Heather M Boynton

Dr. Heather Boynton



Assistant Professor

Faculty of Social Work, Edmonton Campus

Child Health & Wellness Researcher

Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute

Contact information


Web presence

Phone number

Office: 1.780.492.2520


Office: 3-250 10230 Jasper Ave289

Preferred method of communication


I'm looking for...


I have interests in studying spirituality and holistic approaches to wellness and self care. I am looking for partnerships, funding, and institutions interested in collaborating and contributing.



Areas of Research

Child Development

Spirituality and trauma grief in loss in children and families.

Children's mental health.

Creative and Expressive Therapies.

Determinants of Health

Spirituality and Mental Health and Exercise.

Yoga, emobied movement practices. 

Mental Health

Lifespan mental health. 


Spirituality and resiliency and posttraumatic growth.


Dr. Heather M. Boynton is an assistant professor at the University of Calgary, Faculty of Social Work, Central and Northern Alberta Region. Heather’s scholarly interests focus on spirituality in trauma, grief and loss, child and family mental health, resiliency, wellbeing and posttraumatic growth. She has  interests in service provision and evaluation of mental health programs that include attachment, emotion focused, narrative, and behavioural therapies and therapeutic holistic approaches, such as yoga, expressive arts, mindfulness, self-compassion, well-being, and spirituality. Some other areas of scholarly work include spirituality and spiritual development across the lifespan, trauma informed approaches, strength-based social work, child welfare, leadership, cultural competence, interprofessional education, and quality of life and wellbeing. Her expertise is in qualitative research particularly in constructivist epistemologies with grounded theory and thematic analysis. She was the Interprofessional Education Coordinator at Lakehead University and continues to promote and be a strong advocate for interprofessional education as a member of the CICE committee. She is an Adjunct Professor in Kinesiology at Lakehead University. She previously taught at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine and Dalhousie University, and was the Vice President of the Canadian Society for Spirituality and Social Work.


Course number Course title Semester
SOWK 55315 SEC 02 S02 Sel Topics: Fields of Practice - Mental Health Winter 2021
SOWK 660 LAB 10 B10 Advanced Practicum Fall 2020
SOWK 660 LAB 10 B10 Advanced Practicum Winter 2021
SOWK 662 SEC 09 S09 Integrative Seminar Fall 2020
SOWK 662 SEC 09 S09 Integrative Seminar Winter 2021
SW 412 BSW Practicum Winter 2020
SOWK 413 BSW Integrative Seminar Winter 2020
SW 557.19 S07 Spirituality and Social Work Spring 2021
SW 553.01 S02 Selected Topics: Fields of Practice - Mental Health Winter 2022
SW 557.19 S07 Spirituality and Social Work Spring 2022
SW 625 S02 Practice with Individuals Families and Groups Fall 2022
SW 612.01 S03 Trauma Impacts and Interventions Across the Lifespan Fall 2022
SW 553.15 S02 Selected Topics: Fields of Practice - Mental Health Winter 2023
SW 743 S01 Values Ethics and Professional Beliefs Winter 2023
SW 557.19 S01 Spirituality and Social Work Spring 2023
SW 613 S03 Trauma Impacts and Interventions Across the Lifespan Fall 2023
SOWK 797.22 S02 Independent Study Phenomenology as Qualitative Methodology Summer 2023
SW 553 S02 Mental Health Winter 2024
SW 613 S01 Trauma Impacts and Interventions Across the Lifespan Winter 2024
SW 557.19 S02 Spirituality and Social Work Spring 2024


Project Heaven on Earth: Creating Positive Change, Growth, and Meaning

2021 VPR Catalyst Grant University of Calgary. $13,489. 

PI: Boynton, H.M. Co-investigators: Wang, D., Hoersting, R. Collaborator: Rutte, M. 

This catalyst grant examined the Project Heaven on Earth Model (PHE) (Rutte, 2018) as a potential new spiritual meaning centered approach for individuals. Objectives of the Project were to:

1) Examine the lived experiences and impacts of attending a group based on the PHE model.
2) Identify key constructs related to spirituality and meaning within the PHE model.
3) Develop PHE’s viability and best practices for future global research across mental health contexts and across mental health diagnoses (i.e., various mood disorders).
4) Conduct a scoping literature review of spiritual and meaning and social work.
5) Strengthen and build our transdisciplinary team through collaboration, networking and knowledge mobilization activities.

