Dr. Carlo Maria Scandolo
Associate Professor
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Associate Professor
Faculty of Science, Institute for Quantum Science and Technology
Contact information
Educational Background
DPhil Quantum foundations and information theory, University of Oxford, 2018
MSc (Hons) Physics, Galilean School of Higher Education - University of Padua, 2015
MSc Theoretical Physics, University of Padua, 2014
BSc Physics, University of Padua, 2012
Carlo Maria Scandolo graduated from the University of Padua, Italy, with a BSc in physics in 2012, and an MSc in theoretical physics in 2014. His master's thesis was on entanglement in general probabilistic theories, under Giulio Chiribella's external supervision. While at the University of Padua, Carlo Maria was also part of the Galilean School of Higher Education, a school of excellence, admitting each year 14 top students from freshers are the Faculty of Science, and providing enhanced university education. After graduating from the University of Padua, Carlo Maria spent a year at Tsinghua University, Beijing, continuing work and research with Giulio Chiribella. In 2015, he was admitted to a DPhil (Oxford PhD) at the University of Oxford, working on quantum information and foundations under Jonathan Barrett's supervision. He graduated in 2018, with a doctoral thesis on the informational foundations of thermodynamics in general probabilistic theories. Carlo Maria joined the University of Calgary in 2018 as a postdoctoral associate, working with Gilad Gour and Barry Sanders on resource theories for quantum information and beyond, with applications even to genetic regulation. From September 2020 to June 2023, Carlo Maria was assistant professor, and since July 2023 he has been associate professor at the Department of Mathematics & Statistics and at the Institute for Quantum Science and Technology.
Areas of Research
Course number | Course title | Semester |
MATH 211 | Linear Methods I | Fall 2024 |
MATH 307 | Complex Analysis I | Winter 2025 |
The development of quantum information theory has seen a major blossoming both of scientific results and technological advances that are becoming commercially available (random number generators, cryptography, etc.).
The key of the success of quantum information lies in the fact that quantum objects are actual resources, for they provide concrete advantage over ordinary (i.e. classical) objects. In other words, the quantum world has a power we can harness.
My research aims at exploring the power and limitations of quantum resources, such as quantum entanglement, in order to devise better protocols and novel quantum technologies that take full advantage of the quantum world.
Crucial ingredients of all quantum technologies are quantum channels, which are ways to transmit quantum information in space (e.g. to a satellite) and through time (e.g. time evolution of a physical system). In order to devise powerful quantum technologies, one must use quantum channels in the most effective way, so that quantum resources are not wasted or destroyed in the process. A proposed large-scale implementation of quantum computing is in a distributed fashion, with quantum channels connecting various nodes of a network, and employing quantum entanglement as an essential resource to carry out computation. In this setting, it is vital to quantify, e.g., the largest amount of entanglement that can be extracted out of a quantum channel, which can then be used to implement the actual distributed computation. My research provides quantitative answers to this and similar issues that are so central for the development of quantum technologies.
My research explores more theoretical problems too, such as generalized scenarios for quantum thermodynamics that formalize an extended version of the second law of thermodynamics. Another theoretical direction concerns the emergence of the classical limit out of generic physical theories that may even be beyond quantum, such as the theories that have been proposed for quantum gravity.
- Trusted Reviewer, IoP. 2022
- Resource theory of imaginarity in distributed scenarios. K. Wu, T. V. Kondra, C. M. Scandolo, S. Rana, G. Xiang, C. Li, G. Guo, A. Streltsov. Commun. Phys. 7 (1). 171. (2024)
- Bell Nonlocality in Classical Systems Coexisting with Other System Types. G. Chiribella, L. Giannelli, C. M. Scandolo. Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (19). 190201 (Editor's Suggestion). (2024)
- Thermodynamic state convertibility is determined by qubit cooling and heating. T. Theurer, E. Zanoni, C. M. Scandolo, G. Gour. New J. Phys. 25 (12). 123017. (2023)
- Quantum hypothesis testing between qubit states with parity. Y. Shen, C. M. Scandolo, L. Chen. Phys. Rev. A 108 (1). 012401. (2023)
- Reply to the Comment on ‘The operational foundations of PT-symmetric and quasi-Hermitian quantum theory’. A. Alase, S. Karuvade, C. M. Scandolo. J. Phys. A 56 (20). 208001. (2023)
