Montes Garcés

Dr. Elizabeth Montes Garcés

Pronouns: She/her

Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-3832


Office: CHD324

Preferred method of communication



Educational Background

Ph.D. Spanish American Literature, University of Kansas, 1993

M.A. Spanish American Literature, University of Kansas, 1988

B.A. Honours Spanish and English, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 1984


As an Associate Professor of Spanish, I have cultivated expertise in Latin American Literature, Hispanic Film, and cultural studies. My academic journey includes publishing three books, a monographic issue of the RCEH, and several articles in Tier 1 journals. My current research project seeks to develop a systematic theoretical approach to studying gender-related space in eleven narrative texts written by contemporary Latin American women writers published between 1971 and 2019. My research significantly impacts our understanding of how patriarchal social practices, political repression, and Neoliberalism impact gender roles and the cartographies of Latin American cities.


I have also held/served the following positions:

President, Canadian Association of Hispanists, 2014-2016

Vice President, Canadian Association of Hispanists 2013-2014

Graduate Director, Department of French, Italian and Spanish 2008-2010

Department Head, Department French, Italian and Spanish 2010-2013

Director, Group Study Program in Spain 2014-2024


Areas of Research

Latin American prose fiction, Latin American Film, Latin American and Spanish Comics, Latin American Women Writers, Gender and Space in Latin American Literature and Film, Deterritorialization in Literature and Film, Nomadism, Performance

Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
SPAN 321 Contemporary Hispanic Cultures for Heritage and Bilingual Speakers Winter 2023
SPAN 536.4 General Topics in Hispanic Studies (Women in Comics) Winter 2023
SPAN 628.2 Feminisms and Gender Studies (Graphic Women) Winter 2023
SPAN 421 LEC 01 01 Introduction to Hispanic Prose Winter 2020
SPAN 512.2 Adv Topic SPAN Amrc'n Lit Cult Winter 2021
SPAN 626/536 Women Writers in Latin America
SPAN 537/471 Performance, Violence and Space in Hispanic Film
SPAN 626/536 Identities and Postcolonial Voices


New Trends, Genres, and Graphic Languages in 21st Century Spanish Comics Monographic Issue Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos RCEH (In Progress)

The RCEH monographic issue explores the latest Spanish comic publications, focusing on those that have appeared within the last twenty years, emphasizing the most recent tendencies within graphic narrative in the last decade. We have witnessed profound changes not only within the publishing industry (consolidation of the format of long comics or graphic novels, the appearance of small comic publishers, self-published comics, digital comics) but also with authors themselves (a rise in the number of female comic authors, greater recognition of artists in cultural spheres, a greater variety of graphic styles). Additionally, we can appreciate a unique diversity of comic genres, which stretches from the more traditional narrative styles to the most recent foray of the genre into non-fiction. This generic multiplication has allowed comics to relate to other genres and disciplines (photography, poetry, music, architecture, etc.)


--Francisco Sáez de Adana, Enrique del Rey Cabero (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain), Elizabeth Montes Garcés (University of Calgary)

Space, Place, and Gender in Works by Latin-American Women Writers

In The Newly-Born Woman[1],, Hélène Cixous asks, where is she? Cixous enumerates several dichotomies in philosophical and artistic discourse that have placed women in an inactive, emotional, and pathos-oriented realm that deprives them of agency throughout their lives and stories. As literary scholars, we have also emphasized the importance of plot analysis, which favours a linear sequence of events in time over the spatial dimension of discourse. This book seeks to change that paradigm by developing a systematic theoretical approach to studying gender-related spaces in eleven narrative texts published by contemporary Latin American women writers between 1971 and 2019.


[1] Cixous, Hélène, and Catherine Clément. The Newly Born Woman. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, 1986.

Latin American Cities and Society

It was granted a trans-disciplinary connector grant in 2024.

Project Leader: Dr. Amelia Kiddle


  • Internationalization Award, Faculty of Arts, University of Calgary. 2021
  • Member of the Editorial Board, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos. 2021
  • Research Fellow , Latin American Research Centre. 2018
  • Nomination for Teaching Award, Students' Union. 2015
  • Research Fellow, 2015
  • Latin American Research Centre Fellowship, LARC. 2008
  • Calgary Institute for the Humanities Fellowship, CIH. 2005
  • Teaching Award, Students' Union. 2003


  • El placer masculino y la representación de lo femenino en ‘El avión de la bella durmiente’ de Gabriel García Márquez. Ricardo Tete Mieles, ed. La trastienda de Melquíades: Artefactos par releer a García Márquez.. Montes Garcés. Santa Marta, Colombia, Editorial Universidad del Magdalena. 71-92. (2024)
  • Neoliberalism and Gender Identities in Claudia Piñeiro's Thursday Night Widows. Montes Garcés. Alba de América, vol. 41. 110-121. (2024)
  • ”Locus de la enunciación, espacios y género en la ficción de Rosario Ferré y Mayra Santos Febres”. Epistemologías en confluencia: Sociocrítica y giro decolonial: homenaje a Edmond Cros, Assia Mohssine, ed. . Montes Garcés. Berlin, Peter Lang. 365-376. (2024)
  • ”Heterotopías y género en ‘Solo vine a hablar por teléfono’”. Gabriel García Márquez a 40 años del Nobel: lecturas desde Suecia y Colombia. Julián Vázquez y Juan Moreno, eds. . Montes Garcés. Universidad del Valle Programa Editorial, Cali, Colombia. 305-318. (2022)
  • “Subversión de la idea de nación en Cien años de soledad”. Gabriel García Márquez: Nuevas Lecturas. Juan Moreno Blanco, ed. . Montes Garcés. Santa Marta, Universidad del Magdalena; Bogotá, Universidad de la Salle; Madrid, Ediciones Doce Calles. 127-155. (2020)
  • Violencia y sometimiento en La Sirga de William Vega. Montes Garcés, Elizabeth. Comunicación y género, Vol. 2, Núm. 2. 211-221. (2019)