Dr. Darrell Belke
Adjunct Professor
Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Cardiac Sciences
Libin Cardiovascular Institute
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Educational Background
PhD Pharmacology, University of Alberta,
Dr. Belke is a graduate of the University of Alberta and has more than 30 years experience with research and teaching in Academia, including time spent conducting biomedical research at the University of Alberta, the University of Calgary and the University of California at San Diego. Dr. Belke has authored > 70 publications dealing with the physiology and biochemistry of the heart, and is well known for some of the earliest studies using transgenic mouse models to examine energy metabolism in the heart. His current work includes the characterization of cardiovascular physiology in transgenic mouse models through the use of Echocardiology, pressure-volume loop analysis, and numerous surgical models designed to examine the impact of gene expression within various cardiovascular disease models and treatments. Given his research experience, Dr. Belke serves as a resource for a number of projects involving molecular and physiological methods within the Libin Cardiovascular Institute.
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