Caroline Tait

Dr. Caroline Tait

Pronouns: her/she



Faculty of Social Work, Calgary Campus

Indigenous Lead, Indigenous Platform, Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program

University of Alberta


Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences

Child Health & Wellness Researcher

Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute

Contact information

Web presence

Phone number

Cell: 306.280.4968
Office: 403.220.6857


Office: MacKimmie MK302

For media enquiries, contact

Don McSwiney

Office: +1.403.220.7083
Twitter: @UCalgary_FSW


Educational Background

PhD Medical Anthropology, McGill University, 2003


Areas of Research

Addictions, Ethics, Health Service Research, Policy, Transplantation


My program of research is community-based, highly applied and critical of historical and present-day discrimination and oppression. The focus of this work: 1) addresses structural racism that contributes and perpetuates inequities experienced by First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) peoples across the human service sector (health, social welfare, justice, education); 2) entrenches distinctive FNMI research and data sovereignty rights in institutional research and knowledge translation (KT) mandates, including facilitating greater access for FNMI community stakeholders, students, and researchers to research resources and opportunities; 3) supports FNMI leadership, self-determination, and capacity building in research at local, regional and national levels; 4) advances theoretical understanding of the political economy of social suffering, and Indigenous resilience and resistance as transformative societal change; and 5) identifies with FNMI community partners, and novel, practical, timely and impactful forms of KT.

Participation in university strategic initiatives