Fay Strohschein

Fay Strohschein


Postdoctoral Associate

Faculty of Nursing, Research Staff

Contact information

Web presence


Office: PF4240B

For media enquiries, contact

Lynda Sea, Senior Manager - Communications

Office: +1.403.471-9762
Email: lsea@ucalgary.ca
Twitter: @ucalgarynursing

Preferred method of communication



Educational Background

PhD McGill University, 2020

MSc (Applied) Nursing, McGill University , 2005

BSc Psychology, University of Alberta, 1997


Dr. Fay Strohschein completed her PhD in nursing at McGill University in 2020, with a joint focus on psychosocial oncology and aging. Her PhD research provided in-depth insight into cognitive, practical, and relational processes of treatment decision making among older adults diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

Dr. Strohschein’s research interests grew from her clinical work with the Consultation Service for Senior Oncology Patients at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal. She worked as a Clinical Nurse Specialist/Nurse Navigator with this innovative team for more than 10 years after its inception in 2006.

In 2015, Dr. Strohschein co-founded the Oncology and Aging Special Interest Group within the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology.

Dr. Strohschein is currently working Dr. Sandra Davidson and Dr. Linda Watson to align health care delivery with the needs and concerns of older Albertans with cancer and their families.


Areas of Research

Psychosocial oncology, Aging, Treatment decision making, Geriatric oncology, Health services research, Grounded theory, Qualitative methods, Constructivist research, Symbolic Interactionism