John Richard Collins
Professor Emeritus
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
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Areas of Research
Robust estimation theory for location, scale and regression models, Minimax asymptotic variance theory, Global bounds on asymptotic bias and gross errors sensitivity
More Information
Journal Article
- Szatmari-Voicu, D. and Collins, John. "M-estimators of scale with minimum gross errors sensitivity.". Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 36.11 (2007): 2037-2048. Print.
- Collins, John and Szatmari-Voicu, Daniela. "Maximal asymptotic biases of M-estimators of location with preliminary scale estimates". Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 33.8 (2004): 1877 - 1886.. Print.
- Collins, John. "Bias-robust L-estimators of a scale parameter". Statistics. A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics 37.4 (2003): 287 - 303.. Print.
- Collins, John. "Robustness comparisons of some classes of location parameter estimators". Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 52.2 (2000): 351 - 366.. Print.
- Collins, John. "Robust M-estimators of scale: Minimax bias versus maximal variance". Canadian Journal of Statistics 27.1 (1999): 81 - 96.. Print.
- Collins, John and Wu, Boll. "Comparisons of asymptotic biases and variances of M-estimators of scale under asymmetric contamination.". Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 27.7 (1998): 1791 - 1810.. Print.
- Collins, John and Liu, Shawn. "Asymptotic relative efficiency comparisons for some robust location estimators.". Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 25.1 (1996): 63 - 82.. Print.
- Collins, John. "Maximal asymptotic biases and variances of symmetrized interquantile ranges under asymmetric contamination.". Statistics. A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics 22.3 (1991): 379 -402.. Print.
- Collins, John and Wiens, Douglas. "Minimax properties of M-, R-, and L-estimators of location in Levy neighborhoods.". Annals of Statistics 17.1 (1989): 327 - 336.. Print.
- Collins, John, Sheahan, J. N. and Zheng, Z.. "Robust estimation in the linear model with asymmetric error distributions.". Journal of Multivariate Analysis 20.2 (1986): 220 - 243.. Print.
- Collins, John. "Maximal asymptotic variances of trimmed means under asymmetric contamination.". Annals of Statistics 14.1 (1986): 348 -354.. Print.
- Collins, John and Wiens, Douglas. "Minimax variance M-estimators in epsilon-contaminated models.". Annals of Statistics 13.3 (1985): 1078 - 1096.. Print.
- Collins, John. "On the minimax property for R-estimators of location.". Annals of Statistics 11.4 (1983): 1190 - 1195.. Print.
- Bickel, P. J. and Collins, John. "Minimizing Fisher information over mixtures of distributions.". Sankhya, Ser. A 45.1 (1983): 1 - 19.. Print.
- Collins, John. "Robust M-estimators of location vectors.". Journal of Multivariate Analysis 12.4 (1982): 480 -492.. Print.
- Collins, John and Portnoy, Stephen L.. "Maximizing the variance of M-estimators using the generalized method of moment spaces.". Annals of Statistics 9.3 (1981): 567 - 577.. Print.
- Collins, John. "Upper bounds on asymptotic variances of M-estimators of location.". Annals of Statistics 5.4 (1977): 646 - 657.. Print.
- Collins, John. "Robust estimation of a location parameter in the presence of asymmetry.". Annals of Statistics 4.1 (1976): 68 -85.. Print.
- Schafer, R. E., Finkelstein, J. M. and Collins, John. "On a goodness of fit test for the exponential distribution.". Biometrika 59.1 (1972): 222 - 224. Print.
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