Professor James Apple
Contact information
Educational Background
B.A. Religious Studies, Indiana University, 1993
Doctor of Philosophy Buddhist Studies, Wisconsin - Madison, 2001
M.A. Religious Studies, Wisconsin - Madison, 2001
Areas of Research
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
RELS 319 | Esoteric Buddhism | Winter 2023 |
RELS 453.8 | Advanced Topics in Buddhism | Fall 2022 |
RELS 313 | Introduction to Buddhism | Fall 2022 |
RELS 323 LEC 01 01 | Mahāyāna Buddhism | Winter 2022 |
RELS 319 LEC 01 01 | Esoteric Buddhism | Winter 2021 |
RELS 203 LEC 01 01 | Asian Religions | Winter 2022 |
RELS 45305 LEC 01 01 | Advanced Topics in Buddhism | Winter 2021 |
RELS 703 LEC 01 01 | Studies in Eastern Religions | Fall 2021 |
RELS 327 LEC 01 01 | Tibetan Religious Traditions | Fall 2020 |
RELS 203 LEC 01 01 | Asian Religions | Winter 2020 |
- Research Fellow, International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan,. 2015
- Research Fellow, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, May-July. 2012
- SSHRC Standard Research Grant, 2011
- 84000 Translation Grant , 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha . 2013
- University of Calgary, URGC Seed Grant, 2011
- Teaching Excellence Award, Honorable Mention, 2010
- Research Fellow, , International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan. 2010
- Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame, Silver Anniversary Team, Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame. 2012
- An Old Tibetan Dunhuang Manuscript of the Avaivartikacakrasūtra. James B. Apple . Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines. 329 pages. (2021)
- Atisa Dipamkara Illuminator of the Awakened Mind. James B. Apple . Shambhala Publications. 320 pages. (2019)
- Jewels of the Middle Way. The Madhyamaka Legacy of Atiśa and His Early Tibetan Followers.. James B. Apple . Wisdom Publications . 474 pages. (2019)
- A Stairway taken by the Lucid: Tsong kha pa's Study of Noble Being. James B. Apple . Aditya Prakashan. 230 pages. (2013)
- Stairway to Nirvāṇa: A Study of the Twenty Saṃghas Based on the Works of Tsong kha pa. James B. Apple . State University of New York Press . 287 pages. (2008)
- Atiśa The Great Middle Way of Mere Appearance. James B. Apple . The Routledge Handbook of Indian Buddhist Philosophy . 14 pages. (2022)
- The Ten Worlds of Tiantai Zhiyi within Atiśa’s Stages of the Path.. Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental Philosophy [東洋哲学研究所紀要]. 23-39. (2023)
- A Late Old Tibetan Version of the Heart Sūtra Preserved in Dunhuang IOL Tib J 751. James B. Apple . Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University. 117–133. (2024)
- Kamalaśīla’s Word Commentary to the Heart Sūtra, Translation and Edition. Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines. 5-82. (2024)
- Atiśa’s Essence of Bodhisattva Vows (bodhisatvasaṃvarahṛdaya). James B. Apple . 2023, Manuscripts for Life -Essays in Memory of Seishi KARASHIMA. 27-40. (2023)
- Gelukpa. James B. Apple. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion. (2022)
- The Tilting Stream of Dharma Metaphor in Mahāyāna Buddhist Exegesis. James B. Apple . THE JOURNAL OF ORIENTAL STUDIES. 207-227. (2023)
- 大乗仏教の釈義にみられる「傾き流れる法」という譬喩 [Daijō bukkyō no shakugi ni mi rareru `katamuki nagareru hō' to iu hiyu (“The Tilting Stream of Dharma Metaphor in Mahāyāna Buddhist Exegesis”). James B. Apple. 東洋学術研究 Tōyō gakujutsu kenkyū. (2022)
- The Questions of the Householder Vīradatta, Vīradattagṛhapatiparipṛcchā. James B. Apple . 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha. 48 pages. (2022)
- Kadampa Pointing-Out Instructions. James B. Apple. Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines . 170-262. (2020)
