifiers. T. Burgess; B. Veidt; L. Belostotski; A. J. Beaulieu; E. Zailer; J. W. Haslett. EuCAP. 1-3. (2018)
- Sampling H- & V-Polarized Antennas using a Single ADC for Digital Antenna Arrays by Exploiting Multi-Dimensional Signal Processing RF Circuits. A. Madanayake; N. Akram; L. Belostotski. DSP. (2018)
- Cryo-CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier for the Square Kilometre Array. A. Sheldon; L. Belostotski. ANTEM. (2018)
- Multiport ADCs for Microwave Focal Plane Array Dish Receivers. N. Akram; A. Madanayake; S. Handagala; S. Mandal; L. Belostotski. ISCAS. (2018)
- N-port LNAs for mmW array processors using 2-D spatio-temporal Δ — Σ noise-shaping. Y. Wang; S. Handagala; A. Madanayake; L. Belostotski; S. Mandal. MWSCAS. (2017)
- Analog 65/130 nm CMOS 5 GHz Sub-Arrays with ROACH-2 FPGA Beamformers for Hybrid Aperture-Array Receivers. A. Viduneth, N. Udayanga, A. Madanayake, Belostotski L., P. Ahmadi, S. Mandal, A. Nikoofard. Defense Technical Information Center. (2017)
- Frequency-Agile Transfer-Function Adaptable Filters and Low SWaP mmW Multi-Beamformers using Mixed Passives and Analog/Digital CMOS Integrated Circuits. Madanayake A, Mandal S, Psychogiou D, Cintra R, Belostotski L, Wijenayake C, Rappaport T, Ariyarathna V, Coelho D, Udayanga N, Tang X. NSF Millimeter-Wave RCN Workshop. (2017)
- A 28 GHz Q-Tunable Fully Differential Bandpass Filter in 65-nm CMOS Technology. M. B. Elamien; B. J. Maundy; L. Belostotski; A. S. Elwakil. MWSCAS. (2017)
- Design of a low-complexity wideband analog true-time-delay 5-beam array in 65nm CMOS. A. Madanayake; V. Ariyarathna; N. Udayanga; L. Belostotski; S. K. Perera; R. J. Cintra. MWSCAS. (2017)
- Synthesis and analysis of fully differential filters using two port networks. B. J. Maundy; A. Elwakil; A. Al-Ali; L. Belostotski. MWSCAS. (2017)
- Low-complexity N-port ADCs using 2-D Δ-Σ noise-shaping for N-element array receivers. A. Nikoofard; J. Liang; M. Twieg; S. Handagala; A. Madanayake; L. Belostotski; S. Mandal. MWSCAS. (2017)
- Gain-configurable lower sideband parametric downconverter. Z. Zhao; S. Magierowski; L. Belostotski. EuMIC. (2017)
- Modeling and measuring of antenna array s-parameters and radiation efficiency. S. De Silva; L. Belostotski; M. Okoniewski. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting. (2017)
- Radiation efficiency of an individual antenna in a system of multiple non-identical antennas. S. De Silva; L. Belostotski; M. Okoniewski. URSI GASS. 1-4. (2017)
- Improving ADC figure-of-merit in wideband antenna array receivers using multidimensional space-time delta-sigma multiport circuits. A. Madanayake; N. Akram; S. Mandal; J. Liang; L. Belostotski. nDS. (2017)
- A 10-GS/s track-and-hold circuit for a 7-bit Square Kilometre Array ADC in 65-nm. G. Wu; E. Zailer; L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett; R. Plume. SiRF. (2017)
- 0.96-to-5.1GHz 4-element spatially analog IIR-enhanced delay-and-sum beamformer. P. Ahmadi; L. Belostotski; A. Madanayake; J. W. Haslett. IMS. (2017)
- Millimeter-wave CMOS PLL using a push-push oscillator. S. Jain; Nan Zhang; L. Belostotski. CCECE. (2017)
- All-Pass Filter Based Synthesis of Multifunctional Microwave Active Circuits. N. Udayanga; A. Madanayake; C. Wijenayake; P. Ahmadi; L. Belostotski; B. Maundy; L. T. Bruton; A. Elwakil. VTC. (2017)
- Design methodology of an analog 9-beam squint-free wideband IF multi-beamformer for mmW applications. V. Ariyarathna; N. Udayanga; A. Madanayake; S. M. Perera; L. Belostotski; R. J. Cintra. MERCon. (2017)
- Development of a CMOS receiver for a radio-telescope phased-array feed. A. J. Beaulieu; G. Wu; L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett; T. Burgess; B. Veidt. IMS. (2016)
- Linear RF apertures using 2-D analog beam filters. C. Wijenayake; A. Madanayake; L. Belostotski; Y. Xu; L. T. Bruton. ISCAS. (2016)
- Delta-sigma noise shaping in 2D spacetime for uniform linear aperture array receivers. S. Handagala; A. Madanayake; L. Belostotski; L. T. Bruton. MERCon. (2016)
