Picture of Jose Domene smiling.

Dr. José Domene

PhD, R.Psych.
Pronouns: He/him



Werklund School of Education, Specialization, Counselling Psychology

Contact information


Office: EDT632

For media enquiries, contact

Clayton MacGillivray
Content and Media Specialist

Email: clmacgil@ucalgary.ca
Twitter: @UCalgaryEduc



Registered Psychologist, College of Health and Care Professionals of British Columbia, 2024

Registered Psychologist, College of Alberta Psychologists, 2018

Educational Background

PhD Measurement, Evaluation, & Research Methodology, University of British Columbia, 2005

MA Counselling Psychology, Trinity Western University, 1998

BSc Psychology, Trent University, 1995


Dr. José Domene immigrated to Canada with his family when he was a teenager, and has a Mexican and Chinese cultural heritage. José joined the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary in 2018, having previously taught at the University of New Brunswick and Trinity Western University in British Columbia. He primarily teaches graduate courses the counselling psychology area. He is also a Registered Psychologist in Alberta and in British Columbia.

Professional & Community Affiliations

Dr. José Domene is actively involved in numerous national and international professional associations in the fields of counselling psychology and career counselling, including the Asia Pacific Career Development Association, The Canadian Career Development Foundation, the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, and the Canadian Psychological Association. He is also  the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy.


Areas of Research

Relational contexts of career development

Dr. Domene's primary research area is the relational contexts of young people's career development (e.g., how couples or families work together to construct and pursue goals for their future work and life together). He also engages in research on how newcomer youth and international students to navigate the transition into the Canadian workforce, as well as adolescent and emerging adult career processes more generally. Dr. Domene uses the Contextual Action Theory of career and adopts a broad definition of career development as peoples' pursuit of goals for their future life (typically in relationship with other people).

Professional issues in counselling / counselling psychology

A secondary area of research interest for Dr. Domene is exploring the professions of counselling therapy and counselling psychology, which encompasses such topics as the historical development of these professions in Canada, approaches to research within these professions, and best practices for preparing students to become competent counselling therapists and counselling psychologists.

Technology, human development and wellbeing

Finally, Dr. Domene also has some interest in exploring ways that technology influence human development and, particularly, ways that technology can be used to enhance wellbeing. This tertiary research area encompasses negative and positive influences of emerging technologies on young people's career development and wellbeing, and innovative applications of technologies within counselling psychology practice.

Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
EDPS 742 Advanced Practicum in Counselling
EDPS 712 & EDPS 713 Program Evaluation and Consultation I & II
EDPS 704 Advanced Research Seminar in Counselling Psychology
EDPS 647 Practicum in Counselling Psychology I
EDPS 631 Theories of Career Development
EDPS 614 Ethics in Professional Psychology
EDER 652 Supporting Students Aspirations in School


School counsellors' experiences with incorporating digital technologies into their counselling and guidance practice

I am currently leading a team of researchers and graduate students who are conducting an exploratory qualitative study of how school counsellors' have incorporated digital technologies into their work since the emergence of the covid-19 pandemic, as well as their experiences with such technologies.

This study is funded by a SSHRC Insight Development grant, with the research team consisting of:

José Domene, University of Calgary (Principal Investigator)

Danielle Brosseau, The King's University (Co-investigator)

Tanya Mudry, University of Calgary (Co-Investigator)


  • Distinguished Member Award, Counselling Psychology Section, Canadian Psychological Association. 2019
  • President’s Award, Asia Pacific Career Development Association. 2018
  • Fellow, Canadian Psychological Association. 2016
  • Lorne Flavell Award for Outstanding Service, Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. 2016


  • For an up-to-date list of my publications, please see my Google Scholar or ORCID profile.