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Dr. Jos Jan Eggermont

MSc, PhD


Professor Emeritus

Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

Emeritus Member

Hotchkiss Brain Institute

Contact information



Areas of Research

Electrophysiology of the auditory system

After my retirement I have written 7 reference books on auditory aspects refelcted in EEG, MEG oe MRI based studies, my own as well as others. These are:

Eggermont JJ. (2014) Noise and the Brain. Experience Dependent Developmental and Adult Plasticity, Academic Press, London

Eggermont JJ. (2014) Noise and the Brain. Experience Dependent Developmental and Adult Plasticity, Academic Press, London

Eggermont JJ. (2017) Hearing loss: causes, prevention and treatment. Academic Press, London, UK.

Eggermont, JJ. (2019) The auditory brain and age-related hearing impairment, Academic Press, London, UK. ISBN 978-0-12-815304-8

Eggermont, J.J. 2021b. Brain Oscillations, Synchrony and Plasticity. Basic Principles and Application to Auditory-Related Disorders. Academic Press, London, UK. ISBN 978-0-12-819818-6. Pp. 1–250. 

Eggermont J.J. (2022) Tinnitus and Hyperacusis. Facts, Theories and Clinical Implications. Academic Press, London, ISBN: 978-0-323-91912-8 

Eggermont J.J. (2023) Brain responses to auditory mismatch and novelty detection. Predictive coding from cocktail parties to auditory-related disorders. Academic Press, London, ISBN 978-0-443-15548-2 

and cirrently I am working on a book on"The auditory cerebellum"

Hearing and its disorders

Participation in university strategic initiatives
