
Arvind Magesan

PhD (Toronto)

Contact information


Educational Background

Doctor of Philosophy , University of Toronto, 2011

Master of Economics Economics, University of Western Ontario, 2005


Arvind is a Professor of Economics at the UofC, where he has been since 2010. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Toronto (2011). Arvind's research and teaching interests are in econometrics and its application to problems in political economy, industrial organization, and microeconomics more broadly. His work has appeared in leading journals in economics and political science, including the Review of Economic Studies, the American Political Science Review, and the American Economic Journal: Policy, among others. His current work uses state of the art methods in econometrics to study the causes and consequences of election outcomes, in particular, the link between electoral politics and political violence in developing countries, and the process of candidate selection by major political parties. He receives funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Council (SSHRC) of Canada. 


Course number Course title Semester
ECON 497 LEC 01 01 Advanced Econometrics 2022
