Dr. Diwakar Krishnamurthy
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Software Engineering
Child Health & Wellness Researcher
Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute
Parex Resources Innovation Fellow (2023-25)
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Software Engineering
Full Member
Hotchkiss Brain Institute
Contact information
Web presence
Phone number
Office: +1 (403) 220-8129
Preferred method of communication
I'm looking for...
Learning opportunities
I am looking for graduate students interested in exploring how AR/VR/wearable technologies can be used to help neurodiverse individuals. Excellent programming skills and HCI experience will be assets.
Research partners
I am seeking industry and community partners to advance practical applications of Extended Reality (XR) and AI that are aimed at improving the quality of life of neurodivergent individuals.
Educational Background
Bachelor of Eng Electrical Engineering, Madurai Kamaraj University, 1995
Doctor of Philosophy Electrical Engineering, Carleton University, 2004
Master of Engineering Electrical Engineering, Carleton University, 1998
Areas of Research
Community support and cognitive science help flourish non-speaking autistics (talk by Dr. Vikram Jaswal at the Rethinking Autism for the 21st Century Symposium, April , 2023)
Interactive AR Applications for Nonspeaking Autistic People? - A Usability Study (talk at ACM CHI, April 2023)
Selected demos
Augmented Reality and Autism - Overview Video
HoloBoard - Holographic Typing Training System for Nonspeaking Autistic People
HoloType (version 1) - Lived Experience Based Communication Training System for Nonspeaking Autistic People
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
ENSF 603 LEC 01 01 | Model & Measure Software Perf | 2022 |
SENG 550 LAB 01 B01 | Scalable Data Analytics | 2022 |
SENG 550 LEC 01 01 | Scalable Data Analytics | 2022 |
Funded by SSHRC, NSERC, and Alberta Innovates. Joint work with Dr. V. K. Jaswal (University of Virginia) and Dr. Mea Wang (University of Calgary)
co-PI of project funded by NSERC and Alberta Innovates. (PI - Dr. Abraham Fapojuwo)
PI of research program funded by NSERC.
co-PI of project funded by MITACS and Telus (PI - Dr. Frank Maurer; co-PIs - Dr. Hatem Abou-Zeid; Dr. Mea Wang; Dr. Richard Zhao)
- Schulich Momentum - Excellence Award, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary. 2023
- Schulich Service Excellence Award, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary. 2019
- Great Supervisor Award, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Calgary. 2018
- Best paper award, IEEE/IFIP Integrated Network Management Conference (IEEE/IFIP IM). 2015
- Professor of the Year (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Engineering Undergraduate Student Society, University of Calgary. 2013
- Incremental machine learning and genetic algorithm for optimization and dynamic aeration control in wastewater treatment plants. Celestine Monday; Mohamed S. Zaghloul; D. Krishnamurthy; G. Achari. Journal of Water Process Engineering. (2024)
- A Survey on Beyond 5G Network Slicing for Smart Cities Applications. Wajid Rafique; Joyeeta Barai; Abraham Fapojuwo; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. (2024)
- A Review of AI-Driven Control Strategies in the Activated Sludge Process with Emphasis on Aeration Control. Celestine Monday; Mohamed S. Zaghloul; Gopal Achari; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. Water. (2024)
- A Review of AI-based Aeration Control Methods in the Activated Sludge Process for Wastewater Treatment. Celestine Monday; Mohamed S. Zaghloul; Gopal Achari; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. Environmental Research. (2023)
- Trace-Driven Scaling of Microservice Applications. Vahid Mostofi; Evan Krul; Diwakar Krishnamurthy; Martin Arlitt. IEEE Access. (2023)
- PERIDOT: Modeling Execution Time of Spark Applications. Sarah Shah; Yasaman Amannejad; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society. (2021)
- Diaspore: Diagnosing Performance Interference in Apache Spark. Sarah Shah; Yasaman Amannejad; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. IEEE Access. (2021)
