Tunde Ogunfowora
Future Fund Professor in Behavioural Business Ethics
Haskayne School of Business, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources [OBHR]
PhD Program Director
Haskayne School of Business, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources [OBHR]
Adjunct Professor
Contact information
Web presence
Phone number
Office: +1 (403) 220-8352
Office: SH446
For media enquiries, contact
Janice Hillmer
Senior Communications Strategist
Email: janice.hillmer@ucalgary.ca
Educational Background
Doctor of Philosophy Industrial/Organizational Psychology, The University of Calgary, 2009
Masters of Arts Psychology, McGill University, 2006
BSc Honours Psychology, The University of Calgary, 2004
Dr. Tunde (roughly pronounced Toon-day) Ogunfowora is a Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) at the Haskayne School of Business (2013-present) and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Calgary. He earned his BSc from the University of Calgary, his Master's degree from McGill University, and his PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Calgary. Prior to joining Haskayne, Tunde was an assistant professor of Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour at the Faculty of Business Administration, University of Regina and the Goodman School of Business, Brock University. Tunde’s Haskayne teaching portfolio includes courses in organizational behaviour, talent management, and organizational leadership. He regularly teaches in the MBA and executive MBA programs. He also teaches advanced applied statistics in the PhD program. He is currently the director of the Haskayne PhD program.
Areas of Research
Tunde's research falls under the broad umbrella of Behavioral Business Ethics. He has researched morally oriented leadership (positive and negative), moral cognitions, moral emotions, and personality in the workplace. In the leadership stream, he has examined the implications of ethical leadership and abusive leadership for understanding employee attitudes and behaviors at work. In the moral cognitions and emotions stream, Tunde is interested in understanding the roles of moral character traits (e.g., Honesty-Humility, Moral Identity) and moral cognitions (e.g., moral disengagement, moral courage and moral ownership) in explaining employee ethical behavior and decision making. He also examines how experiences of moral emotions, such as envy, resentment, guilt, and shame, influence how employees act in the workplace. The intersect among his lines of research entails understanding how external (leadership) and internal (personality, moral emotions, moral cognitions) factors interact to shape employee conduct. His work has been published in mainstream organizational behavior journals, such as the Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Human Relations.
Course number | Course title | Semester |
MGST 799 | Linear and Multilevel Modeling in Mplus (PhD) | |
OBHR 601 | Organizational Behaviour (MBA and executive MBA) | |
OBHR 621 | Advanced Leadership (MBA and executive MBA) | |
OBHR 559 | Talent Management: Recruitment and Selection (BComm) |
- Eyes High Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship, The University of Calgary. 2021
- Dean's Research Grant, The University of Calgary. 2017
- Vice President's Research Grant, The University of Calgary. 2015
- CEO ethical leadership as a unique source of substantive and rhetorical ethical signals for attracting job seekers: The moderating role of job seekers’ moral identity. Ogunfowora, B., Andiappan, M., Stackhouse, M., & *Varty, C. T.. Journal of Organizational Behavior. (2023)
- Do Moral Disengagers Experience Guilt following Workplace Misconduct? Consequences for Emotional Exhaustion and Task Performance. Ogunfowora, B., Nguyen, V. Q., Lee, C. S., Babalola, M. T., & Ren, S.. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 476-494. (2023)
- A meta-analytic investigation of the antecedents, theoretical correlates, and consequences of moral disengagement at work. Ogunfowora, B., Nguyen, V.Q., Steel, P., Hwang, C. C. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(5). 746-775. (2022)
- Stronger together: Understanding when and why group ethical voice inhibits group abusive supervision.. Babalola, M., Garcia, P., Ren, S., Ogunfowora, B., Gok, K. Journal of Organizational Behavior. (2021)
- How do leaders foster morally courageous behavior in employees? Leader role modeling, moral ownership, and felt obligation.. Ogunfowora, B., Maerz, A., & Varty, C. T.. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(3). 483-503. (2021)