- Measuring antenna noise parameters using a set of Wheeler caps. P. Groves; P. Conroy; L. Belostotski; M. Okoniewski. EuCAP. (2016)
- Low noise phased-array feed with CMOS LNAs. L. Belostotski; A. J. Beaulieu; T. Burgess; B. Veidt; J. W. Haslett. URSI. (2016)
- Multi-beam 4 GHz microwave apertures using current-mode DFT approximation on 65 nm CMOS. V. Ariyarathna; S. Kulasekera; A. Madanayake; K. Lee; D. Suarez; R. J. Cintra; F. M. Bayer; L. Belostotski. IMS. (2015)
- University of Calgary participation in CCAT CHAI development. E. Zailer; H. Xie; N. Zhang; R. Plume; L. Belostotski; M. Okoniewski. APSURSI. (2015)
- Tunable multiband RF CMOS active filter arrays. N. Udayanga; A. Madanayake; C. Wijenayake; P. Ahmadi; L. Belostotski. ISCAS. (2015)
- Continuous-time 2-D IIR+time-delay linear aperture arrays. A. Madanayake; C. Wijenayake; L. Belostotski. RWS. (2015)
- An overview of multi-dimensional RF signal processing for array receivers. A. Madanayake; C. Wijenayake; L. Belostotski; L. T. Bruton. MERCon. (2015)
- The first CMOS LNA on a radio telescope. L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett; B. Veidt; T. L. Landecker; A. D. Gray; G. J. Hovey; E. Sheehan; R. Messing. ANTEM. (2014)
- Analysis of the ADC resolution for radio astronomy applications. E. Zailer; T. Graham; L. Belostotski; R. Plume; R. Taylor. ANTEM. (2014)
- 6-GHz all-pass-filter-based delay-and-sum beamformer in 130nm CMOS. P. Ahmadi; M. H. Taghavi; L. Belostotski; A. Madanayake. MWSCAS. (2014)
- A 3-D spatially-FIR RF frustum digital filter with microwave channelization for FPAs. A. Madanayake; A. Sengupta; R. Gomez-Garcia; L. Belostotski. IEEE Radar Conference. (2014)
- Analog 2-D IIR beam filters for EARS in UAS ecosystems. A. Madanayake; L. Belostotski; C. Wijenayake; L. Bruton; V. Devabhaktuni. APSURSI. (2014)
- A 65nm CMOS 0.1-2.1GHz linear-in-dB VGA with active-inductor bandwidth extension for the Square Kilometer Array. G. Wu; L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett. SiRF. (2014)
- 10-GHz current-mode 1st-and 2nd-order allpass filters on 130nm CMOS. P. Ahmadi; M. H. Taghavi; L. Belostotski; A. Madanayake. MWSCAS. (2013)
- A 5GS/s 4-bit time-based single-channel CMOS ADC for radio astronomy. A. R. Macpherson; J. W. Haslett; L. Belostotski. CICC. (2013)
- A Steerable DC-1 GHz all-pass filter-Sum RF space-time 2-D beam filter in 65 nm CMOS. C. Wijenayake; A. Madanayake; Y. Xu; L. Belostotski; L. T. Bruton. ISCAS. (2013)
- A broadband Variable Gain Amplifier for the Square Kilometer Array. G. Wu; L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett. ISCAS. (2013)
- An analog-design assistant tool and an example of its application. D. Shahhosseini; M. H. Taghavi; L. Behjat; L. Belostotski. MWSCAS. (2013)
- Low-power CMOS inductorless bandwidth-enhanced transimpedance amplifier for short-haul applications. M. H. Taghavi; P. Ahmadi; L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett. SiRF. (2013)
- Low-power CMOS inductorless bandwidth-enhanced transimpedance amplifier for short-haul applications. M. H. Taghavi; P. Ahmadi; L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett. RWS. (2013)
- Low-power CMOS inductorless bandwidth-enhanced transimpedance amplifier for short-haul applications. M. H. Taghavi; P. Ahmadi; L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett. PAWR. (2013)
- Rejection of interference and near-field coupled LNA-noise on FPA-fed multibeam dish antennas using 3-D analog filters. Madanayake, A., Wijenayake, C., Gunarathne, T., Belostotski, L., Xu, Y., Bruton, L. . Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. (2013)
- 1.6 GHz-3 GHz, 10W, 60% efficiency class-J PA for cognitive radio applications. S. Rezaei; L. Belostotski; F. M. Ghannouchi. MWSCAS. (2013)
- Signal-to-noise-ratio-constrained jitter optimization for wideband amplifiers. M. H. Taghavi; L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett. CCECE. (2012)
