Dr. Cora Jane Voyageur
Contact information
Phone number
Office: +1 (403) 220-6507
Educational Background
Doctor of Philosophy Sociology, University of Alberta, 1997
Master of Education Educational Foundations, University of Alberta, 1993
Bachelor of Arts Sociology, University of Alberta, 1990
Dr. Cora Voyageur is an Indigenous social scientist who has made many contributions to academic sociology and to the communities with whom she has worked. A member of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation and a residential school survivor, she is a full Professor of Sociology at University of Calgary where she has taught since 1998. Her research focuses on Indigenous women’s leadership, health, entrepreneurship, and community development, and the ways in which Indigenous peoples have shaped Canadian society.
Dr. Voyageur has published or co-published 9 monographs and edited books, including Firekeepers of the 21st Century: First Nations Women Chiefs (McGill-Queens Press, 2008), Hidden in Plain Sight: Contributions of Aboriginal Peoples to Canadian Identity and Culture, Volumes I and II (University of Toronto Press, 2005, 2011), and Indigenous Identity Formation in Post-Secondary Institutions (Brush Education, 2020). She currently has a manuscript under review at a university press. Cora has published dozens of academic articles, book chapters, and community reports, and presented her research at more than 100 academic conferences and international fora such as the Oxford Round Tables in Britain and the United Nations in New York.
Areas of Research
- Killam Award, University of Calgary. 2021
- Women's History Month featured profile, Alberta Government website. 2020
- Community Engaged Research Award, U of C Faculty of Arts. 2019
- Paul Fleck Writing Residency Scholarship, The Banff Centre. 2019
- Paul Fleck Writing Residency Scholarship, Banff Centre. 2019
- Lay Bencher, Alberta Government Department of Justice. 2018
- Naming Ceremony, 2014
- Circle of Honour, Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women. 2009
- committee appointment, 2009
- Regional Aboriginal Acheivement Award - Leadership, Municipality of Wood Buffalo. 2009
- Regional Aboriginal Recognition Award - Lifetime Acheivement, Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. 2009
- Wall of Honour, 2009
- Alberta Centennial Medal, 2005
- committee appointment, 2005
- Distinguished Alumni Grande Prairie College, 2004
- Presidents Award Celebrating Excellence, Alberta Learning, 2004
- Historical Background to Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Kathleen Mahoney. JCharlton Publishers. --. (2022)
- Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Wise Practices in Community Development 4th edition. Laura Brearley and Brian Calliou. University of Calgary Press. (2021)
- From Holy Angels Indian Residential School to University Professor. Cora Jane Voyageur. University of Toronto Press. 369-394. (2021)
- First Nations Women and Colonial Policy. Palgrave Handbook of Gender, Sexuality and Canadian Politics. 439-458. (2021)
- "First Nations women and Colonial Policy" . Manon Tremblay and Joanna Everitt. 439-458. (2020)
- Leading the Nations: First Nations Chiefs in Canada. Cora Jane Voyageur. SSHRC funded research project. (2020)
- Resource Development and a Small Northern Town. Cora Jane Voyageur. 250. (2020)
- The History of Truth and Reconciliation. Cora Jane Voyageur; Kathleen Mahoney. University of Calgary Press. 300. (2019)
- I found Myself in the most Unlikely Place: Indigenous Identity Formation in Post Secondary Institutions. Barbara G Barnes; Cora Jane Voyageur. Theytus Press. (2019)
- First Nations Women and Colonial Policy. Cora J Voyageur. Palgrave McMillian. (2019)
- The History of Indigenous Education in Canada. Cora Jane Voyageur. University of Calgary Press. (2019)
- A Personal Account of Day-to-Day Life in Residential School. Cora Jane Voyageur. (2019)
- My Heroes Have Always Been Indians: Contributions of Indigenous Peoples to Alberta Society. Cora Jane Voyageur. Brush Education Ltd.. (2018)
- Leading the Nations: First Nations Chiefs of Canada. Buffalo Mountain Drum, The Banff Centre. 5-7. (2016)
- Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Wise Practices in Community Development. Laura Brearley, Brian Calliou. Banff: Banff Centre Press. 3-30. (2016)
- Restorying the Leadership Role: Indigenous Women in Politics and Business Canada. Banff: Banff Centre Press. 129-154. (2016)
- Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park case study;. Restorying Indigenous Leadership: wise practices in Community development: Banff: Banff Centre Press. 301-308. (2016)
- Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Wise Practices in Community Development. Laura Brearley, Brian Calliou. Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Wise Practices in Community DevelopmentBanff: Banff Centre Press. 329-343. (2016)
- The difficult was easy - the impossible took a little longer: Canada's First Female Chief - Elsie Marie Knott. Kirsten burnett, Geoff Read. Indigenous History Reader, 2nd ed.. 216-236. (2016)
- Contemporary First Nations Women's Issues . David A. Long, Olive Dickason. Visions of the Heart: Contemporary Issues, 4th ed.; Toronto Oxford Press. (2015)
- Introduction: Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Wise Practices in Community Development. Laura Brearley, Brian Calliou. Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Wise Practices in Community Development: Banff: Banff Centre Press. 3-34. (2015)
- Restorying the Indigenous Role: Indigenous Women in Politics and Business in Canada. Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Wise Practices in Community Development: Banff: Banff Centre Press. 135-157. (2015)
- Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park case study;. Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Wise Practices in Community Development: Banff: Banff Centre Press. 300-307. (2015)
- Conclusion. Laura Brearley, Brian Calliou. Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Wise Practices in Community Development: Banff: Banff Centre Press. 325-348. (2015)
- Introduction. Laura Brearley, Brian Calliou. Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Wise Practices in Community Development: Banff: Banff Centre Press. 3-30. (2014)
- Restorying the Leadership Role: Indigenous Women in Politics and Business Canada. Laura Brearley, Brian Calliou. Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Wise Practices in Community Development: Banff: Banff Centre Press. 129-154. (2014)
- Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park Case Study. Laura Brearley, Brian Calliou. Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Wise Practices in Community Development: Banff: Banff Centre Press. 299-306. (2014)
- Conclusion. Laura Brearley, Brian Calliou. Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Wise Practices in Community Development: Banff: Banff Centre Press. 299-306. (2014)
- The difficult was easy - the impossible took a little longer: Canada's First Female Chief - Elsie Marie Knott. Kirsten Burnett, Geoff Read. Indigenous History Reader. 345-365. (2012)
- Introduction. David Newhouse, Dan Beavon. Hidden in Plain Sight: Contributions of Aboriginal Peoples to Canadian Identity and Culture, Volume II; Toronto: University Toronto Press. 3-11. (2011)
- Conclusion. David Newhouse, Dan Beavon. Hidden in Plain Sight: Contributions of Aboriginal Peoples to Canadian Identity and Culture, Volume II; Toronto: University Toronto Press. 409-417. (2011)
- Economic Development and Aboriginal Communities. Brian Calliou. Racism, Colonialism, and Indigeneity in Canada; Halifax: Oxford University Press. 203-218. (2011)
- Contemporary First Nations Women's Issues. David Long, Olive Dickason. Visions of the Heart: Contemporary Issues, 3rd ed.; Toronto: Oxford University Press. 213-237. (2011)
- Everett Soop. Heather Devine. Everett Soop Exhibition Catalogue; Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 30-36. (2007)
- Aboriginal Economic Development and the Struggle for Self Government. Brian Calliou, Wayne Antony, Leslie Samuelsson. Power and Resistance: Critical Thinking about Canadian Social Issues, 4th ed.; Halifax: Fernwood Publishing. 135-160. (2007)
- Introduction. David Newhouse, Dan Beavon. Hidden in Plain Sight: Contributions of Aboriginal Peoples to Canadian Identity and Culture, Volume I; Toronto: University Toronto Press. 3-13. (2005)
- Doing our Share: Employment and Entrepreneurship in Canada's Aboriginal Communites. Duane Champagne, Karen Torgeson. Indigenous Peoples and the Modern State: Comparative Perspectives from Canada, the United States, and Mexico; Los Angeles: AltaMira Press. 69-85. (2005)
- Multiple Points of Light: Grounds for Optimism among First Nations in Canada. David Newhouse, Dan Beavon. Hidden in Plain Sight: Contributions of Aboriginal Peoples to Canadian Identity and Culture, Volume I; Toronto: University Toronto Press. 425-454. (2005)
- The Community Owns You: Experiences of Canada's Women Chiefs. Meryn Stuart, Andrea Martinez. Out of the Ivory Tower: Taking Feminist Research to the Community; Toronto: Sumach Press. 228-247. (2004)
- In from the Cold: Aboriginal Media in Canada. David Taras, Frits Pannekook. Media in Canada 2000; Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 165-184. (2003)
- Economic Development and Aboriginal Communities. Wayne Antony, Leslie Samuelsson. Power and Resistance: Critical Thinking about Canadian Social Issues, 3rd ed.; Halifax: Fernwood Publishing. 121-144. (2003)
- From Many Peoples Strength: Demographics and democracy in Saskatchewan. Joyce Green, Howard Leeson. Saskatchewan Politics: 2000 and beyond; Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre. 337-348. (2002)
- We get knocked down but we get up again: Adaption and Survival as First Nations People. Beverly Rasporich, David Taras. Passion for Identity 4th ed.;Toronto: ITP Nelson Publishers. 139-160. (2001)
- Globalization and Development at the Bottom. Joyce Green, Ellen Judd, Marilyn Porter. Feminists Doing Development; New York: Zed Books. 142-157. (2000)
- Contemporary Aboriginal Womens Issues. Visions of the Heart: Contemporary Issues 2nd ed.; Toronto: Harcourt Brace Canada. 81-106. (2000)
- Employment Equity and Aboriginal People in Canada. Annette Richardson. International Multiculturalism 1998: Preparing for the 21st Century; Edmonton: The Kanata Learning Company. 534-542. (1998)
- Economic Development and Aboriginal Communities. Brian Calliou, Wayne antony, Leslie Samulesson. Power and Resistance: Critical Thinking about Canadian Social Issues; Halifax: Fernwood Publishing. 115-134. (1998)
- Contemporary Aboriginal Women's Issues. David Long, Olive Dickason. Visions of the Heart: Contemporary Issues 1st ed; Toronto: Harcourt Brace Canada. 93-115. (1996)
In the News
- CBC Radio about Colton Boushie Case.
- Interview by Shaye Ganum about discovery of human remains at Cowessess Indian Residential School in Saskatchewan. QR77/630 Ched. (2021)
- Discovery of human remains at Kamloops Indian Residential School. CBC Radio interview by Judy Aldus. (2021)
- Remains found at Kamloops Residential School. QR77/630 Ched interview by Shaye Ganum. (2021)
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