Dr. Cindy May Graham
Professor (Teaching)
Contact information
Educational Background
PhD Plant Hormone Physiology, University of Calgary, 2000
Areas of Research
My scholarship focuses on the development and evaluation of effective instructional strategies and curriculum that promote student learning, engagement and advancement of foundational skills. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that instructional strategies that actively engage students with the course content, in both lecture and laboratory, allow them to develop a deeper understanding of the subject material, to retain knowledge for longer periods of time and to apply knowledge when faced with novel situations. Research also suggests that students exposed to learning environments that foster a conceptual understanding of scientific facts and principles rather than those focused on information delivery are more likely to remain in, and graduate from, science programs. For the last two years, we have been completing a detailed study of student learning in first year biology classes following a major curriculum revision. Within both the Natural Sciences Program and the Department of Biological Sciences, I work to incorporate effective evidence-based teaching strategies in my classes. I work with colleagues to develop assignments, in-class activities and laboratories that actively engage students and encourage the development of foundational skills.
- Educational Leadership, Killam. 2013
More Information
†Reid LF*, Graham CM*, Flanagan K, Lefebvre J. 2014. Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment of Teaching Through Classroom Observations: How, what, when, where and why. Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching. Calgary, AB. May 13-14.
†Graham CM*, Addy HD, Huddleston WR, Stallard J. 2013. Less Traditional – More conceptual: Enhancing Student Learning in First-Year Biology. Western Conference on Science Education. London, ON. July 6-8.
†Graham CM*, Addy HD, Huddleston WR, Stallard J. 2011. Evaluating student learning in large introductory biology courses: predictors of student success and lessons for course redesign. Western Conference on Science Education. London, ON. July 6-8.
Graham CM*. 2011. Engaging in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: American Society of Microbiology Biology Scholars Research Residency. Alberta Introductory Biology Association, Calgary. May 3-5.
Darden A*, Graham CM*. 2010. The American Society for Microbiology's Biology Scholars Program: Catalyzing Undergraduate Biology Education Reform Through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Mount Royal University 2010 Centennial Symposium on
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Banff, AB. November 10-13.
Thompson RI*, Graham CM, Stallard J, Russell AP, Gardiner HP, Hunt IR, Louro A, Reid LF, Stephenson B. 2008. RAISE and its Faculty Teaching Engagement Survey at the University of Calgary. Contributed Talk, 64th Annual Congress of the Canadian Association of Physicists, Moncton, NB, June 7-10.
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