John Wallace

John Lawrence Wallace


Adjunct Professor

Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

Full Member

Inflammation Research Network

Contact information


Phone number

Office: +1.905.515.6132


Educational Background

M.B.A. with distinction, University of Birmingham, 2008

Ph.D. Medical Science, University of Toronto, 1983

M.Sc. Biology, Queen's University, 1980

B.Sc. Biology, Queen's University, 1979


Dr. Wallace is widely recognized as an expert in gastrointestinal inflammation and in the development of innovative anti-inflammatory medicines. In the mid-1990s, he co-founded NicOx and chaired its Scientific Advisory Board. (NicOx was the first company to achieve regulatory approval for drugs using gasotransmitters.)

Dr. Wallace and his research colleagues are credited with identifying one of the main mechanisms of damage to the stomach by NSAIDs. More recently, he was the first to uncover hydrogen sulfide’s anti-inflammatory properties, leading to the formation of Antibe Therapeutics.


Areas of Research


Dr. Wallace's major research interest is inflammation and the impact that it has on tissue injury and repair of injury. Most of his work involves studies of inflammation and ulceration in the gastrointestinal tract, although he also has a long-standing interest in cardiovascular inflammation and platelet function.  He is particularly interested in identification of novel targets for anti-inflammatory therapies, and the subsequent development of such therapies.


  • Fellow (inducted), Canadian Association of Gastroenterology. 2014
  • The Heymans Memorial Award, University of Gent, Belgium. 2013
  • The William Harvey Medal for Outstanding Contributions to Science, (UK), 2011
  • Fellow, Royal Society of Canada. 2008
  • Scientific Achievement and Innovation Award, BioAlberta. 2007
  • Fellow (elected), Brazilian Academy of Science. 2006
  • Gaddum Medal and Memorial Lecture, British Pharmacological Society. 2006
  • Career Investigator Award, Pharmacological Society of Canada. 2006