Spiritual Pedagogy: Best practices for Social Work and informing the helping professions

2022 Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning SoTL Grant, $40,000. 

PI Boynton, H.M., Co-PI Walsh, C. Co-Investigators: Drolet, J., Mann-Johnson, J., Edwards, F., Salim, S., Yassanah, N.

This mixed methods 3-year phased project addresses important strategic directions, accreditation standards, and curriculum gaps by answering the question "How does spiritual pedagogy enhance student knowledge, attitudes, and skills?" and subquestion "What are the promising and best practices in spiritual pedagogy?" The study objectives are to: 

Year 1: Conduct an updated literature review, evaluate a BSW elective spirituality course;

Year 2: Conduct focus groups and interviews with students, faculty, field educators, advisory groups, and elders; identify key individuals in various disciplines to be part of a series of National Interprofessional Forums, present preliminary findings 

Year 3: Implement and evaluate course curriculum, develop curriculum modules; host National interprofessional forums (quarterly); further disseminate innovative spiritual pedagogy and best practices nationally and globally.

A Pan-Canadian Study of Social Workers' Experiences of Children and their Spirituality in Counselling

2024 SSHRC Insight Development Grant, $63,120. 

PI: Boynton, H.M., Co-Investigators, Margolin, I., Vis. J., Dylan, A., Tufford, L., Tarshis, S., Godley, J., Johnston, P. 

This innovative project will elevate the voices of social workers regarding their experiences and educational needs concerning the spiritual dimension of treatment with children. The core question is “What are the perspectives and experiences of Canadian social workers when encountering and discussing spirituality with preadolescent children?” The project objectives are to: 

1) Understand the experiences of social work practitioners across Canada and the challenges of addressing spirituality in a clinical context; 

2) Identify the education, training needs, and spiritual competencies necessary for social workers; 

3) Contribute to the literature and theory on children’s spirituality and counselling to address gaps; 

4) Create a best practice guide for social workers and spirituality.

Spirituality in shifting dynamics and evolving narratives: A transdisciplinary research symposium

2023 University of Calgary Transdisciplinary Scholarship Connector Grant. $16, 913.30. 

PI: Boynton, H.M. Co-investigators: Donsky, A., Williams, A., Hanrahan, C., Margolin, I., Kaur, J., Coates, J., Graham, J.

This transdisciplinary initiative will assist with developing a strong and effective team for planning the creation of an Institute for Spirituality and facilitate innovative ideas for transdisciplinary collaboration, and to foster research, best practices, training and knowledge mobilization. It will share knowledge from the Ecospirituality Conference through a special edition of the International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work.

Children’s spirituality and gender in trauma grief and loss

2021 SSHRC Explore Faculty Seed Grant, $15,000

PI: Boynton, H.M. Co-Investigator, Margolin, I.

The project had the objectives of: 

1) Gaining knowledge in the scant area of children’s spirituality for preadolescent children and contribute to greater substantive theory development. 

2) To explore similarities and differences related to gender for preadolescents. 

3) Conduct a comprehensive literature review and ground the results within the existing research. 

4) Use of data for a SSRHC Insight Development Grant for a larger study.  

5) Knowledge mobilization.  

This project resulted in a SSHRC IDG in 2024.

Evaluating organizational cultural competence through participatory action research

2020 SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant, $24,980.

PI: Boynton, H.M. Co-Investigators: Nicholas,D., Ngo, H., Davis, L. (AHS); Collaborator: Avveduti, C. (CASA)

CASA Child, Adolescent and Family Services recognized a need for culturally relevant focus across policies, procedures, and services in their organization and has identified cultural competence as a strategic priority. Through Participatory Action Research the research team examined the strengths, gaps, and barriers in meeting the cultural, spiritual, and traditional needs of service recipients, and the areas of need for professional development related to cultural competence for staff. Recommendations for policy, service delivery, practice, and training were identified. 

Children's Intervention Services: Exploring the lived experience of Alberta Children’s Services’ Social Workers during COVID-19

2020 SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant: COVID-19, $24,865.

PI: Boynton, H.M. Co-investigators: Samson, P., Mann-Johnson, J., Nicholas, D., Dimitropolous, G.

