Heather Addy

Heather Addy


Contact information



Educational Background

Doctor of Philosophy Soil-Plant Relations, University of Guelph, 1995

M.S. Plant Ecology, University of Alberta, 1986

B.S. Botany, University of Alberta, 1983


My background is in mycology and plant biology, particularly plant-fungal interactions such as mycorrhizas and endophytes. During my PhD and subsequent postdoctoral work, I was fortunate to have several teaching opportunities, which convinced me to seek a faculty position focusing on teaching and learning, and led me to the Biological Sciences department at the University of Calgary.  Currently, my research interests focus on the influence of different assessment approaches and cooperative learning approaches (such as team-based learning) on student learning and engagement.


  • Student's Union Teaching Excellence Award Hall of Fame Inductee, 2019
  • Student's Union Teaching Excellence Award, 2018
  • Faculty of Science Educational Leadership Award, 2015
  • Students' Union Teaching Excellence Award, 2014
  • University of Calgary Teaching Award for Full-time Faculty (Senior Instructor), 2014
  • U of C Student's Union Teaching Excellence Award (Honourable Mention), 2008
  • Faculty of Science Excellence in Teaching Award, 2005

More Information


  • Flanagan, K.M. and H.Addy. 2019.  Introverts are not disadvantaged in group-based active learning classrooms.  BioScene.  (in press).
  • Addy, H and C. Jeffs. 2018. Applying the CARRA Model: A Case Study of Implementing 'Class Representatives' to obtain feedback for teaching development.  The National Teaching & Learning Forum 27 (4): 5-7.
  • Addy, H.D., M.M. Piercey and R.S. Currah. 2005. Microfungal endophytes in roots. Can. J. Bot. 83:1-13.
  • Stockey, R.A., G. W. Rothwell, H.D. Addy and R. S. Currah. 2001. Mycorrhizal association of the extinct conifer Metasequoia milleri. Mycol. Res. 105(2): 202-205.
  • Addy, H.D., S. Hambleton and R.S. Currah. 2000. Distribution and molecular characterization of the root endophyte Phialocephala fortinii along an environmental gradient in the boreal forest of Alberta. Mycol. Res. 104(10): 1213-1221