- Abusive supervision differentiation and employee outcomes: The roles of envy, resentment, and insecure group attachment.. Ogunfowora, B., Weinhardt, J. M., & Hwang, C. C.. Journal of Management, 47(3). 623-653. (2021)
- The impact of team moral disengagement composition on team performance: The roles of team cooperation, team interpersonal deviance, and collective extraversion. Ogunfowora, B., Stackhouse, M., Maerz, A., Varty, C., Hwang, C., & Choi, J.. Journal of Business and Psychology, 36. 479-494. (2020)
- The mind is willing, but the situation constrains: Why and when leader conscientiousness relates to ethical leadership. Babalola, M. T., Bligh, M. C., Ogunfowora, B., Guo, L., & Garba, O. A.. Journal of Business Ethics, 155 (1). 75-89. (2019)
- Media depictions of CEO ethics and stakeholder support of CSR initiatives: The Mediating Roles of CSR Motive Attributions and Cynicism.. Ogunfowora, B., Stackhouse, M., & Oh, W.. Journal of Business Ethics, 150 (2),. 525-540. (2018)
- Targeted workplace incivility: The roles of belongingness, embarrassment, and power. . Hershcovis, M. S., Ogunfowora, B., Reich, T. C., & Christie, A. M.. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38. 1057-1075. (2017)
- Safety in the c-suite: How chief executive officers influence organizational safety climate and employee injuries. . Tucker, S., Ogunfowora, B., & Diekrager, D.. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(9). 1228-1239. (2016)
- The impact of ethical leadership within the recruitment context: The roles of organizational reputation, applicant personality, and value congruence.. Ogunfowora, B.. The Leadership Quarterly, 25 (3). 528-543. (2014)
- It’s all a matter of consensus: Leader role modeling strength as a moderator of the links between ethical Leadership and employee outcomes.. Ogunfowora, B. Human Relations, 67 (12). 1467-1490. (2014)
- When the abuse is unevenly distributed: The effects of abusive supervision variability on work attitudes and behaviors.. Ogunfowora, B. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(8). 1105-1123. (2013)
- No person is an island: The effects of group characteristics on individual trait expression.. Schmidt, J., Ogunfowora, B., & Bourdage, J. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(7). 925-945. (2012)
- Similarity and assumed similarity in personality reports of well-acquainted persons.. Lee, K., Ashton, M. C., Pozzebon, J.A., Visser, B. A., Bourdage, J. S., & Ogunfowora, B.. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96(2). 460-472. (2009)
- Personality traits beyond the Big Five: Are they within the HEXACO space? . Lee, K., Ogunfowora, B., & Ashton, M. C.. Journal of Personality, 73(5). 1437-1463. (2005)
More Information
Research Grants
SSHRC Insight Development Grant ($68,539) April 2024 – March 2026
. Principal Applicant: Yanhong Li; Co-investigators: Addison Maerz; Babatunde Ogunfowora
. Title: The ebb and flow of workplace moral courage: A diary study unveiling within-person fluctuations.
SSHRC Insight Grant ($71,794) April 2023 – March 2028
• Principal Applicant: Lucas Dufour; Co-investigators: Babatunde Ogunfowora; Meena Andiappan
• Title: Socializing scruples: The effects of morally oriented socialization on newcomer’s unethical pro-organizational behavior over time.
SSHRC Insight Grant (173,634) April 2020 – March 2025
• Sole Applicant: Babatunde Ogunfowora; Collaborator: Piers Steel
• Title: Construct clean up time: Moral character traits and their cognitive-emotional links to moral and immoral employee behaviours at work.
SSHRC Insight Development Grant ($51,794) June 2020 – May 2022
• Principal Applicant: Meena Andiappan; Co-applicant: Babatunde Ogunfowora
• Title: When doing good becomes doing bad: The effects of repeated necessary evil enactment on moral disengagement.
SSHRC Insight Grant ($131,272) July 2018 – June 2022
• Principal Applicant: Joshua Bourdage; Co-applicants: Babatunde Ogunfowora; Nicolas Roulin.
• Title: Manipulation and Influence in the Workplace
SSHRC Insight Development Grant ($72,372) June 2014 – May 2016
• Principal Applicant: Babatunde Ogunfowora; Co-applicant: Meena Andiappan.
• Title: CEO ethical leadership and the recruitment process: Cultivating an ethical workforce by attracting ethical job seekers.
SSHRC Insight Development Grant ($66,609) June 2014 – May 2016
• Principal Applicant: Joshua Bourdage; Co-applicant: Babatunde Ogunfowora.
• Title: Understanding workplace impression management: The role of target characteristics.
SSHRC Standard Research Grant- 4A ($9800) April 2011 - March 2012
• Sole applicant: Babatunde Ogunfowora.
• Title: An investigation of the effects of ethical leadership on the attraction of organizational insiders and outsiders.
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