Clifton Cunningham
Associate Dean (Students)
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Contact information
Educational Background
PhD Mathematics, University of Toronto, 1997
MSc Mathematics, University of Toronto, 1992
Areas of Research
- Status Appointment, University of Toronto. 2015
- Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques visiteur, 2005
- Newton Institute visitor, 2005
- University Faculty Research Award, University of Calgary, 2001
- Junior Fellow, Trinity College Toronto, 1996
- Daniel D. DeLury Teaching Award, University of Toronto, 1995
More Information
- Cunningham, Clifton and Nevins, Monica. Ottawa Lectures on Admissible Representations of p-adic Groups Fields Institute Monograph Series, 2009. 207 pages. Print.
Books and monographs - peer reviewed
- Cunningham, Clifton, Moussaoui, Ahmed, Mracek, James, Fiori, Andrew and Xu, Bin. Arthur packets for p-adic groups by way of microlocal vanishing cycles of perverse sheaves, with examples. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 2021. Print.
Conference proceedings
- Aubert, A. and Cunningham, Clifton. An introduction to sheaves on adic spaces for {$p$}-adic group representation theory 46. 2002.
- Cunningham, Clifton. Characters of depth-zero supercuspidal representations 1999.
Journal articles - peer reviewed
- Cunningham, Clifton and Roe, David. "From the function-sheaf dictionary to quasicharacters of p-adic tori". Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 17.1 (2018): 1--37. Print.
- Cunningham, Clifton and Achter, Jeffrey. "A note on L-packets and abelian varieties over local fields". Pacific Journal of Mathematics 273.2 (2015): 395--412. Print.
- Cunningham, Clifton and Kamgarpour, Masoud. "Geometrization of continuous characters of $\mathbb{Z}_p^\times$". Pacific Journal of Mathematics 261.1 (2013): 95-99. Print.
- Cunningham, Clifton, Gordon, Julia and Spice, Loren. "On the computability of some positive-depth characters near the identity". Representation Theory 15. (2011): 531--567. Print.
- Cunningham, Clifton and Achar, Pramod. "Toward a Mackey formula for compact restriction of character sheaves". Contemporary Mathematics 543. (2010): 1--18. Print.
- Cunningham, Clifton and Dembélé, Lassina. "Computation of genus 2 Hilbert-Siegel modular forms over Q(sqrt{5}) via the Jacquet-Langlands Correspondence". Experimental Mathematics 18.3 (2009): 337--345. Print.
- Cunningham, Clifton and Gordon, Julia. "Motivic proof of a character formula for SL(2)". Experimental Mathematics 18.1 (2009): 11--44. Print.
- Cunningham, Clifton. "Report from the Ambassador to Cida-2". College Mathematics Journal 39.5 (2008): 337--345. Print.
- Cunningham, Clifton and Hales, Thomas. "Good Orbital Integrals". Representation Theory 8. (2004): 414--457. Print.
- Cunningham, Clifton and Achter, Jeffrey. "Isogeny classes of Hilbert-Blumenthal abelian varieties over finite fields". Journal of Number Theory 92.2 (2002): 272--303. Print.
- Cunningham, Clifton. "Characters of depth-zero, supercuspidal representations of the rank-2 symplectic group". Canadian Journal of Mathematics 52.2 (2000): 306--331. Print.
PhD thesis
- Cunningham, Clifton. From perverse sheaves to Shalika germs: the characters of depth-zero supercuspidal representations of Sp(4) 1997.
- Cunningham, Clifton and Roe, David. "Commutative character sheaves and geometric types for supercuspidal representations". Arxiv, (2017). Print.
- Cunningham, Clifton and Dembélé, Lassina. "Lifts of Hilbert modular forms and application to a Conjecture of Gross". Arxiv, (2017). Print.
Technical papers / research reports
- Cunningham, Clifton, Achar, Pramod, Kamgarpour, Massoud, Roe, David and Salmasian, Hadi. Geometrization of Smooth Characters (Banff International Research Station, Research in Pairs) 2011.
- Cunningham, Clifton and Achar, Pramod. Geometrization of Smooth Characters (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach) 2011.
- Cunningham, Clifton, Moeglin, Colette and Vinayak, Vatsal. L-packets (Banff International Research Station, 5-day workshop) 2011.
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