Dr. Joule Bergerson
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Contact information
Phone number
Office: +1 (403) 220-5265
Educational Background
H.B.Sc. Chemistry with Environmental Science, University of Western Ontario, 1996
M.Eng. Chemical Engineering, University of Toronto, 2001
M.S. Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie-Mellon University, 2003
Ph.D. Civil and Environmental Engineering & Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie-Mellon University, 2005
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
ENER 300 | Engineering Design and Energy Policy | Fall 2023 |
ENEE 355 | Introduction to Energy and the Environment | Fall 2023 |
ENER 300 | Engineering Design and Energy Policy | Fall 2022 |
ENEE 355 | Introduction to Energy and the Environment | Fall 2022 |
ENER 300 LAB 01 B01 | Engineering Design and Energy Policy | Fall 2021 |
ENEE 355 TUT 01 T01 | Introduction to Energy and the Environment | Fall 2021 |
ENEE 355 LEC 01 01 | Introduction to Energy and the Environment | Fall 2020 |
ENER 300 LEC 01 01 | Engineering Design and Energy Policy | Fall 2020 |
ENEE 503 | Life Cycle Assessment | Winter 2020 |
ENER 300 | Engineering Design and Energy Policy | Fall 2019 |
ENEE 503 | Life Cycle Assessment | Winter 2019 |
ENEE 503 | Life Cycle Assessment | Winter 2017 |
ENCH 551 | Chemical Engineering Laboratory | Fall 2016 |
ENEE 503 | Life Cycle Assessment | Winter 2016 |
ENGG 319 | Probability and Statistics for Engineers | Fall 2015 |
ENEE 503 | Life Cycle Assessment | Winter 2015 |
ENCH 551 | Chemical Engineering Laboratory | Fall 2014 |
ENEE 503 | Life Cycle Assessment | Winter 2014 |
ENEE 503 | Life Cycle Assessment | Winter 2013 |
ENCH 551 | Chemical Engineering Laboratory | Fall 2012 |
ENEE 503 | Life Cycle Assessment | Winter 2012 |
ENGG 201 | Behavior of Liquids, Gases & Solids | Winter 2011 |
ENEE 503 | Life Cycle Assessment | Winter 2011 |
ENGG 201 | Behavior of Liquids, Gases & Solids | Winter 2010 |
ENEE 503 | Life Cycle Assessment | Fall 2009 |
ENGG 201 | Behavior of Liquids, Gases & Solids | Winter 2009 |
ENCH 699 | Special Topics/Independent Study on Petrochemical Process Simulation | Fall 2022 |
MGST 797.59 | Global Energy Systems | 2016 |
ENCH 701/ENEN 621 | Experimental Design and Error Analysis | Winter 2015 |
EESS 619.02 | Special Topics | Winter 2015 |
EESS 607 | Tools for Systems Analysis | Fall 2014 |
EESS 601 | Introduction to Energy and Environmental Systems | Fall 2014 |
ENCH 701/ENEN 621 | Experimental Design and Error Analysis | Winter 2014 |
EESS 619.02 | Special Topics | Winter 2014 |
EESS 607 | Tools for Systems Analysis | Fall 2013 |
EESS 601 | Introduction to Energy and Environmental Systems | Fall 2013 |
ENCH 701/ENEN 621 | Experimental Design and Error Analysis | Winter 2013 |
EESS 619.02 | Special Topics | Winter 2013 |
EESS 601 | Introduction to Energy and Environmental Systems | Fall 2012 |
ENEN 601 | Research Seminar | Winter 2012 |
EESS 619.02 | Special Topics | Winter 2012 |
EESS 601 | Introduction to Energy and Environmental Systems | Fall 2011 |
EESS 619.02 | , Special Topics | Winter 2011 |
EESS 619.02 | Special Topics | Fall 2009 |
ENEN 693/EVDS 683.46 | Life Cycle Assessment | Winter 2007 |
- Wiley Award for the Top 10 most Downloaded Papers published by all Wiley journals between January 2018 and December 2019, Wiley Publications. 2022
- Graedel Prize for the Best Paper of the Year published in the Journal of Industrial Ecology as determined by an editorial committee, Journal of Industrial Ecology. 2021
- Engineering Students’ Society Professor of the Year Award , Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2021
- Certificate for Top Downloaded Paper in the Journal of Industrial Ecology published between January 2018 – December 2019, Journal of Industrial Ecology. 2020
