Ehud Sharlin
Contact information
Educational Background
Doctor of Philosophy Computing Science, University of Alberta, 2003
M.Sc. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 1997
B.Sc. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 1990
Areas of Research
Course number | Course title | Semester |
CPSC 481 | Human-Computer Interaction I | Fall |
CPSC 481 | Human-Computer Interaction I | Winter |
- ACM Creativity & Cognition (C&C) 2019 Honourable Mention, ACM Creativity & Cognition (C&C) 2019. 2019
- NSERC Discovery Accelerator Award, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
- ACM CHI 2018 Honourable Mention, ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2018. 2018
- Asian CHI Symposium Best Demo/Poster 2018, SEACHI (Southeast Asia Computer Human Interaction Community), SIGCHI Japan Chapter. 2018
- Students' Invitee for the Faculty of Science Dean’s List Reception,
- 21st Century COE Postdoctoral Fellowship, Japan, 2003
- University of Alberta Dissertation Award, 2002
- Alberta Research Council, Karl Clark Memorial Scholarship, 2001
- Department of Computing Science Ph.D. Research Award, 2000
- Department of Computing Science Academic Excellence Award in Graduate Studies, 1999
- "Merom Techni" Award, IMOD, Israel, 1998
- The Looking Glass: Visually Projecting Yourself to the Past. Ehud Sharlin; B* Aseniero. 282-287. (2011)
- Exercise Pal Mootchi. Ehud Sharlin; W Ng. (2011)
- Designing Snakey: A Tangible User Interface Supporting Well Path Planning. J* Young; Ehud Sharlin; M Sousa; P* Lapides; N* Sultanum; J* Harris. 45-53. (2011)
- Using Brain-Robot Interfaces for Controlling Implicit Social Patterns. E. Sharlin; S. Greenberg; P. Saulnier. (2009)
- My Robot is a Tree-Hugger: Leveraging Emotive Actuation in Sustainable Interaction Design. Ehud Sharlin; J* Harris. (2010)
- Creating Social, Physical, and Authoring Games. Ehud Sharlin; P* Lapides; M Sousa. (2010)
- Showing Robots how to Follow People Using a Broomstick Interface. J Young; Ehud Sharlin; T Igarashi; K Ishii. (2010)
- Exploring Interruption in HRI using Wizard of Oz. S Greenberg; Ehud Sharlin; P Saulnier. (2010)
- Exploring Interpersonal Touch-Based Interaction and Player Socialization in Prism Squad: GO!. C* Watts; P Woytiuk; Ehud Sharlin. (2010)
- Exploring Minimal Nonverbal Interruption in HRI. P* Saulnier; S Greenberg; Ehud Sharlin. 79-86. (2011)
- A Study of Self-Actuated Dynamic Wall Display (in Japanese). S Greenberg; Y* Asari; K Takashima; Ehud Sharlin; T* Oyama; Y Kitamura. 62-71. (2016)
- Rethinking Temporospatiality in Everyday Virtual Environments. Ehud Sharlin; M Sousa; W Ryu; A* Mostafa; S Chan. (2016)
- AV-Pedestrian Interaction Design Using a Pedestrian Mixed Traffic Simulator. J Young; K Mahadevan; S Somanath; Ehud Sharlin Dr.; E Sanoubari. ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2019). (2019)
- Mutation: Leveraging Performing Arts Practices in Cyborg Transitioning. P Finn; S Somanath; Ehud Sharlin Dr.; E Sanoubari; J Young; N Hammad. ACM Creativity & Cognition (C&C) 2019. (2019)
- "Come To Me Nice Butterfly" Drone Form in Collocated HDI. E. Sharlin; J Cauchard. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019), iHDI - International workshop on Human-Drone Interaction. (2019)
- Robotic Actors: Using Theatrical Robots for Rapid Design and Prototyping. A Green-Harrison; T Au Yeung; E. Sharlin. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019), Workshop on the Challenges of Working on Social Robots that Collaborate with People. (2019)
- Developing Novel Cyborg Interactions From Atomic Tasks. E. Sharlin; P Finn; N Hammad; S Somanath. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019), Workshop on Body As a Starting Point for Interactive Technology Design. (2019)
