Hanne Sigismund Nielsen

Hanne Sigismund Nielsen

BA Latin, BA Greek, MA Classical Philology, PhD Classical philology
Pronouns: she/her


Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-5070

For media enquiries, contact

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Educational Background

BA in Ancient Greek University of Copenhagen, 1980

BA in Latin University of Copenhagen, 1977

Doctor of Philosophy Classics,Class & DeadLanguages, Aarhus University, 1992

MA in Classical Philology University of Copenhagen, 1986



Areas of Research

Roman Epigraphy, particularly the textual evidence for the lives of lower class Romans

Roman Epigraphy, particularly the textual evidence for the lives of lower class Romans

Children in ancient Rome

Women in Ancient Rome


Course number Course title Semester
GRST 345 LEC 01 01 Rome Late Repbl'c Early Empire Winter 2022
LATI 40101 LEC 01 01 Topics in Latin Prose Winter 2022


  • Some Observations on The Commemoration of Pagan and Christian Infants in the City of Rome,. MOUSEION Journal of the Classical Association of Canada LX – Series III, Vol. 16, 2019 . 19-37. (2021)
  • Amymone The Lanifica Domiseda. ZPE 214, 2020. 53-66. (2020)
  • Men, Women, and Marital Chastity – Public Preaching and Popular Piety in Rome. Hanne Sigismund Nielsen. (2003)
  • død, begravelse og sorg. Hanne Sigismund Nielsen. (1991)
  • Quasi kin, quasi adoption and the Roman family. Hanne Sigismund Nielsen. (1999)
  • The Value of epithets in Pagan and Christian Epitaphs in Rome. Hanne Sigismund Nielsen. (2001)
  • Lower Class Children in ancient Rome. Hanne Sigismund Nielsen. (2011)
  • Levealder og familiestruktur i kejsertidens Rom. Hanne Sigismund Nielsen. (1991)
  • Children for Profit and Pleasure. Hanne Sigismund Nielsen. (2007)
  • Perpetua and Indecent Woman. Hanne Sigismund Nielsen. (2012)
  • Roman children at mealtimes. Hanne Sigismund Nielsen. (1998)
  • Interpreting epithets in epitaphs. Hanne Sigismund Nielsen. (1997)
  • Aspects of the Communal Meal in the Hellenistic and Roman World. . Hanne Sigismund Nielsen. (1998)
  • Rom en Antik Storby. Hanne Sigismund Nielsen. (1991)