- Diplomatic Edition of the Dunhuang Tibetan Version of the Vīradattaparipṛcchā (dpa’ sbyin gyis zhus pa ). James B. Apple. Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University (ARIRIAB). 89-116. (2020)
- The Semantic Elucidation (nirukta) of Bodhisattva Spiritual Attainment: A Rhetorical Technique in Early Mahāyāna Sūtras. James B. Apple. Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University (ARIRIAB). (2019)
- Khu lo tsā ba's Treatise: Distinguishing the Svātantrika/*Prāsaṅgika Difference in Early Twelfth Century Tibet. James B. Apple. Journal of Indian Philosophy. 935-981. (2018)
- Atiśa and Ratnākaraśānti as Philosophical Opponents with attention to Yuktiṣaṣṭikā, verse 34. James B. Apple. 불교학리뷰 약어 : Critical Review for Buddhist Studies . (2018)
- The Old Tibetan Version of the Kāśyapaparivarta preserved in Fragments from Dunhuang (2). James B. Apple . Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University (ARIRIAB). (2018)
- The Lotus Sutra in Tibetan Buddhist History and Culture, Part 2. James B. Apple . Bulletin of Oriental Philosophy. (2017)
- Abhisamayālaṃkāra (Ornament for Clear Realization). James B. Apple . Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion. (2018)
- A Re-evaluation of Pelliot tibétain 1257: An Early Tibetan-Chinese Glossary from Dunhuang. James B. Apple and Shinobu A. Apple. Revue d'Études Tibétaines. 68–180. (2017)
- Atiśa's Teachings on Mahāmudrā. The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies. James B. Apple . (2017)
- The Old Tibetan Version of the Kāśyapaparivarta preserved in Fragments from Dunhuang (1). James B. Apple . Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University (ARIRIAB). 205-230. (2017)
- Perfections (Six and Ten) of Bodhisattvas in Buddhist Literature. James B. Apple . Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion. (2016)
- The Lotus Sutra in Tibetan Buddhist History and Culture, Part 1. James B. Apple . Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental Philosophy. (2016)
- " The Knot Tied with Space " : Notes on a Previously Unidentified Stanza in Buddhist Literature and Its Citation. James B. Apple. The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies. (2016)
- Candrakīrti and the Lotus sutra. James B. Apple. Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental Philosophy. 97-122. (2015)
- An Early Bka’-gdams-pa Madhyamaka Work Attributed to Atiśa Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna. James B. Apple. Journal of Indian Philosophy . 619–725. (2016)
- A Study and Translation of Atiśa’s Madhyamakopadésa with Indian and Tibetan Commentaries. James B. Apple. Acta Tibetica et Buddhica. 1-82. (2015)
- Redaction and Rhetoric in Mahāyāna Sūtras The Case of the Jayamatiparipṛcchāsūtra. James B. Apple. Indo-Iranian Journal . 1-25. (2015)
- The Single Vehicle (ekayāna) in the Avaivartikacakrasūtra and Lotus sūtra. James B. Apple. 東洋哲学研究所紀要 Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental Philosophy. 13-43. (2014)
- Fragments and Phylogeny of the Tibetan Version of the Mañjuśrīvihārasūtra: A Case Study in the Genealogy of Tibetan Kanjurs. James B. Apple. Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University for the Academic Year 2013. 293-336. (2014)
- The Irreversible Bodhisattva (avaivartika) in the Lotus sūtra and Avaivartikacakrasūtra. James B. Apple. 東洋哲学研究所紀要 Bulletin of The Institute of Oriental Philosophy. 59-81. (2014)
- Alleviating the Eliade Effect: Neil McMullin’s Critique of Mircea Eliade’s Regnant Discourse in the Study of Religion. James B. Apple. Supplements to Method and Theory in the Study of Religion. 45-50. (2013)