- Affective Sound Synthesis: Considerations in Designing Emotionally-Engaging Timbres for Computer Music. A* Pon; David Malcolm Eagle; Ehud Sharlin. (2011)
- Emotive Expression through the Movement of Interactive Robotic Vehicles. E* Kryski; Ehud Sharlin. 91-99. (2011)
- Graspable Music and Vuzik: Music Learning and Creativity Using an Interactive Surface. J Ichino; Ehud Sharlin; A* Pon; David Malcolm Eagle; Sheelagh Carpendale. 1-4. (2011)
- Exploration of Vehicle Personality Expressed through Motion. E Kryski; Ehud Sharlin. (2010)
- Re-Collision: A Collision Reconstruction Forensics Tabletop Interface. C Foster; N* Sultanum; K Rutherford; Ehud Sharlin; M* Tozser. 81-84. (2012)
- VRSpineSim: Applying Educational Aids within A Virtual Reality Spine Surgery Simulator. . Kazuki Takashima; Ahmed E Mostafa*; Sonny Chan; Won H Ryu; Ehud Sharlin; Gail Kopp; Mario Costa Sousa. Proceedings of Computer Graphics International (CGI '19) . 380-387. (2019)
- Photogeist: an augmented reality photography game. E. Sharlin; C. Watts. (2008)
- Touching the Depths: Introducing Tabletop Interaction to Reservoir Engineering. D Miranda-Filho; M Sousa; R Eastick; N* Sultanum; Ehud Sharlin. 105-108. (2010)
- How to Walk a Robot: A Dog-Leash Human-Robot Interface. Y Kamiyama; J Reinchebach; J* Young; Ehud Sharlin; T Igarashi. 376-382. (2011)
- Social Comics: A Casual Authoring Game. P* Lapides; Ehud Sharlin; M Sousa. 259-268. (2011)
- Elevating Communication, Collaboration, and Shared Experiences in Mobile Video through Drones. A Tang; R Tang; Ehud Sharlin; S Bateman; K Dillman; C Neustaedter; Lora Oehlberg; B Jones. 1123-1135. (2016)
- Exploring Immersive Interfaces for Well Placement Optimization in Reservoir Models. Zhangxing Chen; R* Mota; M Costa; Cartwright S*; Ehud Sharlin; H Hamdi. 121-130. (2016)
- 'Maker' within Constraints: Exploratory Study of Young Learners using Arduino at a High School in India. Lora Oehlberg; Ehud Sharlin; Hughes J; S* Somanath; M Costa. ACM CHI'2017, Proceedings of the 2017 SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 96-108. (2017)
- Robotic Mirror Game for Movement Rehabilitation. S Berman; J Young; Ehud Sharlin; S Levy-Tzedek; Y Stiefel; D* Rea. The International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR'17). (2017)
- 3De Interactive Lenses for Visualization in Virtual Environments. Usman Alim; Ehud Sharlin; Rocha; R* Mota; J Silva. Proceedings of IEEE VIS (Short Papers), IEEE SciVis Short Papers 2018. (2018)
- Bod-IDE: An Augmented Reality Sandbox for eFashion Garments. Lora Oehlberg; K* Ta; Ehud Sharlin. ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2018). 33-37. (2018)
- Using Supernumerary Robotic Arms for Background Tasks. A* Tran; Ehud Sharlin; S* Somanath. Graphics Interface (GI 2018) . 38-39. (2018)
- Investigating the Effectiveness of Security-Enhancing Visual Protections for Immersive Collaboration. Zhangxing Chen; Ehud Sharlin; Costa Sousa M; S* Cartwright. Graphics Interface (GI 2018). 36-37. (2018)
- Perspective on and Re-orientation of Physical Proxies in Object-Focused Remote Collaboration. Ehud Sharlin; A Tang; Lora Oehlberg; M* Feick; T Mok. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Honourable Mention Award, CHI 2018). 281:1--281:13. (2018)
- Enabling Pedestrian Communication with Autonomous Vehicles. K* Mahadevan; S* Somanath; Ehud Sharlin. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018), Workshop on "Interacting with Autonomous Vehicles: Learning from other Domains". (2018)
- Communicating Awareness and Intent in Autonomous Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction. K* Mahadevan; Ehud Sharlin; S* Somanath. Proceedings of the 2018 SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 429:1 - 429:12. (2018)
- Designing Action-Characterizing Toy Blocks for Behavior Assessments. Ehud Sharlin; K Takashima; X* Wang; Ishikawa M; Patrick James Finn; Y Kitamura; T Adachi. SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018), Late Breaking Work (LBW). LBW513, pp. 1-6. (2018)
