heather jamniczky

Heather Jamniczky

Pronouns: she/her



Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy

Associate Dean, Graduate Science Education

Cumming School of Medicine, Graduate Science Education

Full Member

McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health


Cumming School of Medicine, Office of Health and Medical Education Scholarship

Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 210-6647


Educational Background

Bachelor of Science First Class Honours Zoology, University of Calgary, 2001

Doctor of Philosophy Vertebrate Systematic Zoology, University of Calgary, 2006


A zoologist by training, I am interested in the evolution and development of complex phenotypes, with a particular focus on the skeleton. I work with a variety of vertebrates, from turtles to mice to fish. My teaching responsibilities include human gross anatomy across the undergraduate, medical, and graduate curricula.


Areas of Research

Evolution and development of bone, neuroeducation

Evolution of Complex Phenotypes

How and why do different animals look different? How does development structure the phenotype? How do different tissues interact to generate a phenotype? How does natural selection work on the phenotype? How does form influence function? These are all questions we explore in our research on the evolution of variation in vertebrates. Our current work is highly collaborative and focuses on threespine sticklebacks.

Spatial Learning

With our collaborators, we are working to establish a research program that examines brain activity in association with different types of image presentation. This work bridges the gap between teaching and research, as we seek to quantify neural correlates of spatial learning with a focus on the health professions.


Course number Course title Semester
MDSC 521 Human Anatomy Current


  • 3M National Teaching Fellow, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 2020
