Leonard Peter Bos
Professor Emeritus
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
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Educational Background
PhD University of Toronto, 1981
MSc University of Toronto, 1977
BSc University of Toronto, 1976
Areas of Research
More Information
- Bos, Len and Waldron, Shayne. On the structure of {K}ergin interpolation for points in general position 137. Birkh\"auser, 2001. 75-87. Print.
- Bos, Len and Maier, Ulrike. On the asymptotics of points which maximize determinants of the form {$\det[g(\vert x\sb i-x\sb j\vert )]$} 107. Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 1999. 107-128. Print.
- Bos, Len and Pavlov, Boris. Absolute continuity of convolutions of singular measures and new branches of spectrum of {L}iouvillians and few-body {H}amiltonians 399. Chapman \& Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 1999. 308-322. Print.
- Bos, Len and Holland, Darius. Radial extensions of vertex data 18. Amer. Math. Soc., 1999. 5-14. Print.
- Bos, Len, Levenberg, N. and Taylor, B. A.. Characterization of smooth, compact algebraic curves in {${\bf R}\sp 2$} 31. Polish Acad. Sci., 1995. 125-134. Print.
- Bos, Len and Milman, P. D.. On {M}arkov and {S}obolev type inequalities on sets in {$\bold R\sp n$} World Sci. Publishing, 1993. 81-100. Print.
- Bos, Len and Milman, P. D.. The equivalence of the usual and quotient topologies for {$C\sp \infty(E)$} when {$E\subset{\bf R}\sp n$} is {W}hitney {$p$}-regular 356. Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1992. 279-292. Print.
- Bos, Len and Salkauskas, Kes. Weighted splines based on piecewise polynomial weight functions , SIAM, 1992. 87-98. Print.
- Bos, Len, Grabenstetter, J. E. and Salkauskas, Kes. Finite element interpolation with weighted smoothing 2. Acad. Cienc. Exact. F\'\i s. Qu\'\i m. Nat. Zaragoza, 1990. 17-23. Print.
- Bos, Len. Asymptotics for the {C}hristoffel function for the equilibrium measure on a ball in {${\bf R}\sp m$} Academic Press, 1989. 97-100. Print.
- Bos, Len and Gotay, Mark J.. Reduced canonical formalism for a particle with zero angular momentum World Sci. Publishing, 1984. 83-91. Print.
- Bos, Len and Bloom, Thomas. On the convergence of {K}ergin interpolants of analytic functions Academic Press, 1983. 369-374. Print.
Journal article
- Brudnyi, Alex, Bos, Len and Levenberg, Norm. "On polynomial inequalities on exponential curves in C^n". Constr. Approx. 31.1 (2010): 139-147. Print.
- Bos, Len, Brudnyi, Alex, Levenberg, N. and Totik, V.. "Tangential Markov inequalities on transcendental curves". Constructive Approximation. An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions 19.3 (2003): 339-354. Print.
- Bos, Len and Maier, U.. "On the asymptotics of {F}ekete-type points for univariate radial basis interpolation". Journal of Approximation Theory 119.2 (2002): 252-270. Print.
- Bos, Len, Ware, Antony and Pavlov, B. S.. "On a semi-spectral method for pricing an option on a mean-reverting asset". Quantitative Finance 2.5 (2002): 337-345. Print.
- Bagby, T., Bos, Len and Levenberg, N.. "Multivariate simultaneous approximation". Constructive Approximation. An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions 18.4 (2002): 569-577. Print.
- Bos, Len and Marchi, Stefano. "On the limit under scaling of polynomial {L}agrange interpolation on analytic manifolds". Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Serie II. Supplemento, 68, part I (2002): 303-314. Print.
- Bos, Len, Calvi, Jean and Levenberg, Norman. "On the {S}iciak extremal function for real compact convex sets". Arkiv f\"or Matematik 39.2 (2001): 245-262. Print.
- Bos, Len, Taylor, M. A. and Wingate, B. A.. "Tensor product {G}auss-{L}obatto points are {F}ekete points for the cube". Mathematics of Computation 70.236 (2001): 1543-1547 (electronic). Print.
- Bos, Len and Marchi, Stefano. "Fekete points for bivariate polynomials restricted to {$y=x\sp m$}". East Journal on Approximations 6.2 (2000): 189-200. Print.
- Bos, Len and Marchi, S.. "Limiting values under scaling of the {L}ebesgue function for polynomial interpolation on spheres". Journal of Approximation Theory 96.2 (1999): 366-377. Print.
