Dr. Eleonora Buonocore
Undergraduate Advisor, Italian Studies
Faculty of Arts, School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures
Associate Professor (Teaching)
Faculty of Arts, School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures
Contact information
Office: CHC320
Educational Background
Doctor of Philosophy - Italian Language and Literature, Yale University, 2016
Doctor of Philosophy - Philosophy, University of Siena, 2009
M.Phil. - Italian, Yale University, 2013
M.A. - Italian, Yale University, 2013
M.A. - Italian Studies, University of Notre Dame, 2009
Born and raised in the medieval city of Siena, Italy, Dr. Eleonora Buonocore holds a PhD in Medieval Philosophy from University of Siena, (2009) and a MA from University of Notre Dame, IN in Italian Studies. In 2016 she earned her second PhD in Italian Language and Literature from Yale University. In 2017 she was Visiting Assistant Professor of Italian at Colby College, before moving to Canada. In 2021-22 she was a Fellow at the Calgary Institute for the Humanities working on her monograph on the concept of memory in Dante’s Divine Comedy. In 2022 and 2024 she won the Student Union Award for Excellence in Teaching at the University of Calgary.
Her research lies at the intersection between philosophy and literature in the Medieval world, in Dante and in early Renaissance thought. Specifically, she is interested about the connections between theory of knowledge and logic and their repercussions in literary works. She has published articles in Studia Lulliana on Ramon Lull and Lullism, edited chapters on Giordano Bruno’s ethical works, on Boccaccio, she co- edited a volume of Studium (2021) in which she also published an article on Dante’s Convivio and Monarchia as well as she has published on Italian women writers such as Carolina Invernizio and on Italian Film.
She is currently completing her book project titled Dante’s Memory: From Fixity to Fluidity. A Study of Memory in the Divine Comedy (working title) to be submitted for publication to Cambridge University Press, or, in alternative, to University of Notre Dame’s Dante Devers’ Series.
Together with Dr. Giulia Cardillo she is co-editing a volume of essays entitled Imagined Networks in Pre- Modern Italian Literature: Literary Mothers, Literary Sisters, under contract with Lexington Books Publisher, forthcoming at the end of 2024.
Areas of Research
Course number | Course title | Semester |
ITAL 201 | Beginners' Italian I | |
ITAL 203 | Beginning Italian II | |
ITAL 301 | Second Year Italian | |
ITAL 303 | Second Year Italian II | |
ITAL 399 | Topics in Italian Masterpieces [Dante’s Divine Comedy] | |
ITAL 405 | Petrarch’s Canzoniere | |
ITAL 599 | Dante’s Divine Comedy | |
ITAL 399 | Topics in Italian Masterpieces [Boccaccio’s Decameron] | |
ITAL 599 | Italian Renaissance Drama |
- CIH Working Group Grant , 2024
- Student Union Teaching Excellence Award (Faculty of Arts) , University of Calgary. 2024
- CIH Short Term Publishing Grant , 2023
- Taylor Institute, Teaching and Learning Grant, University of Calgary. 2023
- CIH Working Group Grant , 2023
- SSHRC Connection Grant , 2022
- Student Union Teaching Excellence Award (Faculty of Arts) , University of Calgary. 2022
- CIH Working Group Grant , 2022
- Calgary Institute for the Humanities, University of Calgary Resident Fellowship [3 course releases], 2021
- Faculty of Arts Teaching Award (Emergent Teacher Category), 2021
- Student Union Teaching Excellence Award (Honourable Mention, Arts) , 2021
- “The Impact of the Shift to Remote Learning on Collaborative Experiential Learning Projects in Spanish and Italian Language Courses” in Online Language Teaching in Diverse Contexts. Eleonora Buonocore and Angela George. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 144-64. (2022)
- “Introduzione” to Nuove questioni di poetica e gnoseologia in Dante. Eleonora Buonocore and Giulia Cardillo. Studium 117/1 . 9-13. (2021)
- Per una politica e retorica della memoria in Dante. Il ruolo del poeta nella Monarchia a confronto con l’Antepurgatorio. Eleonora Buonocore . Studium 117/1 . 36-58. (2021)
- "Remembering the Convivio: Dante and the Art of Memory" in Dante’s Volume from Alpha to Omega: Inscriptions on the Poet’s Universe. Eleonora Buonocore . Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. 135-152. (2021)
- Monograph titled: Dante’s Memory: From Fixity to Fluidity. (working title) A study of memory in the Divine Comedy. Eleonora Buonocore. - to be submitted for publication to Cambridge University Press, or, in alternative, to University of Notre Dame’s Devers’ Series.
- First contemporary edition, first English translation and study of the Renaissance comedy La Floria by Antonio Vignali. Eleonora Buonocore. - about to be submitted for publication to the University of Toronto Press, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Texts and Translations Series.
- “Demonstration” entry in Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, ed. Marco Sgarbi. Eleonora Buonocore. Springer [Forthcoming 2025 (online)].
- Imagined Networks in Pre-Modern Italian Literature: Literary Mothers, Literary Sisters. Eleonora Buonocore and Giulia Cardillo. Lexington Books Publisher. (2024)
- “Sisters, Mothers and Daughters: Caterina da Siena’s Creation of an Elective Family Through Letters,” in Imagined Networks in Pre-Modern Italian Literature: Literary Mothers, Literary Sisters. E. Buonocore and G. Cardillo. Lexington Books. (2024)
- “Imagined Networks in Early Modern Italian Literature: Literary Mothers, Literary Sisters” in Imagined Networks in Pre-Modern Italian Literature: Literary Mothers, Literary Sisters. E. Buonocore and G. Cardillo. Lexington Books. (2024)
- “Carolina Invernizio’s Nina, la poliziotta dilettante: Bridging Mystery and Serial Romantic Novels” in Italy in the Second Half of the 19th Century: Bridging New Cultures. Eleonora Buonocore et. al.. Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press. 129-148. (2024)
- “Imaginary Journeys: The Literary Sources of Bartolomeo Gentile da Fallamonica’s Canti between Ramon Lull, Dante and Petrarch” in Ramon Llull y los lulistas (siglos XIV-XX). Eleonora Buonocore. Madrid: Editorial Sindéresis. 241-256. (2022)
- Remembering the Convivio: Dante and the Art of Memory. Eleonora Buonocore. Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. (2019)
- Why Could “La Tata” Only Be Italian American? Analyzing the Cultural Complexity Behind the Italian Dubbing Adaptation of “The Nanny". Eleonora Buonocore. Bordighera Press. 57-86. (2019)
- The Other Model: Siena as a Purgatorial City in Dante. Eleonora Buonocore. SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo . 131-142. (2018)
- “Antonella Anedda,” in Those Who from Afar Look like Flies: An Anthology of Italian Poetry from Pasolini to the Present, v. 2, eds. Luigi Ballerini and Giuseppe Cavatorta. Eleonora Buonocore. [Toronto: University of Toronto Press, forthcoming, 2025].
- The Rhetoric of Sisterhood and Motherhood in Catherine of Siena’s Letters. Eleonora Buonocore. American Association for Italian Studies (AAIS). (2024)
In the News
- Literary Sisters. (2024)
- A Tale of Two Montefeltros. YouTube. (2023)
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