- Achievement Award for Teaching, Schulich School of Engineering. 2020
- Experiential Learning Project in Sustainability Award, University of Calgary. 2020
- Emerging Leaders in Chemical Engineering Award, Canadian Society of Chemical Engineers. 2019
- Great Supervisor Award, Faculty of Graduate Studies . 2019
- Peak Scholar Award, University of Calgary. 2018
- Canada Research Chair in Energy Technology Assessment, Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. 2017
- Sustainability Award: Teaching Leadership, University of Calgary. 2016
- Graduate Educator Award, Schulich School of Engineering. 2015
- Dixon Cup Award , University of Calgary. 2015
- Teaching Excellence Award, Schulich School of Engineering. 2014
- Carbon Intensity of Global Crude Oil Trading and Market Policy Implications. Yash Dixit, Hassan El-Houjeiri, Jean-Christophe Monfort, Liang Jing, Yiqi Zhang, James Littlefield, Christoph Falter, Alhassan Badahdah, Joule Bergerson, Raymond Speth, Steven Barrett. (2023)
- Understanding Variability in Petroleum Jet Fuel Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions to Inform Aviation Decarbonization. Liang Jing, Hassan M El-Houjeiri, Jean-Christophe Monfort, James Littlefield, Amjaad Al-Qahtani, Yash Dixit, Raymond L Speth, Adam R Brandt, Mohammad S Masnadi, Heather L MacLean, William Peltier, Deborah Gordon, Joule A Bergerson. (2022)
- Guiding Research in Electrochemical CO2 Conversion Strategies through a Systems-Level Perspective.. Emily Nishikawa, Shamiul Islam, Sylvia Sleep, Viola Birss, Joule Bergerson. (2022)
- A Standardized Methodology for Economic and Carbon Footprint Assessment of CO2 to Transport Fuels: Comparison of Novel Bicarbonate Electrolysis with Competing Pathways. Miyuru Kannangara*, Jalil Shadbahr, Madhav Vasudev, Jianjun Yang, Lei Zhang, Farid Bensebaa, Eric Lees, Grace Simpson, Curtis Berlinguette, Jingjing Cai, Emily Nishikawa, Sean McCoy, Heather MacLean, Joule Bergerson. (2022)
- Carbon Footprinting of Carbon Capture and Utilization Technologies: Discussion of the Analysis of Carbon XPRIZE Competition Team Finalists. . Sylvia Sleep, Raghav Munjal, Michael Leitch, Marcius Extavour, Adriana Goana, Shah Ahmad, Emily Nishikawa, Vaidehi Pitre, Peter Psarras, Andrea Ramirez, Heather MacLean, Joule Bergerson. (2021)
- On the Climate Impacts of Blue Hydrogen Production. . Christian Bauer, Karin Treyer, Cristina Antonini, Joule Bergerson, Matteo Gazzani, Emre Gencer, Minjdert van der Spek, et al. . (2021)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Western Canadian Natural Gas: Proposed Emissions Tracking for Life Cycle Modeling. . Ryan E. Liu, Arvind P Ravikumar, Xiaotao Tony Bi, Sido Zhang, Yuhao Nie, Adam Brandt, Joule Bergerson. (2021)
- Economic and Environmental Competitiveness of High Temperature Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production. . Kavan Motazedi, Yaser Khojasteh, Ian Laurenzi, Heather MacLean, Joule Bergerson. (2021)
- Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Renewable Gas Technologies: A Comparative Review. . Sebastian Kolb, Thomas Plankenbuhler, Katharina Hofmann, Joule Bergerson, Jurgen Karl. (2021)
- Light Manipulation Using Organic Semiconducting Materials for Enhanced Photosynthesis. . Jackie Zorz, William DL Richardson, Audry Laventure, Marianne Haines, Edward Cieplechowicz, Alireza Aslani, Agastewar Vadlamani, Joule Bergerson, Gregory C Welch, Marc Strous. (2021)
- Improving Robustness of LCA Results Through Stakeholder Engagement: A Case Study of Emerging Oil Sands Technologies Journal of Cleaner Production. . Sylvia Sleep, Zainab Dadashi, Adam Brandt, Heather MacLean and Joule A. Bergerson. (2021)