- The Phrase dharmaparyāyo hastagato in Mahāyāna Buddhist Literature: Rethinking the Cult of the Book in Middle Period Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism. James B. Apple. Journal of the American Oriental Society. 134.1: 25-50. (2014)
- An Early Tibetan Commentary on Atiśa’s Satyadvayāvatāra: Diplomatic Edition with Introduction and Notes. James B. Apple. Journal of Indian Philosophy. 501-533. (2013)
- An Early Tibetan Commentary on Atiśa’s Satyadvayāvatāra. James B. Apple. Journal of Indian Philosophy. 263-329. (2013)
- The Influence of the Avaivartikacakra Mahāyāna sūtra in Indian Buddhism based on Its Citation in Indian Buddhist Commentaries. James B. Apple. Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies. (2013)
- The Structure and Content of the Avaivartikacakra sūtra and Its Relation to the Lotus Sūtra. James B. Apple. 東洋哲学研究所紀要 Bulletin of The Institute of Oriental Philosophy. 155-174.. (2012)
- Bodhisattva. James B. Apple. Oxford Bibliographies Online: Buddhism. (2012)
- On Avaivartika and Avaivartikacakra in Mahāyāna Buddhist Literature with special reference to the Lotus Sūtra. James B. Apple. 東洋哲学研究所紀要 Bulletin of The Institute of Oriental Philosophy. 119-147. (2011)
- Perfections (Six and Ten). James B. Apple. Oxford Bibliographies Online: Buddhism. (2011)
- The Mahāyāna Path of the Bodhisattva in the Ornament for Clear Realization. James B. Apple . Religion Compass. 166-179. (2011)
- Can Buddhist Thought be Construed as a Philosophia, or a Way of Life? Relating Pierre Hadot to Buddhist Discourses on Self-cultivation. James B. Apple. 東洋哲学研究所紀要 Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental Philosophy. 191-204. (2010)
- Eschatology and World Order in Buddhist Formations. James B. Apple. Religious Studies and Theology. 109-122. (2010)
- Atiśa’s Open Basket of Jewels: A Middle Way Vision in Late Phase Indian Vajrayāna. James B. Apple. The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies. 117-198. (2010)
- Wordplay’: Emergent Ideology through Semantic elucidation. A Rhetorical Technique in Mahāyāna Buddhist formations. James B. Apple. 東洋哲学研究所紀要 Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental Philosophy. 161-173. (2009)
- Contributions to the Development and Classification of Abhisamayālaṃkāra Literature in Tibet from the 9th to 14th century. James B. Apple. Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies. 56 pages. (2009)
- A Stone Maṇḍala at the Mahābodhi Temple in Bodh Gayā. James B. Apple. The Journal of Oriental Studies. (2008)
- An Assembly of Irreversible Bodhisattvas. Twenty Varieties of the Saṃgha: A Typology of Noble Beings (Ārya) in Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism (Part 2). James B. Apple. Journal of Indian Philosophy . 211–279. (2004)
- Twenty Varieties of the Saṃgha: A Typology of Noble Beings (Ārya) in Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism (Part 1). James B. Apple. Journal of Indian Philosophy. 503-592 (90 pages) . (2003)
- The Filiation of Phylogenetic Analysis in the Study of Tibetan Buddhist Canonical Texts. James B. Apple. Introduction to Digital Humanities: Buddhism. 209-226. (2019)
- The Spiritual Exercises of the Middle Way: Reading Atiśa’s Madhyamakopadeśa with Hadot. James B. Apple. Mangalam Research Center, Berkeley.. (2018)
- Maitreya’s Tuṣita Heaven as a Pure Land in Gelukpa forms of Tibetan Buddhism. James B. Apple. Buddhism of Pure Lands: A Thematic Anthology of Primary Sources. (2019)
- Caractéristiques des Kanjurs tibétains. James B. Apple. Sūtras bouddhiques: un heritage spiritual universal. Manuscrits et iconographie du Sūtra du Lotus. (2016)
- Mindfulness and Vigilance in Tsong-kha-pa’s Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment. James B. Apple. Buddhist Foundations of Mindfulness. (2015)
