Karen Seyffarth
Associate Professor Emerita
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
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Educational Background
PhD University of Waterloo, 1990
MMath University of Waterloo, 1986
BSc (Hons) University of Regina, 1984
Areas of Research
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Conference proceedings
- Chattopadhyay, S., Higham, L. and Seyffarth, Karen. Dynamic and self-stabilizing distributed matching 2002.
Journal article
- Rapke, Tina K. and Seyffarth, Karen. "On nice and injective-nice tournaments". Discrete Math. 341.1 (2018): 1-19. Print.
- Seyffarth, Karen, Cavers, Michael S. and White, Ethan P.. "Distinguishing chromatic numbers of complements of Cartesian products of complete graphs". Discrete Mathematics 341.9 (2018): 2431–2441. Print.
- Haas, Ruth and Seyffarth, Karen. "Reconfiguring dominating sets in some well-covered and other classes of graphs". Discrete Math. 340.8 (2017): 1802-1817. Print.
- Celaya, Marcel, Choo, Kelly, MacGillivray, Gary and Seyffarth, Karen. "Reconfiguring k-colourings of complete bipartite graphs". Kyungpook Math. J. 56.3 (2016): 647-655. Print.
- Haas, Ruth and Seyffarth, Karen. "The k-dominating graph". Graphs Combin. 30.3 (2014): 609-617. Print.
- Cavers, Michael and Seyffarth, Karen. "Graphs with large distinguishing chromatic number". Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 20.1 (2013): #P19 (17 p.). Print.
- Hodgins, Cameron J. and Seyffarth, Karen. "Distinguishing chromatic numbers of wreath products". J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput. 85. (2013): 299-319. Print.
- Nowakowski, Richard J. and Seyffarth, Karen. "Small cycle double covers of products II: categorical and strong products with paths and cycles". Graphs Combin. 25.3 (2009): 385-400. Print.
- Laflamme, Claude and Seyffarth, Karen. "Distinguishing chromatic number of bipartite Graphs". Elec. Journal of Combinatorics 16.1 (2009): #R76. Print.
- Nowakowski, Richard J. and Seyffarth, Karen. "Small cycle double covers of products I: lexicographic product with paths and cycles". J. Graph Theory 57.2 (2008): 99-123. Print.
- Seyffarth, Karen and Wang, Chengde. "On Eulerian and regular perfect path double covers of graphs". Discrete Mathematics 293.1-3 (2005): 237-250. Print.
- MacGillivray, G. and Seyffarth, Karen. "Bounds for the independent domination number of graphs and planar graphs". Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 49. (2004): 33-55. Print.
- Lutscher, Frithjof, McNulty, Jenny, Morris, Joy and Seyffarth, Karen. "Stitching images back together". Congressus Numerantium. A Conference Journal on Numerical Themes 165. (2003): 161-168. Print.
- Fish, J. M., Klimmek, R. and Seyffarth, Karen. "Line graphs of complete multipartite graphs have small cycle double covers". Discrete Math. 257.1 (2002): 39-61. Print.
- MacGillivray, G. and Seyffarth, Karen. "Classes of line graphs with small cycle double covers". The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 24. (2001): 91-114. Print.
- Hell, P. and Seyffarth, Karen. "Broadcasting in planar graphs". The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 17. (1998): 309-318. Print.
- Fellows, M., Hell, P. and Seyffarth, Karen. "Constructions of large planar networks with given degree and diameter". Networks. An International Journal 32.4 (1998): 275-281. Print.
- MacGillivray, G. and Seyffarth, Karen. "Domination numbers of planar graphs". Journal of Graph Theory 22.3 (1996): 213-229. Print.
- Fellows, M., Hell, P. and Seyffarth, Karen. "Large planar graphs with given diameter and maximum degree". Discrete Applied Mathematics. Combinatorial Algorithms, Optimization and Computer Science 61.2 (1995): 133-153. Print.
- Seyffarth, Karen. "Small cycle double covers of 4-connected planar graphs". Combinatorica 13.4 (1993): 477-482. Print.
- Seyffarth, Karen. "Packings and perfect path double covers of maximal planar graphs". Discrete Math. 117.1-3 (1993): 183-195. Print.
- Hell, Pavol and Seyffarth, Karen. "Largest planar graphs of diameter two and fixed maximum degree". Graphs Combin. 111.1 (1993): 313-322. Print.
- Seyffarth, Karen. "Hajós' conjecture and small cycle double covers of planar graphs". Discrete Math. 101.1-3 (1992): 291-306. Print.
- Seyffarth, Karen. "Maximal planar graphs of diameter two". J. Graph Theory 13.5 (1989): 619-648. Print.
- Hanson, Denis and Seyffarth, Karen. "Point saturation of graphs". Ars Combinatoria 120. (1985): 147-157. Print.
- Hanson, Denis and Seyffarth, Karen. "k-saturated graphs of prescribed maximum degree". Congr. Numer. 42. (1984): 169-182. Print.
- Hanson, Denis, Seyffarth, Karen and Weston, J. Harley. "Matchings, Derangements, Rencontres". Math. Mag. 56.4 (1983): 224-229. Print.
PhD thesis
- Seyffarth, Karen. Cycle and path covers of graphs 1990.
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