- Leveraging Open-Source Tools for Collaborative Macro-Energy System Modeling Efforts. . Joseph F DeCarolis, Paulina Jaramillo, Jeremiah X Johnson, David L McCollum, Evelina Trutnevyte, David C Daniels, Gökçe Akın-Olçum, Joule Bergerson et al.. (2020)
- Statistically Enhanced Model of Oil Sands Operations: Well-to-Wheel Comparison of in Situ Oil Sands Pathways.. John Guo, Andrea Orellana, Sylvia Sleep, Ian J. Laurenzi, Heather L. MacLean, Joule A. Bergerson. (2020)
- Modelling Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Oil Sands Partial Upgrading Technologies Using a Life Cycle-Based Model.. Diana M. Pacheco, Joule A. Bergerson, Heather MacLean. (2020)
- Economic and Environmental Assessment of Integrated Carbon Capture and Utilization. . Imtinan Mohsin, Tareq A. Al-Attas, Kazi Z. Sumon, Joule A. Bergerson, Sean McCoy, Md. Golam Kibria. (2020)
- Carbon Intensity of Global Crude Oil Refining and Mitigation Potential. . Liang Jing, Hassan M. El-Houjeiri, Jean-Christophe Monfort, Adam Brandt, Mohammad S. Masnadi, Deborah Gordon, Joule A. Bergerson. (2020)
- Quantifying Variability in Well-to-Wheel Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensities of Transportation Fuels Derived from Canadian Oil Sands Mining Operations. . Sylvia Sleep, John Guo, Ian J Laurenzi, Joule A. Bergerson, Heather MacLean. (2020)
- A Scenario-Based Study on the Impacts of Electric Vehicles on Energy Consumption and Sustainability in Alberta. . Ganesh Doluweera, Fabian Hahn, Joule A. Bergerson, Marco Pruckner. (2020)
- A Life Cycle Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Direct Air Capture and Fischer-Tropsch Fuel Production. . Caroline M. Liu, Navjot K. Sandhu, Sean T. McCoy, Joule A. Bergerson. (2020)
- Repeated Leak Detection and Repair Surveys Reduce Methane Emissions over Scale of Years.. Arvind P. Ravikumar, Daniel Roda-Stuart, Ryan Liu, Alexander Bradley, Joule A. Bergerson, Yuhao Nie, Siduo Zhang, Xiaotao Bi, Adam R. Brandt. (2020)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Canadian Liquified Natural Gas for Use in China: Comparison and Synthesis of Three Independent Life Cycle Assessments.. Yuhao Nie, Siduo Zhang, Ryan Liu, Daniel J. Roda-Stuart, Arvind P. Ravikumar, Alex Bradley, Mohammad S. Masnadi, Adam R. Brandt, Joule A. Bergerson, Xiaotao Bi. (2020)
- Bringing a Life Cycle Perspective to Emerging Technology Development.. Joule A. Bergerson, Stefano Cucurachi, Thomas P. Seager. . (2020)
- Characterizing Variability in Oil Sands Upgrading Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity.. Diana M. Pacheco, Joule A. Bergerson, Anton Alvarez-Majmutov, Jinwen Chen, Heather MacLean. (2019)
- Life Cycle Assessment of Emerging Technologies: Evaluation Techniques at Different Stages of Market and Technical Maturity. . Joule A. Bergerson*, Adam Brandt, Joe Cresko, Michael Carbajales-Dale, Heather L. MacLean H. Scott Matthews, Sean McCoy, Marcelle McManus, Shelie Miller, William R. Morrow III, I. Daniel Posen, Thomas Seager, Timothy Skone¬¬, Sylvia Sleep. (2019)
- Expansion of the Petroleum Refinery Life Cycle Inventory Model to Support Characterization of a Full Suite of Commonly Tracked Impact Potentials. . Ben Young, Troy Hottle, Troy Hawkins, Matthew Jamieson, Gregory Cooney, Kavan Motazedi, Joule A. Bergerson. (2019)
- GHG Emissions Impact of Shifts in the Ratio of Gasoline to Diesel Production at U.S. Refineries: A PADD Level Analysis. . Kavan Motazedi, Daniel I. Posen, and Joule A. Bergerson. (2018)
- Investigation of Different Methods to Generate Power Transmission Line Routes. . Sara Ghandehari Shandiz, Ganesh Doluweera, William D. Rosehart, Laleh Behjat, Joule Bergerson. (2018)
- Evaluation of Variability in Greenhouse Gas Intensity of Canadian Oil Sands Surface Mining and Upgrading Operations. . Sylvia Sleep, Ian J. Laurenzi, Joule A. Bergerson, Heather Louise MacLean. (2018)
