Doreen Ezeife

Doreen Anuli Ezeife

Pronouns: she/her


Clinical Associate Professor

Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Oncology

Medical Oncologist

Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Oncology


Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute

Contact information


Web presence

Phone number

Office: 403.521.3912

Preferred method of communication

Admin Assistant

Charmaine McLean


Office: 403.521.3912



Dr. Doreen Ezeife is a Staff Medical Oncologist at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary, Alberta. She completed her medical degree at the University of Toronto. She did her Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology residency training in Calgary followed by a Thoracic Oncology fellowship at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and a Master of Science in Health Technology Assessment and Health Services Research at the University of Toronto. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada in Internal Medicine (2014) and Medical Oncology (2017). Doreen’s research focuses on cancer drug access, drug funding and assessing the value of new cancer treatments. Doreen is the recipient of some prestigious awards for her important research including the Novartis Oncology Young Canadian Investigator Award, Canadian Association of Medical Oncologists’ Fellowship Award, and she has received peer-reviewed grant funding from CIHR, the Alberta Cancer Foundation and Cancer Care Ontario.


Areas of Research

Area of Focus
  • Health services research in oncology
  • Health economics
  • Oncology clinical trials
  • Cancer drug access
  • Cancer drug funding
  • Value
  • Multi-criteria decision analysis
Summary of Research

Dr. Doreen Ezeife's research focuses on health services, health economics, cancer drug access and drug funding and lung cancer research. She has published work evaluating oncology drug approval timelines, the financial burden of cancer treatment and economic evaluations of lung cancer targeted therapy in top-tier oncology journals. Doreen is actively involved in lung cancer clinical trials, and developing new treatments for lung cancer patients.
