Dr. Emily Rogers-Bradley
Assistant Professor
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Assistant Professor
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Full Member
McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health
Child Health & Wellness Researcher
Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute
Contact information
For media enquiries, contact
Joe McFarland
Media Relations and Communications Specialist
Cell: +1.403.671.2710
Email: Joe.Mcfarland@ucalgary.ca
Educational Background
PhD Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2023
SM Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019
SB Biomedical Engineering, Harvard University, 2015
Dr. Emily Rogers-Bradley joined the University of Calgary as an Assistant Professor in 2023. Dr. Rogers-Bradley is the director of the Adaptive Bionics Lab, researching the design of quasi-passive prostheses and exoskeletons that adapt to speed, terrain, and ground surface for walking and running optimization. Her research merges precision machine design, biomechanics, and robotics for the development of new types of prostheses and exoskeletons.
Prior to coming to Calgary she obtained her PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in February 2023. She received an SM in Mechanical Engineering from MIT in 2019 and an SB in Biomedical Engineering from Harvard University in 2015. She has also spent several years in industry as a Mechatronics Engineer at Ekso Bionics, where she designed robotic exoskeletons for stroke and spinal cord injury rehabilitation. Dr. Rogers-Bradley serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering and for the 10th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics.
Areas of Research
We design and develop robotic prosthetic devices to restore and augment function for people with lower limb amputations.
We develop wearable exoskeletons/orthoses to correct gait abnormalities and enhance performance.
We study the biomechanics of human gait to better understand important functionalities of wearable robotic devices as well as assessing impact of developed devices.
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
BMEN 600 | Biomedical Engineering Foundations | F23, F24 |
ENME 493 | Machine Component Design | W24, F24 |
- Graduate Research Fellow, National Science Foundation. 2017
- Runner-up, MIT Mechanical Engineering Research Exhibition. 2019
- Dean's Award for Outstanding Engineering Thesis Projects, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2015
- 3rd Place International Student Design Showcase, Design of Medical Devices Conference. 2015
- Variable-stiffness prosthesis improves biomechanics of walking across speeds compared to a passive device. E Rogers-Bradley, SH Yeon, C Landis, DRC Lee, and HM Herr. Scientific Reports. (2024)
- Design and Evaluation of a Quasi-Passive Variable Stiffness Prosthesis for Walking Speed Adaptation in People With Transtibial Amputation. E Rogers-Bradley, SH Yeon, C Landis, and HM Herr. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 1-12. (2023)
- An Ankle-Foot Prosthesis for Rock Climbing Augmentation. E Rogers-Bradley (Rogers), M Carney, SH Yeon, TR Clites, D Solav, and HM Herr. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 11. (2021)
- Acquisition of Surface EMG Using Flexible and Low-Profile Electrodes for Lower Extremity Neuroprosthetic Control. SH Yeon, T Shu, H Song, TH Hsieh, J Qiao, E Rogers-Bradley (Rogers), S Gutierrez-Arango, E Israel, and HM Herr. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics. 9. (2021)
- Passive Dynamic Walking with Arms: Sagittal Plane Bifurcation and Stability. M Jaberi Miandoab and E Rogers-Bradley. 2024 10th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob). 845-851. (2024)
- Flexible Dry Electrodes for EMG Acquisition within Lower Extremity Prosthetic Sockets. SH Yeon, T Shu, EA Rogers, H Song, TH Hsieh, LE Freed, and HM Herr. IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob). 8. (2020)
- A Quasi-Passive Knee Exoskeleton to Assist During Descent. E Rogers-Bradley (Rogers), P Polygerinos, S Allen, F Panizzolo, C Walsh, and D Holland. International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob). 2. (2016)
- Smart and Connected Actuated Mobile and Sensing Suit to Encourage Motion in Developmentally Delayed Infants. E Rogers-Bradley (Rogers), P Polygerinos, E Goldfield, and C Walsh. ASME Journal of Medical Devices: Design of Medical Devices Conference. 2. (2015)
- Soft Wearable Orthotic Device for Assisting Kicking Motion in Developmentally Delayed Infants. K Subramanyam, E Rogers-Bradley (Rogers), M Kulesza, D Holland, J Gafford, E Goldfield, and C Walsh. ASME Journal of Medical Devices: Design of Medical Devices Conference. 2. (2015)
- Patent: Neural Efferent and Afferent Control of Spring Equilibrium, Damping, and Power in Backdrivable and Non-Backdrivable Series-Elastic Actuators Comprising Variable Series Stiffness Mechanisms. HM Herr, M Carney, E Rogers-Bradley (Rogers), and LW Du. WO Patent WO2020086721A3. (2020)
- Patent: Device and Method for Strengthening the Arms of Human Exoskeletons. R Angold, N Fleming, E Rogers-Bradley (Rogers), B Jaegar, and C Paretich. WO Patent WO2017161257A8. (2017)
- Thesis: Design and Evaluation of a Quasi-Passive Variable Stiffness Ankle-Foot Prosthesis to Improve Biomechanics Across Walking Speeds. Emily Rogers-Bradley. Doctoral Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1-176. (2023)
- Thesis: Neurally-controlled ankle-foot prosthesis with non-backdrivable transmission for rock climbing augmentation. Emily Rogers-Bradley (Rogers). Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1-88. (2019)
- Thesis: Assistive Exoskeleton for Injury Prevention During Downhill Walking. Emily Rogers-Bradley (Rogers). Bachelor's Thesis, Harvard University. 1-78. (2015)
In the News
- UCalgary mobilizes students, researchers and robots to help kids thrive. UCalgary News. (2024)
- Engineering Design Workshop Permanent Exhibit. Boston Museum of Science. (2021)
- Augmented. PBS NOVA. (2022)
- How we'll become cyborgs and extend human potential. TED. (2018)
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