- Global Carbon Intensity of Crude Oil Production. . Mohammad S. Masnadi, Hassan M. El-Houjeiri, Dominik Schunack, Yunpo Li, Jacob G. Englander, Alhassan Badahdad, Jean-Christophe Monfort, James E. Anderson, Timothy J. Wallington, Joule A. Bergerson et al.. (2018)
- COPTEM: A Model to Investigate the Factors Driving Crude Oil Pipeline Transportation Emissions. . Nicolas Choquette-Levy, Margaret Zhong, Heather Maclean, Joule Bergerson. (2018)
- Statistically Enhanced Model of in Situ Oil Sands Extraction Operations: An Evaluation of Variability in Greenhouse Gas Emissions. . Andrea Orellana, Ian Laurenzi., Heather Maclean, Joule Bergerson. (2018)
- Techno–Economic Evaluation of Technologies to Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions at North American Refineries. . Kavan Motazedi, Jessica Abella, and Joule A. Bergerson. (2017)
- An Assessment Framework to Quantify the Interaction Between the Built Environment and the Electricity Grid. Eduard Cubi, Oguz Akbilgic and Joule Bergerson. (2017)
- Energy, Water, Cost and Greenhouse Gas Implications of Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage Surface Facility Technologies. . Zainab Dadashi, Carlos Carreon, Alberto Alva, Joule Bergerson. (2017)
- Optimal Design of Distributed Effluent Treatment Systems in Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Oil Sands Operations. . Zainab Dadashi, Alberto Alva-Argaez and Joule Bergerson. (2017)
- Optimization of Capacity Investment of Climate Policies. . Nikoo Sabzevar, Van Enns, Joule Bergerson, Janne Kettunen. (2017)
- Expert Assessments of Emerging Oil Sands Technologies. . Sylvia Sleep, Jennifer McKellar, Joule Bergerson, and Heather MacLean. (2017)
- Expectations and Drivers of Future Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Canada’s Oil Sands: An Expert Elicitation. . Jennifer McKellar, Sylvia Sleep, Joule Bergerson, and Heather MacLean. (2017)
- Development and Application of a Life Cycle-Based Model to Evaluate Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Oil Sands Upgrading Technologies. Diana Pacheco, Joule Bergerson, Anton Alvarez-Majmutov, Jinwen Chen and Heather MacLean. (2016)
- Updating the U.S. Life Cycle GHG Petroleum Baseline to 2014 with Projections to 2040 Using Open-Source Engineering-Based Models. . Greg Cooney, Matthew Jamieson, Joseph Marriott, Joule Bergerson, Adam Brandt, and Timothy Skone. (2016)
- Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Freshwater Consumption Associated with Bakken Tight Oil . Ian Laurenzi, Kavan Motazedi and Joule Bergerson. (2016)
- Adding Value to Biochar through Remediation of Produced Water from Oil Sands.. Joseph Kimetu, Josephine Hill, Maen Hussein, Joule Bergerson and David Layzell. (2016)
- Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Sustainable Roof Top Technologies in Cold Climates.. Eduard Cubi, Nicholas Zibin, Sarah Thompson and Joule Bergerson. (2016)
- Prediction of Steam to Oil Ratio of Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage from Reservoir Characteristics. . Oguz Akbilgic, Da Zhu, Ian Gates and Joule Bergerson. (2015)
- Incorporation of Electricity GHG Emissions Intensity Variability into Building Environmental Assessment. . Eduard Cubi, Ganesh Doluweera and Joule Bergerson. (2015)
- Use of Highly Alkaline Conditions to Improve Cost Effectiveness of Algal Biotechnology. . Karen A. Canon-Rubio, Christine E. Sharp, Joule Bergerson, Marc Strous, Hector De la Hoz Siegler. (2015)
- A Meta-Analysis of Carbon Capture and Storage Technology Assessments: Understanding the Driving Factors of Variability in Cost Estimates. . Oguz Akbilgic, Ganesh Doluweera, Maryam Mahmoudkhani, Joule Bergerson. (2015)
- On Fingering of Steam Chambers in Steam-Assisted Heavy Oil Recovery. . Da Zhu, Ian Gates, and Joule Bergerson. (2015)
