Deniz Sezer
Associate Professor
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Contact information
Educational Background
PhD Operations Research, Cornell University, 2005
B.S. (Hons) Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, 2000
BSE (Hons) Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2000
Areas of Research
- Discovery Grant, NSERC. 2010
More Information
Journal articles - peer reviewed
Sezer, Deniz, Le, Khoa and Kouritzin, Michael. "Laws of large numbers for super-critical branching Gaussian processes". Stochastic Processes and Applications (to appear), Print.
Sezer, Deniz and Salisbury, Tom. "The moment densities of super Brownian motion and an Harnack estimate for a class of X-harmonic functions". Potential Analysis 41.4 (2014): 1347-1358. Print.
Sezer, Deniz and Salisbury, Tom. "Conditioning super-Brownian motion on its boundary statistics, and fragmentation". Annals of Probability 41.5 (2013): 3617-3657. Print.
- Sezer, Deniz and Madras, Neal. "Quantitative bounds for Markov Chain Convergence: Wasserstein and Total Variation distances". Bernoulli 16.3 (2010): 882-908. Print.
- Sezer, Deniz. "Filtration Shrinkage by level-crossings of diffusion". Annals of Probability 35.2 (2007): 739-757. Print.
- Sezer, Deniz, Jarrow, Robert and Protter, Philip. "Information Reduction by level-crossings in a credit risk model". Finance and Stochastics 11.2 (2007). Print.
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