- Covariant influences for finite discrete dynamical systems. C. M. Scandolo, G. Gour, B. C. Sanders. Phys. Rev. E 107 (1). 014203. (2023)
- The operational foundations of PT-symmetric and quasi-Hermitian quantum theory. A. Alase, S. Karuvade, C. M. Scandolo. J. Phys. A 55 (24). 244003. (2022)
- Universal structure of objective states in all fundamental causal theories. C. M. Scandolo, R. Salazar, J. K. Korbicz, P. Horodecki. Phys. Rev. Research 3 (3). 033148. (2021)
- Entanglement of a bipartite channel. G. Gour, C. M. Scandolo. Phys. Rev. A 103 (6). 062422 (Editor's Suggestion). (2021)
- Reconstructing quantum theory from diagrammatic postulates. J. H. Selby, C. M. Scandolo, B. Coecke. Quantum 5. 445. (2021)
- Resource theory of imaginarity: Quantification and state conversion. K. Wu, T. V. Kondra, S. Rana, C. M. Scandolo, G. Xiang, C. Li, G. Guo, A. Streltsov. Phys. Rev. A 103 (3). 032401. (2021)
- Operational resource theory of imaginarity. K. Wu, T. V. Kondra, S. Rana, C. M. Scandolo, G. Xiang, C. Li, G. Guo, A. Streltsov. Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 (9). 090401 (Editor's Suggestion). (2021)
- Dynamical Entanglement. G. Gour, C. M. Scandolo. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (18). 180505. (2020)
- The first law of general quantum resource theories. C. Sparaciari, L. del Rio, C. M. Scandolo, P. Faist, J. Oppenheim. Quantum 4. 259. (2020)
- Necessary and sufficient conditions on measurements of quantum channels. J. Burniston, M. Grabowecky, C. M. Scandolo, G. Chiribella, G. Gour. Proc. R. Soc. A 476 (2236). 20190832. (2020)
- Microcanonical thermodynamics in general physical theories. G. Chiribella, C. M. Scandolo. New J. Phys. 19 (12). 123043. (2017)
- Ruling out higher-order interference from purity principles. H. Barnum, C. M. Lee, C. M. Scandolo, J. H. Selby. Entropy 19 (6). 253. (2017)
- Entanglement and thermodynamics in general probabilistic theories. G. Chiribella, C. M. Scandolo. New J. Phys. 17 (10). 103027 (IOPSelect). (2015)
- Nicola Matteis (1676) - Second Book of Ayrs for the Violin. C. M. Scandolo (editor). Edition Walhall (Magdeburg). (2023)
- Nicola Matteis (1676) - First Book of Ayrs for the Violin, vol. 2. C. M. Scandolo (editor). Edition Walhall (Magdeburg). (2016)
- Nicola Matteis (1676) - First Book of Ayrs for the Violin, vol. 1. C. M. Scandolo (editor). Edition Walhall (Magdeburg). (2015)
- Constructor Theory as Process Theory. S. Gogioso, V. Wang-Maścianica, M. H. Waseem, C. M. Scandolo, B. Coecke. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Category Theory (ACT), College Park, MD, USA. EPTCS 397, 137-151. (2023)
- Extending resource monotones using Kan extensions. R. Cockett, I. J. Geng, C. M. Scandolo, P. V. Srinivasan. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Category Theory (ACT), Glasgow, UK. EPTCS 380, 203-223. (2023)
- Density Hypercubes, Higher Order Interference and Hyper-Decoherence: a Categorical Approach. S. Gogioso, C. M. Scandolo. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Quantum Interaction, 11th international conference QI 2018, Nice, France. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 11690, 141–160. (2018)
- Categorical probabilistic theories. S. Gogioso, C. M. Scandolo. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL), Nijmegen, The Netherlands. EPTCS 266, 367–385. (2017)
- Operational axioms for diagonalizing states. G. Chiribella, C. M. Scandolo. Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL), Oxford, UK. EPTCS 195, 96–115. (2015)
- Conservation of information and the foundations of quantum mechanics. G. Chiribella, C. M. Scandolo. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, Kolymbari, Greece. EPJ Web Conf. 95, 03003. (2014)
- Choi-Defined Resource Theories. E. Zanoni, C. M. Scandolo. arXiv:2402.12569 [quant-ph]. (2024)
- Dynamical resources. G. Gour, C. M. Scandolo. arXiv:2101.01552 [quant-ph]. (2021)
- Information-theoretic foundations of thermodynamics in general probabilistic theories. C. M. Scandolo. DPhil thesis. (2018)
- Entanglement as an axiomatic foundation for statistical mechanics. G. Chiribella, C. M. Scandolo. arXiv:1608.04459 [quant-ph]. (2016)
- A generalized approach to resource theories. C. M. Scandolo. MSc thesis. (2015)
- Entanglement and thermodynamics in general probabilistic theories. C. M. Scandolo. MSc thesis. (2014)
- A paradox about an atom and a photon. C. M. Scandolo. arXiv:1310.3344 [physics.gen-ph]. (2013)
In the News
- Quantum computers may work better when they ignore causality. New Scientist. (2024)
- Physicists Rewrite the Fundamental Law That Leads to Disorder. Quanta Magazine. (2022)
- International team including University of Calgary researcher proves 'imaginary' numbers have real function in quantum world. UCalgary News. (2021)
- 'Imaginary' numbers are real (sort of). Live Science. (2021)
- Da studente galileiano a Professore: intervista a Carlo Maria Scandolo (From Galilean student to Professor: interview with Carlo Maria Scandolo, in Italian). YouTube. (2021)
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