Jim Ellis headshot

Dr. Jim Ellis

BSc, BA, MA, PhD

Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-3928


Educational Background

BA English, University of New Brunswick, 1986

BSc(CS) Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, 1985

MA English, University of New Brunswick, 1988

PhD English, York University, 1995


Areas of Research

Early modern poetry and gardens; British film; contemporary art

Participation in university strategic initiatives


  • Sexuality and Citizenship: Metamorphosis in Elizabethan Erotic Verse. University of Toronto Press. (2003)
  • Derek Jarman's Angelic Conversations. University of Minnesota Press. (2009)
  • Calgary: City of Animals. University of Calgary Press. (2017)
  • Water Rites: Reimagining Water in the West. University of Calgary Press. (2018)
  • Intertwined Histories: Plants in their Social Context. Jim Ellis, editor. University of Calgary Press. (2019)
  • The Poem, the Garden and the World. Northwestern University Press. (2023)