Elke Monika Lohmeier-Vogel
Senior Instructor Emerita
Contact information
Educational Background
PhD Technical University of Lund, 1988
MSc Universeity of Alberta, 1981
BSc (Honours) University of Alberta, 1976
Areas of Research
My main research interest for many years has been in the study of bacterial or yeast metabolism and physiology using the technique of phosphorus-31 NMR. I have also focused on purifying or characterizing N-acetylglutamate kinase from plant tissue culture (D. carota (carrot) and A. thaliana). Recently my research has expanded into the area of bacterial and plant metabolomics (E. coli and A. thaliana), with a special focus on the interface between carbon and nitrogen metabolism. One of my duties as senior instructor is to develop new undergraduate laboratory exercises, suitable for publication. This type of activity lends itself well for undergraduate independent research projects and summer work.
Research in progress
1. A. thaliana DSP protein characterization (collaboration with Dr. G. Moorhead). 2. E. coli sampling and extraction protocol development (collaboration with the U of C Bio-NMR Metabolomics Center Dr. Weljie and Dr. R. Dowlatabadi). 3. 31-P NMR studies of naturally occurring mutants or genetically engineered lactic acid bacteria (collaboration with Dr. E. van Niel and Prof. P. Radstrom, University of Lund, Sweden). 4. Comparative protein assay techniques for a BCEM 403 laboratory exercise (N. Perry, Dr. E. Prenner). 5. Nitrogen metabolism laboratory exercises for BCEM 443 (M. Gaunt, D. Ontko).
- Lise Meitner Scholarship for Sabbatical Research (Sweden), 2003,
More Information
- Weers, P.M, Prenner E, Curic S, Lohmeier-Vogel E.M*. A laboratory exercise to illustrate protein-membrane interactions. Biochem Mol Biol Educ. 2016 44:86-94.
- Lohmeier-Vogel E.M, Heeley D.H Biochemical Comparison of Tpm1.1 (alpha) and Tpm2.2 (beta) Tropomyosins from Rabbit Skeletal Muscle. Biochemistry 2016 55, pp 1418–1427
- E.W.J. van Niel , C.U. Larsson, E.M. Lohmeier-Vogel, P.Rådström (2012) The potential of biodetoxification activity as a probiotic property of Lactobacillus reuteri. Int. J. Food Microbiol, 152: 206 –212
- Arsköld E, Lohmeier-Vogel E, Cao R, Roos S, Rådström P, van Niel EW. 2008. Phosphoketolase pathway dominates in Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC 55730 containing dual pathways for glycolysis. J Bacteriol. Jan;190(1):206-12. (link)
- Svensson M, Lohmeier-Vogel E, Waak E, Svensson U, Rådström P. 2007 Altered nucleotide sugar metabolism in Streptococcus thermophilus interferes with nitrogen metabolism. Int J Food Microbiol. Jan 25;113(2):195-200. (link)
- Y.M. Chen, T.S. Ferrar, E.M. Lohmeier-Vogel, N. Morrice, Y. Mizuno, B. Berenger, K.K. Ng, D.G. Muench and G.B. Moorhead. 2006. The PII signal transuction protein of Arabidopisis thaliana forms an arginin-regulated complex with plastid N-acetyl glutamate kinase. J. Biol Chem 281:5726-5733.
- E.M. Lohmeier-Vogel, N. Loukanina, T.S. Ferrar, G.B.G. Moorhead, T.A. Thorpe. 2005. N-acetylglutamate kinase from Daucus carota suspension cultures: embryogenic expression profile, purification and characterization. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43:854-861.
- E.M. Lohmeier-Vogel, S. Ung and R.J. Turner. 2004. In vivo 31P Nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of tellurite toxicity in Escerihia coli. Applied and Envrionmental Microbiology. 70:7342-7347.
- A.D. Melin, E.M. Lohmeier-Vogel. 2004. Using Cytochome c to Monitor Electron Transport and Inhibition in Beef Heart Submitochondrial Particles. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 32:39-44
- H.J. Vogel, D.J. Schibli, W. Jing, E. Lohmeier-Vogel, R.F. Epand and R.M. Epand. 2002. Towards a structure–function analysis of bovine lactoferricin and related tryptophan and arginine containing peptides. Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 80:49-63.
- E.M. Lohmeier-Vogel, K.T. Leung, H. Lee, J.T. Trevors and H.J. Vogel. 2001. The effect of pentachlorophenol (PCP) on the physiology of PCP-degrading microorganisms; a phosphorus-31 NMR study. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67:3549-3556.
- H.J. Vogel, E. Lohmeier-Vogel. 2000. NMR investigations of yeast metabolism: Biochemistry and biotechnology applications. “NMR in Microbiology: Theory and Applications”. Horizon Press. pp. 309-330.
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