- Toward A Reality-Based Interaction Gaming Experience for Older Adults. J* Stark; Ehud Sharlin; A Tang. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018), Workshop on "Designing Interactions for Ageing Populations". (2018)
- Children’s Blocks: Machine Learning and the Analysis of Motion During Play. Ehud Sharlin; M Ishikawa; K Takashima; Patrick James Finn; X* Wang; Y Kitamura; T Adachi. Asian CHI Symposium at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Asian CHI 2018; best poster/demo award). (2018)
- "Looking for Shoulders in the Land of Giants": How Do We Connect Makers?. Au Yeung T*; E. Sharlin; Lora Oehlberg. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors inComputing Systems (CHI 2018), Workshop on "Maker Movements, Do-It-Yourself Cultures and Participatory Design: Implications for HCI Research". (2018)
- MR-Braintap: Increasing Freedom through Mixed Reality-Brain Computer Interface. Ehud Sharlin; D* Dietz; E Zewdie; A Kirton. CHI '18 Workshop on "Designing Interactions for Ageing Populations". (2018)
- Supernumerary Arms for GesturalCommunication. A* Tran; Ehud Sharlin; Somanath S. SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018), Late Breaking Work (LBW). LBW101, pp. 1-6. (2018)
- Can Interfaces Facilitate Communication in Autonomous Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction?. K* Mahadevan; S* Somanath; Ehud Sharlin. HRI'18 Pioneers Workshop, the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. 309-310. (2018)
- The Way You Move: The Effect of a Robot Surrogate Movement in Remote Collaboration. A Tang; Ehud Sharlin; Lora Oehlberg; M* Feick; A Miede. HRI 2018, the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. 105-106. (2018)
- Personal Space Intrusion in Human-Robot Collaboration. R* Mota; J* Stark; Ehud Sharlin. HRI 2018, the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. 245-246. (2018)
- “Fight-or-Flight”: Leveraging Instinctive Human Defensive Behaviors for Safe Human-Robot Interaction. Ehud Sharlin; K* Mahadevan; S* Somanath. HRI 2018, the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. 183-184. (2018)
- Duopography: Using Back-of-device Multi-touch Input to Manipulate Spatial Data on Mobile Tangible Interactive Topography. N* Li; E, Sharlin. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications (MGIA) 2017. 20:1-20:6. (2017)
- Visibility Perception and Dynamic Viewsheds for Topographic Maps and Models. Ehud Sharlin; M Sousa; W Willet; N* Li. Proceedings of the ACM 5th Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI'17). 39-47. (2017)
- ReflectiveSpineVR: an Immersive Spine Surgery Simulation with Interaction History Capabilities. A* Mostafa; K Takashima; Ehud Sharlin; M Sousa; W Ryu; S Chan. The 5th ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI'17). 20-29. (2017)
- Humanoid Robot Instructors for Industrial Assembly Tasks. D* Norman; T* Quitter; Mostafa A*; A Miede; Patrick James Finn; Ehud Sharlin. The ACM 5th International Conference on Human Agent Interaction (HAI 2017). 295-304. (2017)
- Playing the Mirror Game with a Humanoid: Probing the Social Aspects of Switching Interaction Roles. N* Li; S* Chopra; S* Sicat; Ehud Sharlin. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2017). 1078-1083. (2017)
- ReflectiveHUD: Designing Spatial Interaction History. M Costa; Ehud Sharlin; A* Mostafa. ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2017). 233-237. (2017)
- Tweeting Halo: Clothing that Tweets. W Ng; Ehud Sharlin. (2010)
- Helping Hands: Designing Video Games with Interpersonal Touch Interaction. P Woytiuk; Ehud Sharlin; C* Watts. 55-66. (2010)
- Real-Time Interactive Motion Stylization for Mesh Objects. Ehud Sharlin; M Sousa; P Lapides. (2010)
