Claude Laflamme

Claude Laflamme

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Educational Background

PhD Mathematics, University of Michigan, 1987

MSc Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, 1983

BSc Mathematics, Laval University, 1981


Areas of Research

Set theory, Theory of homogeneous structures, Graph theory, e-Learning systems



  • 2019 Winner: Outstanding Achievement in Information and Communications Technology sponsored by TELUS, Alberta Science and Technology Leadership (ASTech) Foundation. 2019
  • Teaching Excellence in 1st Year Engineering, Engineering Students' Society. 2016
  • Teaching Excellence Award, Students' Union. 2018
  • Peak Scholar, Celebrating Excellence in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Calgary. 2015

More Information

Journal Articles

Laflamme, Claude, Pouzet, Maurice, Woodrow, Robert and Sauer, Norbert. "The Poset of Copies for Automorphism Groups of Countable Relational Structures". J. of Mult.-Valued Logic & Soft Computing 36.4 (2021): 353–381. Print.

Laflamme, Claude, Woodrow, Robert, Soukup, Daniel T and Aranda, Andres. "A universal partition result for infinite homogeneous Kn-free and related graphs.". Discrete Math. 344.1 (2020). Print.

Laflamme, Claude, Woodrow, Robert, Soukup, Daniel and Aranda, Andres. "Balanced independent sets in graphs omitting large cliques". Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 137. (2019). Print.

Laflamme, Claude, Pouzet, Maurice and Sauer, Norbert. "Invariant subsets of scattered trees and the tree alternative property of Bonato and Tardif". Abhandlungen Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg Volume in memory of Rudolf Halin. (2017): 1-40. Print.

Laflamme, Claude, Pouzet, Maurice and Woodrow, Robert. "Equimorphy - The Case of Chains". Archive for Math. Logic 56 Special issue in honour of Jim Baumgartner.7 (2017): 811-829. Print.

Laflamme, Claude, Sauer, Norbert and Dobrinen, Natasha. "Rainbow Ramsey simple structures". Discrete Mathematics 339.11 (2016): 2848-2855. Print.

Laflamme, Claude, Sauer, Norbert, Pouzet, Maurice and Zaguia, Imed. "Pairs of orthogonal countable ordinals". Discrete Mathematics 335. (2015): 35-44. Print.

Laflamme, Claude, Jasinski, Jakub, Woodrow, Robert and Nguyen Van The, Lionel. "Ramsey precompact expansions of homogeneous directed graphs". Electronic J. Combinatorics 21. (2014): 4-42. Print.

Laflamme, Claude, Duffus, Dwight, Pouzet, Maurice and Woodrow, Robert. "Convex sublattices and a fixed point property.". Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 8.1 (2013): 1-30. Print.

Cameron, Peter, Laflamme, Claude, Pouzet, Maurice, Tarzi, Sam and Woodrow, Robert. "Overgroups of the automorphism group of the Rado graph.". Fields Inst. Commun. 68. (2013). Print.

Laflamme, Claude, Nguyen Van Thé, Lionel and Sauer, Norbert. "Distinguishing Number of Countable Homogeneous Relational Structures". Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 16(1). (2010). Print.

Laflamme, Claude, Nguyen Van Thé, Lionel and Sauer, Norbert. "Partition properties of the dense local order and a colored version of Milliken's theorem.". Combinatorica 30.1 (2010): 83-104. Print.

Laflamme, Claude and Seyffarth, Karen. "Distinguishing chromatic number of bipartite Graphs". Elec. Journal of Combinatorics 16.1 (2009): #R76. Print.

Laflamme, Claude, Nguyen Van Thé, Lionel, Pouzet, Maurice and Sauer, Norbert. "Partitions and Indivisibility Properties of Countable Dimensional Vector Spaces". Jour. Comb. Theory, Series A 118.1 (2009): 67-77. Print.

Delhomme, Christian, Laflamme, Claude, Pouzet, Maurice and Sauer, Norbert. "Indivisible ultrametric spaces.". Topology Appl. 155.14 (2008): 1462–1478. Print.