- Efficiency measurement of 1-D connected array using the Improved Wheeler Cap method. A. Sutinjo; L. Belostotski; R. H. Johnston; M. Okoniewski. EuCAP. (2012)
- A bandwidth enhancement technique for CMOS TIAs driven by large photodiodes. M. H. Taghavi; L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett. NEWCAS. (2012)
- Discrete space continuous time 2D delay block using 2D all-pass frequency planar networks. C. Wijenayake; A. Madanayake; Y. Xu; L. Belostotski; L. T. Bruton. ISCAS. (2012)
- Efficiency measurement of 1-D connected array using the Improved Wheeler Cap method. Leonid Belostotski. EuCAP. (2012)
- Towards RF analog IC realization of wave-discrete filters on 65nm CMOS. N. Rajapaksha; A. Madanayake; K. Lee; A. Edirisuriya; L. Bruton; L. Belostotski; Y. Xu. IEEEI. (2012)
- A new class of spatially-discrete time-continuous 2D IIR filters based on wave-digital-filter theory. A. Madanayake; N. Rajapaksha; C. Wijenayake; K. Lee; L. T. Bruton; L. Belostotski. PACRIM. (2011)
- Band-pass filters with high quality factors and asymmetric-slope characteristics. P. Ahmadi; B. Maundy; A. S. Elwakil; L. Belostotski. MWSCAS. (2011)
- Analog 2D fan filters from discrete domain transfer functions. A. Madanayake; L. Belostotski; C. Wijenayake; L. T. Bruton. ISCAS. (2011)
- Modelling of wideband inter-element EM coupling in 2D space-time frequency domain. L. Belostotski; A. Madanayake; M. A. Petursson; L. T. Bruton. nDS. (2011)
- Offset-corrected 5GHz CMOS dynamic comparator using bulk voltage trimming: Design and analysis. Y. Xu; L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett. NEWCAS. (2011)
- Recent progress on analog/digital VLSI 2D filter circuits for beamforming antenna arrays. C. Wijenayake; A. Madanayake; L. Belostotski; L. T. Bruton. nDS. (2011)
- A broadband automatic gain control amplifier for the Square Kilometer Array. G. Wu; L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett. NEWCAS. (2010)
- Evaluation of packaging options for very low noise amplifiers. D. Navaratne; L. Belostotski. CCECE. (2010)
- Noise figure optimization of a noise-cancelling wide-band CMOS LNA. D. Navaratne; A. Beaulieu; L. Belostotski. NEWCAS. (2010)
- Noise figure optimization of wide-band inductively-degenerated CMOS LNAs. L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett. MWSCAS. (2007)
- An image-reject low-noise amplifier with passive Q-enhanced notch filters. P. Anand; L. Belostotski; K. Townsend; R. G. Randall; J. W. Haslett. CCECE. (2007)
- On selection of optimum signal source impedance for inductively-degenerated CMOS LNAs. L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett. CCECE. (2007)
- Wide band room temperature 0.35-dB noise figure LNA in 90-nm bulk CMOS. L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett. RWS. (2007)
- Linearization techniques for cross-coupled transconductor circuits used in integrated Q-enhanced LC filters. H. Pekau; J. Kulyk; J. W. Haslett; L. Belostotski. CCECE. (2007)
- Ultra-wideband front-end with tunable notch filter. K. A. Townsend; L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett; J. Nielsen. NEWCAS. (2006)
- CMOS LNAs for Large Arrays. L. Belostotski and J.W. Haslett . URSI. (2007)
- Technologies and their Impact on the Cost of a Square Kilometer Array. G.J. Hovey, B. Carlson, D. Chalmers, P.E. Dewdney, G. Lacy, B. Veidt, A. Chippendale, P. Hall, J. O’Sullivan, L. Belostotski, and J.W. Haslett . URSI. (2007)
- Wide-band CMOS low noise amplifier for applications in radio astronomy. L. Belostotski; J. W. Haslett; B. Veidt. ISCAS. (2006)
- Large adaptive reflector: A 200-m diameter, wideband, cm-m wave radio telescope. Carlson, Brent, Bauwens, Luc, Belostotski, Leonid, Cannon, Elizabeth, Chang, Ya-Ying, Deng, Xiaohui, Dewdney, Peter, Fitzsimmons, Joeleff, Halliday, David, Kurschner, Kai, Lachapelle, Gerard, Lo, David, Mousavi, Pedram, Nahon, Meyer, Shafai, Lot. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. (2000)
In the News
- Square Kilometer Array Telescope developments. Calgary Herald. (2011)
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