Felicia Glatz
Learning and Design Specialist
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Contact information
Web presence
Office: MacKimmie Tower (MT)201
For media enquiries, contact
Dean Parthenis
Director, Media & Issues Management
Cell: +1.403.629.5806
Office: +1.403.210.6815
Email: dparthen@ucalgary.ca
Preferred method of communication
Email please
Educational Background
BFS Honours Film Studies, Univeristy of Calgary, 2014
M.Ed Educational Research, University of Calgary,
Felicia Glatz is a learning and design specialist with the Faculty of Graduate Studies. A two-time alumna of UCalgary, Felicia has worked in both healthcare and arts festival programming. Her specialties, which include workplace learning, inclusive education, and workplace education, inform the design and delivery of professional development and research communications skills training.
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