- Buddhism in Tibetan History. James B. Apple. Blackwell Companion to East and Inner Asian Buddhism. (2014)
- The Insides and Outsides of a Tibetan Buddhist Ritual on the Outskirts of Sujātā Village. James B. Apple. Studying Buddhism in Practice. (2012)
- Redescribing Maṇḍalas: A Test Case in Bodh Gaya, India. James B. Apple. Introducing Religion: Essays in Honor of Jonathan Z. Smith. (2008)
- Tsong-kha-pa’s Gradual Path System for Ending Mental Afflictions and his Methods for Countering Anger. James B. Apple. Buddhist Thought and Applied Psychological Research: Transcending the Boundaries. (2006)
- Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama: Embodiment of Compassion as Simple Buddhist Monk. James B. Apple. How to Get a Life: Empowering Wisdom From Thinkers and Writers. (2003)
- The Tilting Stream of Dharma Metaphor in Mahāyāna Buddhist Exegesis, 大乗仏教の釈義に見える法の流れ. James B. Apple. 36th Conference of the Institute for Oriental Philosophy, Hachioji, Japan, May 29, 2022 . (2022)
- The Ten Worlds of Tiantai Zhiyi within Atiśa’s Stages of the Path. アティシャの道次第と天台 智顗 . James B. Apple. 35th Conference of the Institute for Oriental Philosophy Hachioji, Japan. (2021)
- Atiśa's System of Twenty-One Tārās: Mantras, Mudrās, and Manuscripts . James B. Apple. Pacific Northwest Region Annual Meeting American Academy of Religion. (2022)
- The Stairway of Correct Conventional Reality: Significant Variant Readings in Candrakīrti’s Madhyamakāvatāra (6.79). James B. Apple. The 17th World Sanskrit Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia. (2018)
- Instances of the Middle Way in Early Mahāyāna Sūtras. James B. Apple . , Société canadienne pour l’étude de la religion Canadian Society for the Study of Religion. (2018)
- Atiśa’s *Bodhipathakrama: A Significant, yet Forgotten, Manuscript in the History of Inner Asia Buddhist Path Literature.. 228th Meeting of the American Oriental Society Pittsburgh, PA. (2018)
- Atiśa and Ratnākaraśānti as Philosophical Opponents with attention to Yuktiṣaṣṭikā, verse 34. James B. Apple. International Association of Buddhist Studies Conference, Toronto, Canada. (2017)
- An Early Twelfth Century Tibetan Commentary on the Distinction between Autonomist and Consequentialist Branches of Madhyamaka. James B. Apple. Ryerson University, Société canadienne pour l’étude de la religion Canadian Society for the Study of Religion. (2017)
- Atiśa’s Stages of the Path to Awakening: Analysis of a Manuscript in the History of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Path Literature. James B. Apple. American Academy of Religion, Pacific Northwest Regional Conference, St. Mary’s University, Alberta. (2017)
- An Indian Source for the Opening Verse of the Tibetan version of the Heart Sūtra.” . James B. Apple. American Oriental Society, 227th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. (2017)
- Mere Appearance Madhyamaka in an Early Twelfth Century Tibetan Commentary. James B. Apple. Congrès 2016 / Congress 2016 – University of Calgary Société canadienne pour l’étude de la religion Canadian Society for the Study of Religion. (2016)
- The Old Tibetan Version of the Kāśyapaparivarta preserved in Fragments from Dunhuang. James B. Apple. 226th Meeting of the American Oriental Society, Boston. (2016)
- Phylogenetic Analysis in the Study of Tibetan Kanjurs.” American Academy of Religion. James B. Apple. American Academy of Religion. (2015)
- The Stages of the Path (lam rim) of Geshe Shar-ba-pa: An Analysis of the Earliest Extant Tibetan lam rim. James B. Apple . Canadian Society for the Study of Religion, University of Ottawa. (2015)
