Gavin Cameron

Gavin Cameron

Contact information


Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-4185


Educational Background

B.A. History, University of Nottingham, 1993

Master in Literature International Security Studies, University of St. Andrew's, 1995

Doctor of Philosophy International Relations, University of St. Andrew's, 1998


Areas of Research

International Relations

Terrorism and counterterrorism, Canadian foreign policy in the Indo-Pacific, Intelligence, International security, Historical approaches to International Relations

Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
POLI 283 Issues and Trends in World Politics Fall 2024, Fall 2025
POLI 381 Introduction to International Relations Winter 2025, Fall 2025
POLI 575 Intelligence and Policy Fall 2024
POLI 681 Advanced Analysis of International Relations Winter 2026
POLI 689 Unconventional Warfare Fall 2024


Oddities of Violence

Oddities of Violence: Lessons from the Margins of Terrorism, Genocide, and Mass Violence (with Drs. Joshua Goldstein and Maureen Hiebert). This co-edited book arises from a SSHRC funded workshop in June 2023. The project builds on the explanatory frameworks for violence within the terrorism and genocide studies literatures. By examining a series of problematic cases, it identifies the limits of these frameworks and then draws on the resources found in the philosophy of violence literature to offer new insights on the ontological basis of terrorism and genocidal violence.

Canada in the Indo-Pacific

Beyond my primary focus on terrorism and counterterrorism, I have an ongoing research interest in Canadian foreign policy in the Indo-Pacific region. This has resulted in a series of conference papers and, most recently, an article in the Journal of Military & Strategic Studies:

"Canada and Indo-Pacific cooperation: the Quadrilateral Military Dialogue (Quad)" Journal of Military & Strategic Studies 23/3 (2024), 1-38

My current focus is a comparison of Canadian and European approaches to strategic autonomy in the region.

Co-Editor (with John Ferris and Glenn Wilkinson) - Journal of Military & Strategic Studies

The Journal of Military and Strategic Studies is an open-access and peer-reviewed publication that aims to disseminate original scholarship in strategic and military studies to an academic audience, as well as a public one, both nationally and internationally, and to provide a forum for the discussion of issues related to security, broadly defined. It approaches these topics from an academic position, open to all sectors of opinion, rather than one of advocacy. 

The Journal welcomes submission of high quality articles and is committed to publishing work by graduate students as well as by more established scholars.

The JMSS website is