Jennifer Love
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Educational Background
PhD Stanford University, 2000
B.S. Allegheny College, 1994
Curriculum Vitae
National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Fellow, California Institute of Technology (Robert H. Grubbs, 2000-3); Ph. D., Stanford University (Paul A. Wender, 2000); B. S. (magna cum laude), Allegheny College (1994); Killam Teaching Prize (2009); AstraZeneca Canada Award in Chemistry (2008); Stanford University Centennial Teaching Award (1998); Phi Beta Kappa (1993)
During her time at UBC, Dr. Love led a research group dedicated to organic and organometallic chemistry, and served as Senior Advisor to the Provost, Women Faculty
Areas of Research
Jennifer Love's research focuses on understanding the metallic centre to understand a metal’s reactivity and better predict reactions, most recently focussing on developing applications of first-row transition metals for methane upgrading to valorise this underused carbon source.
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