- Decentralized LPV-MPC Controller with Heuristic Load Balancing for a Private Cloud Hosted Application. Durgesh Sing; PS Saikrishna; Ramkrishna Pasumarthy; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. Elsevier Control Engineering Practice. (2020)
- PRIMA: Subscriber-Driven Interference Mitigation for Cloud Services. Joydeep Mukherjee; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. IEEE TNSM. (2020)
- AMIR: Analytic Method for Improving Responsiveness by Reducing Burstiness. Amir Kalbasi; Diwakar Krishnamurthy; Jerry Rolia. ACM TOMPECS. (2019)
- Prospective: A Data-Driven Technique to Predict Web Service Response Time Percentiles. Yasaman Amannejad; Diwakar Krishnamurthy; Behrouz H. Far. IEEE Access. (2021)
- Enhancing Network Slice Identification in Beyond 5G: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Approaches. Sujesh Padhi; Diwakar Krishnamurthy; Abraham Fapojuwo. 38th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2025, Short Paper Track). 1-4. (2024)
- Compression and Transmission of 8K Stereoscopic VR Using VAE-GAN Latents and Standard Encoders. Sampreet Vaidya; Hatem Abou-Zeid; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. 1-8. (2024)
- SLA-Driven Performance Prediction for Co-Hosted DNNs. Sarah Shah; Yasaman Amannejad; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. 38th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2025, Mini Conference Track).. 1-8. (2024)
- TYLE: Tile-based Dynamic Quality Enhancement for 360-degree Video Streaming. Sonali Keshava; Mea Wang; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2024). 1-8. (2024)
- Evaluating Gaze Interactions within AR for Nonspeaking Autistic Users. Ahmadreza Nazari; Lorans Alabood; Molly Rathbun; Vikram K. Jaswal; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. The ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST 2024). 1-9. (2024)
- Budget Aware Performance Testing of Microservices. Quinn Cooper; Yasaman Amannejad; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE CLOUD 2024). 1-8. (2024)
- A Comparative Analysis of Generative Adversarial Networks for Generating Cloud Workloads. Niloofar Sharifsadr; Diwakar Krishnamurthy; Yasaman Amannejad. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE CLOUD 2024). 1-8. (2024)
- Towards an Augmented Reality Agent to Support Communication for Nonspeaking Autistic People. Travis Dow; Pratishtha Pratishtha; Lorans Alabood; Vikram K. Jaswal; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2024 - Late Breaking Work (LBW) Track). (2024)
- From Letterboards to Holograms: Advancing Assistive Technology for Nonspeaking Autistic Individuals with the HoloBoard. Lorans Alabood; Travis Dow; Kaylyn B. Feeley; Vikram K. Jaswal; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2024). 1-15. (2024)
- Optimization of B5G Network Slicing for Smart Cities Applications Using the MGBFS Algorithm. Joyeeta Barai; Abraham Fapojuwo; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Mobile and Wireless Networks Symposium. 1-6. (2024)
- Personalizing an AR-based Communication System for Nonspeaking Autistic Users. Ahmadreza Nazari; Lorans Alabood; Kaylyn B. Feeley; Vikram K. Jaswal; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. 29th ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI 2024). (2024)
- Predicting the Performance of DNNs to Support Efficient Resource Allocation. Sarah Shah; Yasaman Amannejad; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. 19th International Conference on Network and Service Management (mini conference). 1-7. (2023)
- AR-Based Educational Software for Nonspeaking Autistic People - A Feasibility Study. Ali Shahidi; Lorans Alabood; Kate M. Kaufman; Vikram K. Jaswal; Diwakar Krishnamurthy; Mea Wang. 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2023). 1-9. (2023)
- iStream: A Flexible Container-Based Testbed for Multimedia Streaming. Navid Akbari; Reza Hedayati Majdabadi; Akram Ansari; Mea Wang; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. 2023 IEEE 6th International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR). 1-6. (2023)
- Transfer Learning for Online Prediction of Virtual Reality Cloud Gaming Traffic. Sampreet Vaidya; Hatem Abou-Zeid; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. IEEE Global Communications Conference: Next-Generation Networking and Internet (IEEE GLOBECOM). (2023)
