Kirsten Deemer
Nurse Practitioner
Alberta Health Services
Contact information
Phone number
Office: 403.956.2100
Preferred method of communication
Preferred method of communication is by email.
Kirsten completed her undergraduate nursing degree at Dalhousie University and pursued a career in critical care in Halifax, Nova Scotia before completing a Master of Nursing, Adult NP at the University of Toronto. She trained and worked as a Critical Care NP in Edmonton, Alberta at the Royal Alexandra Hospital before joining the Calgary Department of Critical Care Medicine in 2014 at the South Health Campus. She participated in development of the Critical Care Medicine NP role and is co-author of “The Role of the NP at South Health Campus ICU”.
Kirsten is currently the Co-Chair of the DCCM NP Research Subcommittee and has authored several peer reviewed publications focused on critical care quality improvement and cognitive therapy in the intensive care unit. Along with her team members, she has been a recipient of the CIHR Transitions in Care Seed Grant, the AHS Research Challenge Grant and a DCCM research grant. Her current focus is multidisciplinary care of the persistently critically ill patient and therapeutic plasma exchange in severe septic shock.
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