Jared Stang

Jared Stang


Contact information

Phone number

Office: 403.220.8073


Office: SB527A


Educational Background

PhD Physics, University of British Columbia, 2014

BSc Mathematics and Physics, University of Toronto, 2009


Areas of Research

Physics education research

Broadly, physics education research is about how people learn physics and how we can teach it better. My research focusses on the classroom impact of instructional choices, including understanding how to improve learning and experience for all students, especially those who are historically or currently underrepresented in physics and science.


Course number Course title Semester
PHYS 211 Mechanics Fall
PHYS 365 Acoustics, Optics and Modern Physics (for students in Engineering) Fall
PHYS 501 Relativity Winter
PHYS 599.1 Senior Research Thesis (Experimental Project I) Winter


  • Paired teaching for faculty professional development in teaching. Linda E Strubbe; Jared B Stang. (2015)
  • Active learning in pre-class assignments: Exploring the use of interactive simulations to enhance reading assignments. Joss Ives; Megan Barker; Jared B Stang; Sarah Perez; Ido Roll. 332-335. (2016)
  • Exploring the contributions of self-efficacy and test anxiety to gender differences in assessments. Emily Altiere; Jared B Stang; Joss Ives; Patrick J Dubois. (2020)
  • Examining student participation in two-phase collaborative exams through video analysis. Jared B Stang; Lier, Van; Joss Ives; Nutifafa Kwaku Sumah. 172-175. (2016)
  • Using cueing from question pairs to engage students in reflective thinking: An exploratory study. Jared B Stang; Joss Ives. 245-250. (2019)
  • Factor Analysis of a survey on group-exam experiences and subsequent investigation of the role of group familiarity. Jared B Stang; Patrick J Dubois; Joss Ives; Analise Hofmann; José Arias-Bustamente. (2020)