- Antifreeze: High-Quality Adaptive Live Streaming with Real-time Transcoder. Asif Mehmuda; Mea Wang; Reza Hedayati Majdabadi; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. The 48th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). (2023)
- Can Cross-Reality Help Nonspeaking Autistic People Transition to AR Typing?. Lorans Alabood; Travis Dow; Kate M. Kaufman; Vikram K. Jaswal; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2023 - Late Breaking Work (LBW) Track). 1-6. (2023)
- Interactive AR Applications for Nonspeaking Autistic People? A Usability Study. Ahmadreza Nazari; Ali Shahidi; Kate M. Kaufman; Julia E. Bondi; Lorans Alabood; Vikram K. Jaswal; Diwakar Krishnamurthy; Mea Wang. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2023). (2023)
- HoloType-CR: Cross Reality Communication Training for Nonspeaking Autistic Persons. Lorans Alabood; Evan Krul; Ali Shahidi; Vikram K. Jaswal; Diwakar Krishnamurthy; Mea Wang. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR '22) (1st Workshop on Prototyping CR-Systems Track). (2022)
- HoloType: Lived Experience Based Communication Training for Nonspeaking Autistic People. Diwakar Krishnamurthy; Vikram K. Jaswal; Ahmadreza Nazari; Ali Shahidi; Pranav Subbaraman; Mea Wang. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2022) (Late Breaking Work Track). (2022)
- Oasis: Performance Matching IoT Emulation. Navid Alipour; Mea Wang; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. IEEE CLOUD 2021. (2021)
- Fast and Efficient Performance Tuning of Microservices. Vahid Mostofi; Diwakar Krishnamurthy; Martin Arlitt. IEEE CLOUD 2021. (2021)
- CONTRAST: Container-based Transcoding for Interactive Video Streaming. Sajad Sameti; Mea Wang; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. IEEE NOMS 2020. (2020)
- A Contention Aware Web of Things (WoT) Benchmarking Testbed. Raoufeh Hashemian, Niklas Carlsson; Diwakar Krishnamurthy; Martin Arlitt. ICPE 2020. (2020)
- RAD: Detecting Performance Anomalies in Cloud-based Web Services. Joydeep Mukherjee; Alex Baluta; Marin Litoiu; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. IEEE CLOUD 2020. (2020)
- Fast and Lightweight Execution Time Predictions for Spark Applications. Sarah Shah; Diwakar Krishnamurthy; Yasaman Amannejad; Mea Wang. IEEE CLOUD 2019. 1-4. (2019)
- WoTbench: A Benchmarking Framework for the Web of Things. Raoufeh Hashemian; Niklas Carlsson; Diwakar Krishnamurthy; Martin Arlitt. iOT 2019. (2019)
- Container-Based Real Time Video Transcoding. Sajad Sameti; Mea Wang; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. IEEE LCN 2019. 1-4. (2019)
- Quick Execution Time Predictions for Spark Applications. Sarah Shah; Yasaman Amannejad, Diwakar Krishnamurthy; Mea Wang. IEEE CNSM 2019. 1-10. (2019)
- Stride: Distributed Video Transcoding in Spark. Sajad Sameti; Mea Wang; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. IEEE IPCCC 2018. (2018)
- Subscriber-Driven Cloud Interference Mitigation for Network Services. Joydeep Mukherjee; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. IEEE IWQoS 2018. (2018)
- Performance management via MPC for Web services in cloud. Durgesh Sing; Joydeep Mukherjee; PS Saikrishna; Ramakrishna Pasumarthy; Diwakar Krishnamurthy. ACC 2018. (2018)
In the News
- Schulich Connects panel focuses on inclusivity through tech for neurodiverse people. UToday. (2024)
- ETHEREAL research group develops augmented reality programs for non-speaking autistic individuals. The Gauntlet Publication Society. (2025)
- Augmented reality technology helps non-speaking autistic population find their voice. UToday. (2023)
- Myth-busting technology gives people with non-verbal autism a voice. UToday. (2022)
- UCalgary research to give voice to minimally verbal autistic population. UToday. (2021)
More Information
Dr. Lorans Alabood
Research Engineers
Ahmadreza Nazari
Ali Shahidi
Current students
Sarah Shah (co-supervisor: Dr. Yasaman Amannejad)
Kyle Otto Jorgensen (co-supervised, supervisor: Dr. Mea Wang)
Travis Dow
Sampreet Vaidya (co-supervised, supervisor: Dr. Hatem Abou-Zeid)
Pratishtha Pratishtha
Sepehr Ganji (co-supervised, supervisor: Dr. Mea Wang)
Desiree Leal
Sajad Sarlaki
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