This study aimed to garner an understanding of the responses and impacts of practices, processes, and policies in the era of COVID-19 through careful examination of the lived experiences of child protection workers in Alberta. The research assisted with understanding the realities for frontline workers, and to revise and refine policies, protocols, it also identified successes as well as needed resources and supports.

Measure what matters: Identifying key indicators to align health and social policy and service delivery with child health and well-being

2021 BMO Endowed Research Award in Healthy Living-Child Health and Wellness Grand Challenge Catalyst, $199,708.97

PI: Hagel, B., Co-investigators: Dr. J.D. Zwicker, Dr. H.M. Boynton, Dr. L.F.J. Crowshoe, Dr. G. Dimitropoulos, Dr. D. Exner-Cortens, Dr. A. Metcalfe, Dr. S. Russell-Mayhew, Dr. K.D. Schwartz, Dr. K. Thomas, Dr, S. Tough 

Objectives were: 

1: To conduct a rapid review of existing child health and well-being indicators in Canada.

2: Stakeholder recruitment for Delphi.

3: Conduct a policy review and mapping of Indicators.

Understanding trauma informed pedagogy in online education during turbulent times

2020 D2L Innovation Guild Funding, $24,999.

PI: Dr. C. McMillan, Co-Investigators: Dr. A. Hanbidge, Dr. H.M., Boynton, Dr. B. Archer-Khun, Dr. J. Hughes 

Objectives were to:

1) Establish a Canada wide baseline of trauma informed pedagogical practices by teaching faculty

2) Inform the research literature on student experiences of trauma informed pedagogies in social work education that can be generalized across other professions

3) Examine emerging research to better understand the relationship between online pedagogy and mental health

4) Transfer the findings into a trauma informed pedagogical model

The experience of postpartum mental health changes and intimate relationships

2016 Women’s Xchange $15K Challenge.

PI: Dr. K. Maranzan, Co-Investigators: Dr. H.M. Boynton, R. Scofich, R, Dr. M. Teatero.

Group treatment for postpartum mood disorders: Improving women’s mental health and reducing stigma

2015 Women’s Xchange $15K Challenge.

PI: Dr. K. Maranzan Co-investigators: Dr. H.M. Boynton, Dr. M Teatero, R. Scofich.

Exploring Gender Expressions in Children’s Spirituality

2020 Faculty Seed Grant, $2500

PI: Boynton, H.M.

Resulted in an Explore Grant and a SSHRC IDG.

An evaluation of the Child and Family Services team at Children’s Centre Thunder Bay

Doing Evaluation Grant Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health, $35,000.

PI: Boynton, H.M. Co-investigators: Dr. F. Schmidt, A. Tarjan, C. Loud, O. Lehto

Designing Interactive, Unfolding Case Study Simulation Learning Objects to Prepare BSW Students for Professional Practice and to Empower Instructors with Engaging Tools to Facilitate Experiential Learning

University of Calgary Teaching and Learning Grant, $39,710.

PI: Cari Galbrudsen, Co-Investigators. Dr. H. M. Boynton, Angela Judge-Stasiak, Jacqueline Warrell, Dr. A. Jenney, Julie Mann-Johnson, Nathan Pronshyn

Transforming the field education landscape: Intersections of research and practice in Canadian social work field education

SSHRC Partnership Grant, $1,980,640

PI: Dr. J. Drolet 40 co-investigators and collaborators, Collaborator: Boynton, H.M.

Transdisciplinary By Design: Developing A New Partnership for Transdisciplinary Research and Experiential Learning

University of Calgary Transdisciplinary Scholarship Connector Grant $8500.

PI: Drolet, J. Co-Investigators:Burdett, S.,  Eirikson, A., Elford, L., Kareemi, K., 
Penn, H., Kotikalapudi, S., Wallace, E., Taylor, D., Boynton, H.M., Butters, A., Clark, M., Eggermont, M., Kapoyannis, T., Kendrick, A., Kloetzel, M., Mann-Johnson, J., Monteyne, D., Nicholas, D., 
Nowell, L., Wicklum, S., Windeyer, C., &, Buckley, K. 


