Dr. Donald Scott
Associate Professor
Werklund School of Education, Specialization, Leadership
Contact information
Educational Background
PhD Education, Curtin University, 2009
MSc Education Foundations, Curtin University, 2005
BEd , Edith Cowan University, 1984
Dr. Scott is an experienced university instructor teaching within the areas of post-secondary teaching and learning, professional development of teachers and faculty, school and university leadership development, and mixed methods research approaches. Dr Scott has been a Science teacher and school/district leader, professional developer, and a consultant to the Western Australian government in relation to their ICT implementation strategies for schools. Dr Scott’s PhD (2009) was in university teaching and learning within technology-mediated learning environments with implications for academic development and institutional leadership.
Professional & Community Affiliations
Dr. Scott is a member of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Canadian Association for Studies in Educational Administration, the British Educational Leadership and Management Society, and the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia.
Areas of Research
Dr. Scott’s research interests encompass university leadership development, and building capacity in education and other dynamic workplaces. Dr Scott is a Co-Chair and founding member of the International Study of Leadership Development in Higher Education (ISLDHE). He was also a member of the International Study of Principal Preparation (ISPP). These international scholarly collectives focus on leadership development but within different sectors.
Don is currently the journal manager and website developer for the International Journal of Leadership in Learning (IJLL). Don has supervised numerous doctoral students to completion.
- Educational administration and leadership
- Higher education administration and leadership
- Professional development and capacity building
- Leadership development
- Principal preparation
- Teaching and learning methods
- Organizational learning
- Program development and evaluation
- Educational technology
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
EDER 619.24 | Leading Professional Learning | Winter, 2022 |
EDER 619.54 | Inclusive Leadership | Winter, 2022 |
International Study of Leadership Development in Higher Education
- Commendation by the Vice Chancellor, 2009
- Nominated for 2009 Emerald /EFMD Outstanding doctoral research award, 2009
- Australian Postgraduate Award with Stipend (APAWS) scholarship for Doctoral studies, 2009
- SSHRC Insight Grant - Re-Imagining and Innovating Leadership Development and Leadership Theory: Promoting Effective Leadership, Change Agency, and Job Fulfilment. , Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. 2021
- A thematic literature review about academic leadership development: Exploring and comparing Latin American with Non-Latin American leadership literature. Kri, F., Scott, S., & Scott, D. E. . Research in Educational Administration and Leadership.. 378–430. (2021)
- Inclusive leadership during COVID-19 pandemic: How to respond within an inclusion framework. Fournier, E., Scott, S., & Scott, D. E.. International Studies in Educational Administration. (2020)
- (Re)imagining leadership and supports to promote enhanced outcomes for Autism Spectrum Disorder students in universities: Exploring the perspectives of Canadian leaders, accessibility services personnel, teaching faculty, and autistic students. Waisman, T. C., Scott, S., Scott, D. E.. Antistasis. (2020)
- Contemporary expectations for entrepreneurship: Lessons to be learned from a case about the shift in Canadian decanal responsibilities. Scott, D. E., Scott, S., Anne, A., Crosby, S. L., Dudar, L. M., Fournier, E., & Litz, D. R. . Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. 6-19.. (2020)
- Sabbaticals in a research-intensive university: Supports, tensions, and outcomes. Scott, D. E., & Scott, S.. (2022)
- Sabbaticals – The gift of time! A thematic literature review. Scott, S., & Scott, D. E.. (2022)
- Accelerating change in schools: Leading rapid, successful, and complex change initiatives. Shelley Ann Scott; Donald E Scott; Linda M Dudar. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 352. (2017)
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