George William Sands
Professor Emeritus
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
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Educational Background
PhD University of Manitoba, 1977
MSc University of Manitoba, 1974
BSc University of Manitoba, 1970
Areas of Research
More Information
- Rival, Ivan and Sands, Bill. Pictures in lattice theory 65. North-Holland, 1982. 341-355. Print.
- Rival, Ivan and Sands, Bill. How many four-generated simple lattices? 9. PWN, 1982. 67-72. Print.
Journal articles
- Sauer, Norbert, Sands, Bill, Duffus, Dwight and V. Rodl. "Chromatic numbers and homomorphisms of large girth hypergraphs". Algorithms and Combinatorics, Topics in Discrete Mathematics 26. (2006): 455-471. Print.
- Duffus, Dwight and Sands, Bill. "Finite distributive lattices and the splitting property". Algebra Universalis 49.1 (2003): 13-33. Print.
- Duffus, Dwight and Sands, Bill. "Minimum sized fibres in distributive lattices". Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 70.3 (2001): 337-350. Print.
- Paulhaus, Marc and Sands, Bill. "Nonregular graphs with a regular number of walks". Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications 32. (2001): 77-89. Print.
- Ginsburg, John and Sands, Bill. "An optimal algorithm for a parallel cutting problem". Ars Combinatoria 57. (2000): 87-95. Print.
- Ginsburg, John and Sands, Bill. "Completely disconnecting the complete graph". SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 13.1 (2000): 33-47 (electronic). Print.
- Duffus, Dwight and Sands, Bill. "An inequality for the sizes of prime filters of finite distributive lattices". Discrete Math. 201.1-3 (1999): 89-99. Print.
- Linek, V. and Sands, Bill. "A note on paths in edge-coloured tournaments". Ars Combinatoria 44. (1996): 225-228. Print.
- Duffus, Dwight, R{\"o}dl, Vojt, Sands, Bill and Woodrow, Robert. "Enumeration of order preserving maps". Order 9.1 (1992): 15-29. Print.
- Duffus, Dwight, Sands, Bill, Sauer, Norbert and Woodrow, Robert. "Two-colouring all two-element maximal antichains". Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 57.1 (1991): 109-116. Print.
- Duffus, Dwight, Sands, Bill and Winkler, P.. "Maximal chains and antichains in {B}oolean lattices". SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 3.2 (1990): 197-205. Print.
- Ginsburg, John, Sands, Bill and West, Douglas B.. "A length-width inequality for partially ordered sets with two-element cutsets". Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 46.2 (1989): 232-239. Print.
- Duffus, Dwight, Sands, Bill and Woodrow, Robert. "Lexicographic matchings cannot form {H}amiltonian cycles". Order 5.2 (1988): 149-161. Print.
- Ginsburg, J., Rival, I. and Sands, Bill. "Antichains and finite sets that meet all maximal chains". Canadian Journal of Mathematics. Journal Canadien de Math\'ematiques 38.3 (1986): 619-632. Print.
- Faigle, U. and Sands, Bill. "A size-width inequality for distributive lattices". Combinatorica. An International Journal of the J\'anos Bolyai Mathematical Society 6.1 (1986): 29-33. Print.
- Duffus, Dwight, Sands, Bill and Woodrow, Robert. "On the chromatic number of the product of graphs". Journal of Graph Theory 9.4 (1985): 487-495. Print.
- Ruckelshausen, W. and Sands, Bill. "On finitely generated lattices of width four". Algebra Universalis 16.1 (1983): 17-37. Print.
- Sands, Bill, Sauer, Norbert and Woodrow, Robert. "On monochromatic paths in edge-coloured digraphs". Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 33.3 (1982): 271-275. Print.
- Galvin, F., Rival, I. and Sands, Bill. "A {R}amsey-type theorem for traceable graphs". Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 33.1 (1982): 7-16. Print.
- Rival, I., Ruckelshausen, W. and Sands, Bill. "On the ubiquity of herringbones in finitely generated lattices". Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 82.3 (1981): 335-340. Print.
- Sands, Bill. "Counting antichains in finite partially ordered sets". Discrete Math. 35. (1981): 213-228. Print.
- Poguntke, W. and Sands, Bill. "On finitely generated lattices of finite width". Canadian Journal of Mathematics. Journal Canadien de Math\'ematiques 33.1 (1981): 28-48. Print.
- Sands, Bill. "Generating sets for lattices of dimension two". Discrete Math. 29.3 (1980): 287-292. Print.
- Rival, Ivan and Sands, Bill. "On the adjacency of vertices to the vertices of an infinite subgraph". Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 21.3 (1980): 393-400. Print.
- Gr{\"a}tzer, G., Platt, C. R. and Sands, Bill. "Embedding lattices into lattices of ideals". Pacific Journal of Mathematics 85.1 (1979): 65-75. Print.
- Ginsburg, John and Sands, Bill. "Minimal infinite topological spaces". The American Mathematical Monthly 86.7 (1979): 574-576. Print.
- Rival, Ivan and Sands, Bill. "Planar sublattices of a free lattice. {II}". Canadian Journal of Mathematics. Journal Canadien de Math\'ematiques 31.1 (1979): 17-34. Print.
- Rival, Ivan and Sands, Bill. "A note on the congruence lattice of a finitely generated algebra". Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 72.3 (1978): 451-455. Print.
- Rival, Ivan and Sands, Bill. "Planar sublattices of a free lattice. {I}". Canadian Journal of Mathematics. Journal Canadien de Math\'ematiques 30.6 (1978): 1256-1283. Print.
- Kucera, T. G. and Sands, Bill. "Lattices of lattice homomorphisms". Algebra Universalis 8.2 (1978): 180-190. Print.
- Sands, Bill. "On a problem involving bounded epimorphisms of lattices". Algebra Universalis 7.2 (1977): 211-217. Print.
- Davey, Brian A. and Sands, Bill. "An application of {W}hitman's condition to lattices with no infinite chains". Algebra Universalis 7.2 (1977): 171-178. Print.
- Yao, Andrew C. C., Reingold, Edward M. and Sands, Bill. "Tiling with incomparable rectangles". J. Recreational Math. 8.2 (1975/76): 112-119. Print.
- Rival, Ivan and Sands, Bill. "Weak embeddings and embeddings of finite distributive lattices". Archiv der Mathematik. Archives of Mathematics. Archives Math\'ematiques 26.4 (1975): 346-352. Print.
- Sands, Bill and Duffus, Dwight. "Finite distributive lattices and the splitting property.". , (March 2002). Print.
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