- Building Consensus in Life Cycle Analysis: The Potential for a Canadian Product Category Rules Standard to Enhance Transparency and Credibility in GHG Emissions Estimates for Alberta’s Oil Sands. . Anne Rainville, Richard Hawkins, Joule Bergerson. (2015)
- Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Options in Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Oil Sands Surface Facilities via Process Integration. . Carlos Carreon, Maryam Mahmoudkhani, Alberto Alva, and Joule Bergerson. (2015)
- The Environmental Implications of U.S. Coal Exports: A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Future Power System Scenarios. . Barrett, Bohnengel, Dalia Patiño-Echeverri and Joule Bergerson. (2014)
- Internalizing Land use Impacts for Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Energy Systems: A Case of California’s Photovoltaic Implementation. . Raksha Lakhani, Ganesh Doluweera, and Joule Bergerson. (2014)
- Should Alberta Upgrade Oil Sands Bitumen? An Integrated Life Cycle Framework to Evaluate Energy Systems Investment Tradeoffs.. Nicolas Choquette-Levy, Heather MacLean, and Joule Bergerson. (2013)
- Predicting Project Environmental Performance under Market Uncertainties: Case Study of Oil Sands Coke. . Jennifer McKellar, Joule Bergerson, Janne Kettunen and Heather MacLean. (2013)
- Model to Investigate Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Implications of Refining Petroleum: Impacts of Crude Quality and Refinery Configuration. . Jessica Abella and Joule Bergerson. (2012)
- Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Current Oil Sands Technologies: Surface Mining and In Situ Applications. . Joule Bergerson, Oyeshola Kofoworola, Alex Charpentier, Sylvia Sleep, and Heather MacLean. (2012)
- Life Cycle Assessment of CO2 Sequestration in Magnesium Silicate Rock: A Comparative Study.. Experience Nduagu, Joule Bergerson, and Ron Zevenhoven. (2012)
- Evaluating the Role of Cogeneration for Carbon Management in Alberta. . Ganesh Doluweera, Sarah Jordaan, Michal Moore, David Keith and Joule Bergerson. (2011)
- Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Current Oil Sands Technologies: GHOST Model Development and SAGD Application.. Alex Charpentier, Oyeshola Kofoworola, Joule Bergerson, and Heather MacLean. (2011)
- The Truth about Dirty Oil: Is CCS the Answer?. Joule Bergerson and David Keith. (2010)
- Replacing Natural Gas in Alberta’s Oil Sands: Trade-Offs Associated with Alternative Fossil Fuels.. Jennifer McKellar, Joule Bergerson and Heather MacLean. (2010)
- A Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Perspective on Liquid Fuels from Canadian and U.S. Unconventional Fossil Sources. . Jennifer McKellar, Alex Charpentier, Joule Bergerson and Heather MacLean. (2009)
- Understanding the Canadian Oil Sands Industry’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions. . Alex Charpentier, Joule Bergerson and Heather MacLean. (2009)
- The Long-Term Life Cycle Private and External Costs of High Coal Usage in the U.S.. Joule Bergerson and Lester Lave. (2007)
- Baseload Coal Investment Decisions under Uncertain Carbon Legislation. . Joule Bergerson and Lester Lave. (2007)
- Should We Transport Coal, Gas, or Electricity: Cost, Efficiency, and Environmental Implications. . Joule Bergerson and Lester Lave. (2005)
- The Oil-Climate Index: Assessing GHG Emission Impacts across the Oil Value Chain. Deborah Gordon, Jeffrey Feldman, Joule Bergerson, Adam Brandt, Jonathan Koomey. (2017)
- Using Life Cycle Assessment to Facilitate Energy Mix Planning in the Galapagos Islands: Sustainable Energy Mix in Fragile Environments. Edward Cubi, Joule Bergerson, Anil Mehrotra. (2018)
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