- Technologies for the Mind, Exercises for the Selfless: Reading the Madhyamakopadeśa with Hadot. James B. Apple. Thinking about Buddhism with Pierre Hadot, Mangalam Research Center for Buddhist Languages, Berkeley, California. (2015)
- The Single Vehicle (ekayāna) in the Avaivartikacakra sūtra and Lotus sūtra. James B. Apple. Western Branch, American Oriental Society, Annual Meeting, Stanford University. (2014)
- A Legacy of “Pure” Madhyamaka: Atiśa and Early Kadampa’s on the relations/non-relations between the Middle Way and Epistemology. James B. Apple. International Association of Buddhist Studies Conference, Vienna, Austria. (2014)
- Fragments and Phylogenetics of the Old Tibetan Version of the Avaivartikacakrasūtra from Dunhuang. James B. Apple. Canadian Society for the Study of Religion, Brock University. (2014)
- ‘The Knot Tied with Space’: Notes on a Previously Unidentified Stanza in Candrakīrti’s Prasannapadā and its Rhetorical Use. James B. Apple. American Academy of Religion, Pacific Northwest Regional Conference, Calgary, Alberta. (2014)
- Transvaluing Buddhist Categories of Spiritual Attainment through Semantic Elucidation (nirukti): A Rhetorical Technique in Early Mahāyāna Sūtras. James B. Apple. 224th meeting of the American Oriental Society, Phoenix, Arizona. (2014)
- A Re-evaluation of Pelliot tibétain 1257: An Early Tibetan-Chinese Glossary from Dunhuang. James B. Apple. American Oriental Society Western Branch Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia. (2013)
- Phylogenetics and Philology in the Study of Tibetan Kanjurs: The Case of the Tibetan Dunhuang version of the Sūtra of Jayamati. James B. Apple. Canadian Society for the Study of Religion Victoria, British Columbia. (2013)
- The Historical Emergence of Maitreya’s Tuṣita Heaven as a Pure Land in Geluk-pa forms of Tibetan Buddhism. James B. Apple . The Pure Land in Buddhist Cultures: History, Image, Praxis, Thought University of British Columbia. (2013)
- Redaction and Rhetoric in Mahāyāna Sūtras: The Case of Jayamati. James B. Apple . 223rd meeting of the American Oriental Society, Portland, Oregon. (2013)
- The Influence of the Avaivartikacakra Mahāyāna sūtra in Indian Buddhist History based on its citation in Indian Buddhist Commentaries. James B. Apple . 63rd Annual Academic Conference of the Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Tsurumi University, Japan. (2012)
- An Old Tibetan Fragment of the Avaivartikacakra sūtra from Dunhuang in the Stein Collection. James B. Apple . 222nd meeting of the American Oriental Society, Boston, Mass. (2012)
- The Status Marking Term Avaivartikacakra in Mahāyāna Sūtras. James B. Apple. 221st meeting of the American Oriental Society, Chicago, Illinois. (2011)
- Philology and Phylogenetics in the Study of the Tibetan Kanjur. James B. Apple. 39th Annual Conference on South Asia, Friday, Madison, Wisconsin. (2010)
- The Transmission of Early Tibetan Prajñāpāramitā Commentaries based on newly uncovered bKa' gdams pa works. James B. Apple . International Association of Tibetan Studies, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (2010)
- The phrase ‘dharmaparyāyo hastagato’ in Mahāyāna Buddhist Literature: re-thinking the cult of the book in middle period Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism. James B. Apple. 220th meeting of the American Oriental Society, St. Louis, Missouri. (2010)
- The Early Development of Tibetan Abhisamayālaṃkāra literature in the light of newly uncovered bKa’ gdams pa works. James B. Apple. 219th meeting of the American Oriental Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (2009)
- Emergent Ideology through Semantic elucidation A Case Study in the Rhetoric of Mahāyāna Buddhist formations. James B. Apple. 15th International Association of Buddhist Studies Conference, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. (2008)