- Beyond Actuated Tangibles: Introducing Robots to Interactive Tabletops. Ehud Sharlin; S* Somanath; M Sousa. (2013)
- Integrating a Robot in a Tabletop Reservoir Engineering Application. S* Somanath; Ehud Sharlin; M Sousa. (2013)
- Designing the Car iWindow: Exploring Interaction through Vehicle Side Windows. Ehud Sharlin; M Rounding; J* Li; S Greenberg. (2013)
- Interacting with Microseismic Visualizations. Ehud Sharlin; E Brazil; M Sousa; A* Mostafa; S Greenberg. 1749-1754. (2013)
- FractVis: Visualizing Microseismic Events. E Brazil; Sheelagh Carpendale; M Sousa; Ehud Sharlin; David Eaton; A* Mostafa. 384-395. (2013)
- User-Centered Programming by Demonstration: Stylistic Elements of Behavior. J* Young; T Igarashi; Ehud Sharlin; K Ishii. 3106-3110. (2013)
- PetroVis: Exploratory Visualization for Petrographic Characterization. J Cevolani; Ehud Sharlin; A* Mostafa; E Brazil; M Sousa. (2013)
- Poster: Superhumans: a 3DUI Design Metaphor. A* Mostafa; Ehud Sharlin; M Costa. 143-144. (2014)
- MEDi: Human Robot Interaction inPediatric Health. S Greenberg; S* Manesh; Tanya Beran; Ehud Sharlin. (2014)
- Shvil: Collaborative Augmented Reality LandNavigation. M Sousa; Ehud Sharlin; A* Nittala; N* Li. (2014)
- Haptics in Remote Collaborative ExerciseSystems for Seniors. R Tang; Ehud Sharlin; H* Alizadeh; A Tang. (2014)
- Information Visualization Techniques for Exploring Oil Well Trajectories in Reservoir Models. Sheelagh Carpendale; M Costa; Ehud Sharlin; S* Somanath. 145-150. (2014)
- Designing Social Greetings in Human Robot Interaction. B Heenan; Ehud Sharlin; S Greenberg; S* Manesh. 855-864. (2014)
- Interactive Two-Sided Transparent Displays: Designing for Collaboration. S Greenberg; J Jorge; J* Li; Ehud Sharlin. 395-404. (2014)
- 'Explorances' or Why (Some) Physical Entities Help us be More Creative. Ehud Sharlin; M Sousa; S* Somanath. (2014)
- Calamaro: Perceiving Robotic Motion in the Wild. S* Law; Ehud Sharlin; Y Kitamura; K Takashima; J* Harris. 59-66. (2014)
- Ningyō of the CAVE: Robots as Social Puppets of Static Infrastructure. S* Cartwright; N* Li; Ehud Sharlin; M Sousa. 39-44. (2014)
- Designing an Immersive andEntertaining Pervasive Gameplay Experience with Spheros as Game and Interface Elements. B Jones; K Dillman; A Tang; S* Manesh; Ehud Sharlin. (2014)
- Vuzik: The Effect of Large GestureInteraction on Children’s Creative Musical Expression. Ehud Sharlin; J Ichino; Sheelagh Carpendale; David Malcolm Eagle; A* Pon. 240-249. (2014)
- Design and Evaluation of Moving Interactive Tabletops (in Japanese). K Takashima; Y Kitamura; Y* Asari; H Yokoyama; Ehud Sharlin; N* Sakamoto. 54-63. (2015)
- The Concept of DIY as an Education Model for Indian Public Schools. Jennifer Hughes; Ehud Sharlin; M Sousa; S* Somanath. (2015)
- Grasping the t-test: Designing an Interactive System to Communicate Statistics. S* Somanath; I Hargreaves; Ehud Sharlin; K Takashima; E Tse. (2015)
- PhoneEar: Interactions for Mobile Devices that Hear High-Frequency Sound-Encoded Data. S Bateman; Ehud Sharlin; X* Yang; A* Nittala; S Greenberg. 174-179. (2015)
- MovemenTable: The Design of Moving Interactive Tabletops. K Takashima; Y* Asari; Y Hitomi; Y Kitamura; Ehud Sharlin. 296-314. (2015)
- ReservoirBench: An InteractiveEducational Reservoir Engineering Workbench. S* Somanath; M Costa; H Hamdi; A Rocha; Ehud Sharlin. 340-348. (2015)
- Flying Frustum: A Spatial Interface for Enhancing Human-UAV Awareness. N* Li; S* Cartwright; Ehud Sharlin; A* Nittala; M Costa. 27-31. (2015)
- Shared Presence and Collaboration Using a Co-Located Humanoid Robot. J* Wentzel; Ehud Sharlin; J Young; D* Rea. (2015)
- Inspector Baxter: The Social Aspects of Integrating a Robot as a Quality Inspector in an Assembly Line. D* Rea; Ehud Sharlin; J Young; A* Banh. 19-26. (2015)