- Korevaar, J. and Bos, Len. "Characterization of algebraic curves by {C}hebyshev quadrature". Journal d'Analyse Math\'ematique 75. (1998): 233-246. Print.
- Bos, Len, Levenberg, N., Milman, P. D. and Taylor, B. A.. "Tangential {M}arkov inequalities on real algebraic varieties". Indiana University Mathematics Journal 47.4 (1998): 1257-1272. Print.
- Bos, Len, Vecchia, B. and Mastroianni, G.. "On the asymptotics of {C}hristoffel functions for centrally symmetric weight functions on the ball in {$\bold R\sp d$}". Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Serie II. Supplemento, 52, Vol. I (1998): 277-290. Print.
- Bos, Len and Calvi, Jean. "Kergin interpolants at the roots of unity approximate {$C\sp 2$} functions". Journal d'Analyse Math\'ematique 72. (1997): 203-221. Print.
- Bos, Len and Holland, Darius. "Network splines". Results in Mathematics. Resultate der Mathematik 30.3-4 (1996): 228-258. Print.
- Bagby, Thomas, Bos, Len and Levenberg, Norman. "Quantitative approximation theorems for elliptic operators". Journal of Approximation Theory 85.1 (1996): 69-87. Print.
- Bos, Len, Grabenstetter, J. E. and Salkauskas, Kes. "Pseudo-tensor product interpolation and blending with families of univariate schemes". Computer Aided Geometric Design 13.5 (1996): 429-440. Print.
- Bos, Len, Levenberg, N., Milman, P. and Taylor, B. A.. "Tangential {M}arkov inequalities characterize algebraic submanifolds of {${\bf R}\sp N$}". Indiana University Mathematics Journal 44.1 (1995): 115-138. Print.
- Bos, Len and Milman, P. D.. "Sobolev-{G}agliardo-{N}irenberg and {M}arkov type inequalities on subanalytic domains". Geometric and Functional Analysis 5.6 (1995): 853-923. Print.
- Bos, Len. "Asymptotics for the {C}hristoffel function for {J}acobi like weights on a ball in {${\bf R}\sp m$}". New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 23.2 (1994): 99-109. Print.
- Bos, Len and Salkauskas, Kes. "Limits of weighted splines based on piecewise constant weight functions". The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 23.2 (1993): 483-493. Print.
- Bloom, T., Bos, Len, Christensen, C. and Levenberg, N.. "Polynomial interpolation of holomorphic functions in {${\bf C}$} and {${\bf C}\sp n$}". The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 22.2 (1992): 441-470. Print.
- Salkauskas, Kes and Bos, Len. "Weighted splines as optimal interpolants". The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 22.2 (1992): 705-717. Print.
- Bos, Len. "On certain configurations of points in {${\bf R}\sp n$} which are unisolvent for polynomial interpolation". Journal of Approximation Theory 64.3 (1991): 271-280. Print.
- Bos, Len. "Some remarks on the {F}ej\'er problem for {L}agrange interpolation in several variables". Journal of Approximation Theory 60.2 (1990): 133-140. Print.
- Bos, Len. "A characteristic of points in {${\bf R}\sp 2$} having {L}ebesgue function of polynomial growth". Journal of Approximation Theory 56.3 (1989): 316-329. Print.
- Bos, Len and Salkauskas, Kes. "Moving least-squares are {B}ackus-{G}ilbert optimal". Journal of Approximation Theory 59.3 (1989): 267-275. Print.
- Bos, Len and Salkauskas, Kes. "Comment on the representation of splines as {B}oolean sums". Journal of Approximation Theory 53.2 (1988): 155-162. Print.
- Bos, Len and Salkauskas, Kes. "On the matrix {$[\vert x\sb i-x\sb j\vert \sp 3]$} and the cubic spline continuity equations". Journal of Approximation Theory 51.1 (1987): 81-88. Print.
- Gotay, Mark J. and Bos, Len. "Singular angular momentum mappings". Journal of Differential Geometry 24.2 (1986): 181-203. Print.
- Bos, Len and Torrence, R. J.. "Comment on the {L}iouville equation and multisolitons". Physics Letters. A 111.3 (1985): 95-96. Print.
- Bos, Len. "Bounding the {L}ebesgue function for {L}agrange interpolation in a simplex". Journal of Approximation Theory 38.1 (1983): 43-59. Print.
- Bos, Len. "On {K}ergin interpolation in the disk". Journal of Approximation Theory 37.3 (1983): 251-261. Print.
- Galler, Bruce I. and Bos, Len. "A model of transaction blocking in databases". Performance Evaluation. An International Journal 3.2 (1983): 95-122. Print.
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