Laflamme, Claude, Duffus, Dwight and Pouzet, Maurice. "Retracts of posets: the chain-gap property and the selection property are independent.". Algebra Universalis 59.1-2 (2008): 243–255. Print.

Delhomme, Christian, Laflamme, Claude, Pouzet, Maurice and Sauer, Norbert. "Divisibility of countable metric spaces". European Journal of Combinatorics 28. (2007): 1746-1749. Print.

Laflamme, Claude and Sauer, Norbert. "Canonical partitions of universal structures". Combinatorica. An International Journal on Combinatorics and the Theory of Computing 26.2 (2004): 183-205. Print.

Laflamme, Claude and Leary, Christopher C.. "Filter games on {$\omega$} and the dual ideal". Fundamenta Mathematicae 173.2 (2002): 159-173. Print.

Brendle, J, Just, Winfried and Laflamme, Claude. "On the refinement and countable refinement numbers". Questions and Answers in General Topology 18.2 (2000): 123-128. Print.

Laflamme, Claude and Scheepers, Marion. "Combinatorial properties of filters and open covers for sets of real numbers". The Journal of Symbolic Logic 64.3 (1999): 1243-1260. Print.

Garcia-Ferreira, Salvador and Laflamme, Claude. "The {$\gamma\sb p$} property and the reals". Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 126.6 (1998): 1791-1798. Print.

Laflamme, Claude and Zhu, Jian. "The {R}udin-{B}lass ordering of ultrafilters". The Journal of Symbolic Logic 63.2 (1998): 584-592. Print.

Laflamme, Claude and Szalkai, Istv. "Counting simplexes in {$\bold R\sp 3$}". Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 5. (1998): Research Paper 40, 11 pp. (electronic). Print.

Laflamme, Claude. "Combinatorial aspects of {${\rm F}\sb \sigma$} filters with an application to {$\scr N$}-sets". Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 125.10 (1997): 3019-3025. Print.

Laflamme, Claude. "A few special ordinal ultrafilters". The Journal of Symbolic Logic 61.3 (1996): 920-927. Print.

Laflamme, Claude. "Strong meager properties for filters". Fundamenta Mathematicae 146.3 (1995): 283-293. Print.

Laflamme, Claude. "Bounding and dominating number of families of functions on {$\omega$}". Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40.2 (1994): 207-223. Print.

Laflamme, Claude. "Partitions of {$k$}-branching trees and the reaping number of {B}oolean algebras". Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 34.2 (1993): 397-399. Print.

Shelah, Saharon, Laflamme, Claude and Hart, Bradd. "Models with second order properties. {V}. {A} general principle". Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 64.2 (1993): 169-194. Print.

Laflamme, Claude. "Zapping small filters". Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 114.2 (1992): 535-544. Print.

Laflamme, Claude. "Equivalence of families of functions on the natural numbers". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 330.1 (1992): 307-319. Print.

Laflamme, Claude. "Some possible covers of measure zero sets". Colloquium Mathematicum 63.2 (1992): 211-218. Print.

Laflamme, Claude. "A few {$\sigma$}-ideals of measure zero sets related to their covers". Real Analysis Exchange 17.1 (1991/92): 362-370. Print.

Just, Winfried and Laflamme, Claude. "Classifying sets of measure zero with respect to their open covers". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 321.2 (1990): 621-645. Print.

Laflamme, Claude. "Upward directedness of the {R}udin-{K}eisler ordering of {$P$}-points". The Journal of Symbolic Logic 55.2 (1990): 449-456. Print.

Compton, Kevin J. and Laflamme, Claude. "An algebra and a logic for {${\rm NC}$}". Information and Computation 87.1-2 (1990): 241-263. Print.

Blass, Andreas and Laflamme, Claude. "Consistency results about filters and the number of inequivalent growth types". The Journal of Symbolic Logic 54.1 (1989): 50-56. Print.

Laflamme, Claude. "Forcing with filters and complete combinatorics". Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 42.2 (1989): 125-163. Print.

Hatcher, William S. and Laflamme, Claude. "On the order structure of the hyperreal line". Zeitschrift f\"ur Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 29.3 (1983): 197-202. Print.

Special Issues

Laflamme, Claude. Filter games and combinatorial properties of strategies 1996.