  • COVID-19 Outstanding Achievement Award Faculty of Social Work University of Calgary, Faculty of Social Work University of Calgary. 2023
  • Advanced Scholars (West Africa) project – Partnering for Innovation in Women-led Social Work and Social Science in West Africa (QES-AS-WA). $10,000, Early Career Researcher: Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships. 2023
  • Dr. Myer Horowitz Book Award , CASA Mental Health. 2023
  • Early Career Research Award, Faculty of Social Work University of Calgary. 2022
  • Trudeau Scholarship Nominee - PhD, Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation. 2016
  • Governor General Award Nominee - PhD, Governor General's Academic Medal. 2016
  • Publication Award $1000, University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work. 2022


  • Trauma, Spirituality and Posttraumatic Growth in Clinical Social Work Practice. Boynton, H.M., & J. Vis. University of Toronto Press. (2022)
  • Becoming a spiritual influencer through the heart and soul of field practice. In J. Drolet, & G. Charles (Eds.) Student handbook on field education. Boynton, H.M., & Margolin, I.. University of Calgary Press. (2024)
  • Spirituality, trauma and healing centred care. In L. Tufford, A. Dylan (Eds.), Trauma-informed care in social work education: Implications for students, educators, pedagogy, and field. Boynton, H.M., & Margolin, I.. Routledge. (2024)
  • Trauma informed pedagogy in turbulent times. In L. Tufford, A. Dylan (Eds.), Trauma-informed care in social work education: Implications for students, educators, pedagogy, and field. Boynton, H.M., McMillan, C., Hanbidge, A., Archer-Kuhn, B., & Hughes, J.. Routledge. (2024)
  • Supporting spiritual competencies in field education and practice. In J. Drolet, M. Bogo, G. Charles, & S.M. McConnell (Eds.), Transforming social work field education: New insights from practice research and scholarship. De Vynck, E., Ciesielski, J., & Boynton, H.M.. University of Calgary Press. (2022)
  • Introduction. In H. M. Boynton & J. Vis (Eds.) Trauma, spirituality and posttraumatic growth in clinical social work practice. Boynton, H.M., & Vis, J.. University of Toronto Press. 3-21. (2022)
  • Spirituality and possibilities for posttraumatic growth in children. In H. M. Boynton & J. Vis (Eds.) Trauma, spirituality and posttraumatic growth in clinical social work practice. Boynton, H.M.. University of Toronto Press. 22-32. (2022)
  • Spirituality and child welfare practice with Indigenous families: Fostering a culture of strengths. In H.M. Boynton & J. Vis (Eds.), Trauma, spirituality and posttraumatic growth in clinical social work practice. Wark, J., Boynton, H.M., & Vis, J.. 33-55. (2022)
  • Trauma-informed schools: Creating a school community equipped to supporting children exposed to interpersonal trauma. In H.M. Boynton & J. Vis (Eds.) Trauma, spirituality and posttraumatic growth in clinical social work practice. Boynton, H.M., Vis, J., & Smith, T.. University of Toronto Press. 66-87. (2022)
  • The Soulful Journey: A spiritual based group for treatment. In H. M. Boynton & J. Vis (Eds.), Trauma, spirituality and posttraumatic growth in clinical social work practice. Poluchowicz, S., & Boynton, H.M.. University of Toronto Press. 111-126. (2022)
  • Conclusion. In H.M. Boynton & J. Vis (Eds.) Trauma, spirituality and posttraumatic growth in clinical social work practice. Boynton, H.M., & Vis, J.. 183-188. (2022)
  • Spirituality: The missing component in trauma therapy across the lifespan. In B. Crisp (Ed.). Boynton, H.M., & Vis, J.. Routledge. 193-201. (2017)
  • Children’s spirituality: A component of holistic care in child welfare. In R. Neckoway, & K. Brownlee (Eds.) Child welfare in rural remote areas with Canada's First-Nations peoples: Selected readings. Boynton, H.M.. CERYPD. 165-189. (2016)
  • Book Review: Spirituality and Social Work. Boynton, H.M.. Social Work Education, 31(4), . 531-533. (2012)
  • Book Review: Rogers, F. Cradled in the Arms of Compassion. A Spiritual Journey from Trauma to Recovery. . Boynton, H.M.. Lake Drive Books. (2023)
  • Introduction. Boynton, H.M., & Vis, J.. Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 33. Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Spirituality, . 197-200. (2014)
  • Conclusion. Boynton, H.M., & Vis, J.. Proceedings of the Canadian Society of SpiritualityJournal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 33. 377-379. (2014)

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