Dr. Chad Saunders
Associate Professor
Haskayne School of Business, Entrepreneurship and Innovation [ENTI]
Academic Director
Haskayne School of Business, Embedded Certificate in Entrepreneurial Thinking (ECET)
Adjunct Associate Professor
Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences
Contact information
Phone number
Main Campus: +1 (403) 220-6075
Office: SH-482
For media enquiries, contact
Janice Hillmer
Senior Communications Strategist
Email: janice.hillmer@ucalgary.ca
Educational Background
B.Sc. Applied Mathematics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1996
MBA Information Systems, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2000
PhD Management Information Systems, University of Calgary, 2006
ICD.D Institute of Corporate Directors, 2016
Dr Saunders joined the Haskayne School of Business as an Assistant Professor in 2007 and holds adjunct appointments with the Department of Community Health Sciences and the Department of Medicine at the Cumming School of Medicine, where he is the eHealth Services and Strategy Lead with the healthcare innovation incubator the Ward of the 21st Century (w21c.org).
Dr Saunders received a BSc (Applied Mathematics, 1996) and MBA (Information Systems, 2000) from Memorial University of Newfoundland and a PhD (Management Information Systems, 2006) from the Haskayne School of Business.
Chad has developed and taught various courses in entrepreneurship, innovation management, information systems, project management, qualitative research methods, and strategy at the University of Calgary, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Athabasca University, and the University of San Francisco.
Chad currently teaches the graduate Introduction to Entrepreneurship for non-MBA students (ENTI 781) and the undergraduate Principles of Entrepreneurship (ENTI 381). Chad also teaches Management Information Systems and serves as a Project Coach in the Executive MBA program. Chad’s areas of expertise focus on the management and governance of innovation within organizations, leveraging social enterprises and the effective use of technology by professionals.
Chad's program of research spans three streams of activity. The first deals with the impact of technology use in professional practices, the second explores the design and innovation of technology enabled knowledge management in organizations, and the third considers the support that entrepreneurs draw upon with a particular interest in the role of academic-industry collaborations and academics engaged in entrepreneurial activities.
Chad has published in leading journals including Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Journal of Business Venturing, Research Policy, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, and the Ivey Business Journal. Chad’s program of research is funded through various grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), Alberta Innovates - Health Solutions (AIHS), and Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR).
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
ENTI 415 LEC 01 01 | Software Venturing | 2021 |
ENTI 625 LEC 01 01 | Intro to Entrepreneurship | 2021 |
ENTI 627 LEC 01 01 | Venture Development | 2021 |
ENTI 672 LEC 01 01 | Thinking like an Entrepreneur | 2020 |
ENTI 672 LEC 02 02 | Thinking like an Entrepreneur | 2020 |
- PEAK Scholar, 2014
- Senior Research Fellow, The Centre for Innovation Studies (thecis.ca. 2021
- Assessing the Practical Application of Social Knowledge: A Survey of Six Leading Canadian Universities. Hawkins, R., Langford, C., & Saunders, C. Research Policy, 44(1). 83-95. (2015)
- A Roadmap for Academic-Industry Collaborations in Information Systems Research: Avoiding Rigor Mortis. Marcolin, B. & Saunders, C.. Database for Advances in Information Systems, 46(3). 23-51. (2015)
- Social Enterprise as Poverty Reducing Strategy for Women. Fotheringham, S. & Saunders, C.. Journal of Social Enterprise, 10(3). 176-199. (2014)
- Healthy e-health? Think 'environmental e-health'!. Scott, R.E., Saunders, C., et al. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 161. 132-138. (2010)
- Comment on Editorial "Telemedicine Is Green". Scott RE, Saunders C.. Telemed J E Health, 16(1). 118-119. (2010)
- The Potential Impact of e-Health on our Environment: Introducing a New and Essential Concept.. Scott RE, Saunders C, Loewen L, Twynstra T, Battcock A, Stayberg S.. Int J Excellence in Healthcare Management. 2009;2(2) . (2009)
- Environmental eHealth: A Social Responsibility for eHealth Proponents. Scott RE, Saunders C, Hebert M.. Global Telemedicine and eHealth Updates, 2. 94-98. (2009)
- Marshalling Resources to Form New Small Ventures: Towards A More Holistic Understanding of Entrepreneurial Support. Hanlon, D. and Saunders, C.. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice. 31(4). (2007)
- Validity of ICD-9-CM Administrative Data for Determining Eligibility for Pneumococcal Vaccination Triggers. Coffin, C., Saunders, C., et al. American Journal of Medical Quality, 19(5). 1-6. (2005)
- Reconciling diverse approaches to opportunity research using the structuration theory. Chiasson, M. and Saunders, C. . Journal of Business Venturing. 20(6). 747-767. (2005)
- Cognitive Heuristics in Software Engineering: Applying and Extending Anchoring and Adjustment to Artifact Reuse. Parsons, J. and Saunders, C. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 30(12). 873-885. (2004)
- Rapid-Growth Firms: The Challenge of Managing Information Technology. Saunders, C. and Chan, Y.. Ivey Business Journal, 66(3). 62-67. (2002)
- Mindfulness of ethical codes of conduct in DIY marketing research decisions.. Jack D Kulchitsky; William Chad Saunders. Academy of Marketing Science. 8. (2019)
- Synergistic Impacts of Entrepreneurial and Learning Orientations on Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Steel Piers; Kanhaiya Sinha; William Chad Saunders; James Dewald. (2019)
- Learning and Innovation in SMEs. Simon Raby; James Dewald; Kanhaiya Sinha; William Chad Saunders. (2019)
- Analysis of Software Service Usage in Healthcare Communication Services. . A Hemmati; William Chad Saunders; Chris Carlson; Guenther Ruhe. (2017)
- Assessing the User Experience of Medical Students using the educational application HepAPPtology. William Chad Saunders; Kelly Burak; Anthony Tang; K Grindrod-Millar. (2017)
- Policy Implications of the Entrepreneurial Activities of Academics in the Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (SSHA) for Higher Education Research and Development (HERD). Saunders, C., Hawkins, R. & Langford, C.. SSHRC Synthesis Report, Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). May 15. 1-35. (2012)
- Knowledge management systems and patenting. Sauders, C.. University of Calgary (PhD Thesis). (2006)
In the News
- The acquisition offer of Wild Rose Brewery by Sleemans. Calgary Herald .
More Information
Mick Elliott, PhD Student (Entrepreneurship & Innovation), Profile
Roger Thompson, DBA Student, Profile
Anne-Marie Malek, DBA Student, Profile
Taoting Li, PhD Candidate (Entrepreneurship & Innovation), Profile
Philip Piercey, PhD Candidate (Entrepreneurship & Innovation), Profile
Kanhaiya Sinha, PhD (Entrepreneurship & Innovation), Convocation 2019, Profile
Richard Rush, DBA, Athabasca University, Convocation 2013, Profile
Stacy Kozak, MSc Community Health Sciences, Convocation 2012, Profile
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