- Re-describing Maṇḍalas: A Test Case in Bodh Gayā, India. James B. Apple. 15th International Association of Buddhist Studies Conference, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. (2008)
- Semantics of the Saṃgha: Tibetan scholastic hermeneutics on the abstract ideal of the Buddhist Community. James B. Apple. 14th International Association of Buddhist Studies Conference, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, England. (2005)
- Analytic parallels between Buddhist philosophical thought and socio-rhetorical approaches to the study of religion. James B. Apple. 19th World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Tokyo, Japan. (2005)
- Mind in Buddhist Philosophy. James B. Apple. International Society for Buddhist Philosophy, American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass . (2004)
- Buddhist Theories of Mind as Representationalist Analysis: Bridging the Gap between ‘First Person’ Accounts for ‘Third Person’ Problems. James B. Apple. American Academy of Religion. San Antonio, Texas. (2004)
- The Stone Maṇḍalas of Bodh-gayā. James B. Apple. South Asian Conference, University of Wisconsin. (2004)
- Are we on the road to Shambala? Approaches to Tibetan Buddhism in the Public University Curriculum. James B. Apple. Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (SEC/AAS) 43rd Annual Meeting, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. (2004)
- Asian Philosophy as a Way of Life. James B. Apple. Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion AAR/SBL/ASOR/SE . (2004)
- Nāgārjuna’s Philosophy as a Way of Life: Hadot, Spiritual Exercises, and Things Buddhist. James B. Apple. American Academy of Religion. Atlanta, Georgia. (2003)
- Tsong-kha-pa’s Theory of Karma. James B. Apple. International Society for Buddhist Philosophy 3rd Annual Conference, Oglethorpe University. (2003)
- Indian and Tibetan Buddhist Scholastic accounts of Consciousness. James B. Apple. South Asian Conference, University of Wisconsin. (2003)
- Mind and Mental Factors in Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism. James B. Apple. American Philosophical Association Central Division meeting. (2003)
- Intuitive (pratyātmavedya) and Apperceptive knowledge (svasaṃvedana) in Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Thought. James B. Apple. South Asia Conference, University of Wisconsin. (2001)
- Tibet and the Dalai Lama: An Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism. James B. Apple. William Harper College Symposium, Chicago, Illinois. (2001)
- The Dwelling Place of Mañjuśrī [Mañjuśrīvihāra-nāma-mahāyānasūtra]. James B. Apple. 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha. (2020)
- The Inquiry of Avalokiteśvara on the Seven Qualities [Avalokiteśvaraparipṛcchāsaptadharmaka]. James B. Apple. 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha. (2014)
- The Sūtra of the Inquiry of Jayamati [Jayamatiparipṛcchāsūtra]. James B. Apple. 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha. (2016)
- Abhisamayālaṃkāra. James B. Apple . Buddhism and Jainism. (2017)
- Mañjuśrī. James B. Apple. Buddhism and Jainism. (2017)
- Pāramitā. James B. Apple . Buddhism and Jainism. (2017)
- Prajñāpāramitā. James B. Apple. Buddhism and Jainism. (2017)
- Vimalakīrti. Buddhism and Jainism. (2017)
- Tsong kha pa. James B. Apple . Holy People of the World: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. (2004)
- Nāropā. James B. Apple. Holy People of the World: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. (2004)
- The Discourse on Irreversibility (Avaivartikacakrasūtra). James B. Apple. Calgary Studies in Buddhism. 142 pages . (2025)
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