Headshot. Caucasian male in a navy sweater and maroon shirt.

David Barrett

Pronouns: He/Him

Contact information

Phone number

Mobile: 403.404.0562


Office: BI376


Educational Background

PhD Geography, University of Victoria,

MSc Geography, University of Regina,


My current research focus is on under-ice ecology of lake systems, with a focus on ice cover properties and its influence on primary producers. Alongside my research, I also manage the Aquatic Ecology lab, where we undertake a wide range of research including looking at the impact of municipal wastewater on the basal food web of the Bow River, a number of different project in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, and other cold-regions aquatic research.

I am currently also exploring how we can improve our understanding of the interplay between urban growth/change and water availability and quality. This is being done with a community-focus in both urban and rural areas.


Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
ECOL 425 Quantitative Biology II Fall 2023
GEOG 204 Global Environmental Change Spring 2023
GEOG 308 Climate and Ecosystems Fall 2023
BIOL 315 Quantitative Biology I Winter 2024
ENSC 505 Special Problems in ENSC Winter 2024