- 'And He Built a Crooked Camera': A Mobile Visualization Tool to View Four-Dimensional Geometric Object. N* Li; D* Rea; Ehud Sharlin; M Costa; J Young. (2015)
- PLANWELL: Spatial User Interface for Collaborative Petroleum Well-Planning. M Sousa; Ehud Sharlin; S* Cartwright; N* Li; K Takashima; A* Nittala. (2015)
- Exploring the Affect of Abstract Motion in Social Human-Robot Interaction. J* Harris; Ehud Sharlin. 441-448. (2011)
- Collocated Interaction with Flying Robots. Ehud Sharlin; W* Ng. 143-149. (2011)
- Exploring the Reactions of Companion Animals as Unintended Users of Social Robots. S Somanath; T Au Yeung; M Mangat; Ehud Sharlin. ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2019) - Provocations . 33-37. (2019)
- JackVR: A Virtual Reality Training System for Landing Oil Rigs. A* Mostafa; Ehud Sharlin; K Takashima; M Sousa. 453-462. (2015)
- Engaging 'At-Risk' Students through Maker Culture Activities. Jennifer Hughes; S* Somanath; Ehud Sharlin; M Sousa; L Morrison. 150-158. (2016)
- Puppet Master: Designing Reactive Character Behavior by Demonstration,. J. Young; E. Sharlin; T. Igarashi. (2008)
- Exploring the Use of Tangible User Interfaces for Human-Robot Interaction: A Comparative Study. C. Guo; E. Sharlin. (2008)
- Physical Objects and Metaphors for Human-Robot Interaction. C. Guo; E. Sharlin. (2008)
- Three Dimensional Tangible User Interface for Controlling a Robotic Team. E. Sharlin Lapides; Costa Sousa, M.. (2008)
- Napkin Sketch – Handheld Mixed Reality 3D Sketching. M. Costa Sousa; E. Sharlin; M. Xin. (2008)
- Matchmaker: Interpersonal Touch in Gaming. E. Sharlin; C. Watts; P. Woytiuk. (2009)
- The Haptic Tabletop Puck: Tactile Feedback for Interactive Tabletops. N. Marquardt; S. Carpendale; S. Greenberg; M. A. Nacenta; J. Young; E. Sharlin. (2009)
- PlayCubes: Monitoring Constructional Ability in Children using a Tangible User Interface and a Playful Virtual Environment. Y. Kitamura; S. Jacoby; N. Josman; P. L. Weiss; G. Gutwillig; E. Sharlin; M. Koike. (2009)
- Touch and Toys: New Techniques for Interaction with a Remote Group of Robots. C. Guo; J. Young; E. Sharlin. (2009)
- A Digital Mobile Choir: Joining Two Interfaces towards Composing and Performing Collaborative Mobile Music. David Malcolm Eagle; N d’Alessandro; J Wang; A* Pon; S Fels; Ehud Sharlin. 357-360. (2012)
- Interactive 3D Modeling and Visualization of Well Configurations and Trajectories in Reservoir Simulation Post-Processing. E Brazil; Sheelagh Carpendale; N* Sultanum; S* Somanath; C Freitas; M Sousa; J Medeiros; Elizabeth MacKay; Ehud Sharlin. (2012)
- Exploratory Visual Modeling and Analysis of Microseismic Events. A* Mostafa; E Brazil; Ehud Sharlin; M Sousa; Sheelagh Carpendale; R Amorim; David Eaton. (2012)
- A Visual Framework for Reservoir Connectivity Analysis. Zhangxing Chen; Ehud Sharlin; R* Mota; M Sousa; H Hamdi. (2016)
- HappyFeet: Embodiments for Joint Remote Dancing. Ehud Sharlin; A Tang; A Witcraft; H* Alizadeh. (2016)
- Study and Design of a Shape-Shifting Wall Display. K Takashima; Y* Asari; S Greenberg; Ehud Sharlin; Y Kitamura; T* Oyama. 796-806. (2016)
- Interactive Tabletops for Visual Analysis of Reservoir Models. S* Somanath; M Sousa; P* Lapides; R Eastick; Ehud Sharlin; N* Sultanum; D Miranda-Filho. (2012)
- Seamless Mixed Reality Tracking in.
- Vuzik: A Painting Graphic Score Interface for Composing and Control of Sound Generation. N d’Alessandro; A* Pon; Ehud Sharlin; J Ichino; David Malcolm Eagle; Sheelagh Carpendale. 579-583. (2012)
- Style by Demonstration: Teaching Interactive Movement Style to Robots. J* Young; T Igarashi; Ehud Sharlin; K Ishii. 41-50. (2011)
- ‘Point it, Split it, Peel it, View it’: Techniques for Interactive Reservoir Visualization on Tabletops. M Sousa; S* Somanath; Ehud Sharlin; N* Sultanum. 192-201. (2011)
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