Dr. Hude Quan
Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences
Libin Cardiovascular Institute
ASTRA Zeneca Chiu Family Chair
Contact information
Web presence
Phone number
Office: 403.210.8617
For media enquiries, contact
Kelly Johnston
Senior Communications Specialist
Please submit your media request here
Educational Background
Doctor of Medicine Medicine, Harbin Medical University, 1984
Doctor of Philosophy Epidemiology & PubHealth, University of Calgary, 1998
Master of Public Health Epidemiology & PubHealth, Harbin Medical University, 1987
Dr. Hude Quan is a Professor and Director of Centre for Health Informatics and the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre in Classification, Terminology and Standards at Cumming School of Medicine. Dr. Quan is co-Lead for Alberta’s Strategies for Patient Oriented Research SUPPORT Unit Data and Research Services Platform and Astra-Zeneca and Chiu Family Chair in Cardiovascular Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.
Dr. Quan’s research is aiming to optimize the use of health data from multiple sources by developing novel data science methods to advance precision medicine and precision public health. Since 1993, Dr. Quan has focused his research program on improving data science methodology to overcome the challenges that are faced in using health data for research. Dr. Quan has developed methods, built networks, and translated knowledge to provide solutions to users for analyzing data. Dr. Quan’s methods are used internationally. For three consecutive years (2014-2016), Dr. Quan was listed by Thomson Reuters as one of the world’s most highly cited researchers (top 1 per cent in his discipline).
- award, 2017
- award, Thompson Reuters. 2016
- salary support award, Alberta Innovates. 2016
- award (honourable mention), 2015
- award, 2014
- salary support award, 2013
- Alberta Innovation-Health Solution: Health Scholar, 2010
- salary support award, 2009
- AHFMR Population Health Investigator Award (Renewal), 2007
- award, 2007
- CIHR New Investigator, 2004-2009, 2007
- Cochrane Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in Research, 2007
- Canadian Institute of Health Research, New Investigator Award, 2004
- Population Health Investigator Award, Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (Salary and Research Implementation Award), 2004
- Research Prize, Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research $10,000, 2004
- award, 2002
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