Eloise Carr

Eloise Carr


Professor Emerita

Faculty of Nursing, Emeriti

Associate Member

Hotchkiss Brain Institute

Full Member

McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health

Contact information

Phone number

Office: 403.220.6267


Office: PF3238

For media enquiries, contact

Lynda Sea, Senior Manager - Communications

Office: +1.403.471-9762
Email: lsea@ucalgary.ca
Twitter: @ucalgarynursing


Educational Background

PhD Nursing, King's College, 2000

MSc Nursing, King's College, 1994

BSc Honours Nursing, Surrey University, 1984


Dr. Carr moved from the UK to join the Faculty of Nursing in October 2011. In 2013 she took a 0.5 Associate Dean (Students) position in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. A nurse by background, she is strongly committed to improving pain management through interprofessional practice. Dr. Carr supervises masters and doctoral students with an interest in her research areas of pain management, interprofessional education, mixed methods research and knowledge translation (KT).  Dr. Carr has published over 80 articles, three textbooks and a DVD.   As a member of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) she has served on several committees including IASP’s International taskforce for Pain Management in Developing Countries, and their Educational Initiatives Working Group. She was a co-founder of IASP’s Pain Education SIG. Dr. Carr served on council for the British Pain Society (2007-2010), and serves on the Scientific Committee of the Canadian Pain Society.


Areas of Research

Pain management, Interprofessional education, Mixed methods research, Knowledge Translation


Course number Course title Semester
NURS 662 LEC 01 01 The Future of Health Systems 2021

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